n - wxruuuo anomal- Wodnudny. April 16.2014 " by“ 3 Evil" “11 l ’ if $1 1:1 1’ †’ ’ 1.1 â€3h, kg; kip-N l“. g: ff†1 . av l" . .§>' . ï¬g 1 haw ' 1 WW 1 . 1 1 W W . 1 1 , _ 1 , ,. f by“ "‘ . 5: ’ 1; ,: twmaw 1 . a 1 11 1; », W _ A L ~ ‘1 "r“: , . ff ‘ A" 11.1 W, , ‘ ' a , , ‘1, . t 4- ‘ , I I“ I l " ‘A ' 5 Egg painting using the wax-resist - ‘ g “ 1, method (referred to as Pysanka), 1 . 3! W ' 1 usually seen as a Slavic tradition, * 1,53“ 1513 [<5 ‘ dates back approximately 5,000 ‘ " "‘ ' » , years, ' ‘ ’ A?» Last Saturday nigm a small group 'â€" ' . ‘ w; ‘ of interested people took part m a . . f Q mostly-traditional Ukramian Easter ’ I ' egg dying event at The Button Fat» tory, where wax was used to create layers of (clout and intricate A I :_ designs, / Normally, beeswax, a candle and a ' v stylus are used to create the - -, ; imagery, but because of safety " f . \ concerns, lave-melted paraffin wax ' W; l a 33. Q1 was used for the workshop 0 ‘ 4' I I Top-left Olivia Smith, ll, deddes ' ‘ ._ a t“ ‘ ' on he! ï¬m colouv with her mom- “ ' »' er, Elaine Twin-5mm ‘ . Bottomâ€"ML Jacquelme Lxchty, leh, -~ x.‘ , and Glona Coughtrey work on ‘\ W e their initial designs â€" - K Bottomâ€"ï¬ght, an egg ï¬mshed by . ' ‘ ' instructor Karolma (oruk The V ‘ egg took approxlmately seven = : hours to complete ‘ “4 " 1 any mlnc- than,“ 1 o- . f » ï¬n": W . m l ..\r;:: l Mum 1 l ' 1 f , ‘ ‘ ‘._. “at“ “4 ’ ‘ \ 201 4 nommAnous ARE new CLOSED. vonnc BEGINS MAY 7. 2014 t l / 1 ~ ’ ’ .‘/v / ’/I/f/_" {é/Q/‘(ll’L/LM‘ 4&4 . 1