28 - WA’l'liRI A chllRONlCLI-I - Wednesday, March 5, 20†Siskins Sugar Kings semi ï¬nal round could bring ï¬reworks Continued from page 25 gan allowed his guys to attack Siskins play» Sugar Kings the wrong way. undisciplined penaltiesr ers on the ice, Siskins head coach Chris Buehler says the Siskins will need to for» "Sometimes you're going (0 take an extra But it’s just not the score sheet that gets [awry went on the offensive. get the history between the two teams and shot to the face, but you have to take that these two teams riled up about each other. “They did a poor job of managing their focus on playing their game. instead of giving in. whiCh COUld lead to a It's become a little personal. bench . A . it was embarrassing that he would “Leo held us in a lot of those games there, powerplay goal for them and change the Back in November, during the third allow his guys to do that and i couldn‘t be so that record could be a lot different,†said series," said Buehler. Siskins»Sugar Kings matchup of the season, happier that we got the win." said [awry in Buehler. The Siskins played in Guelph on Tuesday the two teams played what could only be an interview with the Chronicle after that “We just have to keep doing what we’ve night, but results were not available bypress described as a “wild west†kind ofgame. game. been doing all season long and we need to time. Bodies were flying, players were ï¬lling up [awry also previously accused Elmira of keep that going through the playolfs" If the Siskins don't win on Tuesday, Game the penalty box and words flew after the running goalie Leo lazarev, “because he's Buehler said that with Elmira’s physicali- 5 will take place at the Waterloo Memorial game not Canadian." ty, his team will have to prepare for that and Recreation Complex on Wednesday Feeling that Elmira head coach Jeff Flana~ Obviously, those accusations rubbed the not get sucked into taking at 7:30 pm. ANDOOMPLETEAPPUCA‘I‘ION Wmm'mwmwm~mm ~ "* m.mm.m,mmn ,." \ mwmmz-tmmmw WM-bmadmmnaootyhhlmbcammn "Nahumâ€"M7 w_mm } tnmmmmammdmma I. ‘ ' “xi-y MMMMMGWDm-MM , muwawmmmwmy.m Q) a xi“ man-unï¬ntmmummmmm 7,201l,meuhrhm61bm,nht0nu0flnbam. / -. I, I, munmmsmmmmwmomm mammarymntoomsmtm. l" ' l, q amamm mummmnmwmunm § \5 4-"" "may.unmnsgm34unwu '\ Q Aqy _ “manna-mums 0 ‘3 " lm-mlahh-ammmam The Mn 5 proposing I) no two it: not 3L mnthWM-ï¬) $40, l)" “Mm Zone The st! We mm; mm 5 mm m '\ K “M murmdmmmmu / ~_ “mm“. interment; ~“\\ \-_,‘ ll ac-SMHW-tm WI ls m “at! b â€it" he “in , _ h _ ummmmmmm N" 4 9,2“; Jmuwmnacomctuonmcmvrm WMNNWWM s‘ \o 1/11 4 \‘ FORMOPENHOUSE' m, a. a m s Q, a, ll, 1, 4) . mmmuammunso, '5& ‘3 éé, ,% MM-mnwmmmnw-M ignoammnuwacmmmrunm \ » /?:4 u , MNMMNWMG . I C’l" v 3‘ a.“ mm" “0" MMwamm-owwmmm WAumydlheMrwonflbame \ a M7pmngpm numm '/ / luau-cum Mswwm Centre rwmwz’m .m . x7- nmmwmnwmmabywnmu mmmmtum ,, an. lama 0m a an and ‘a.. Ill/IA A an; m u" m rang-mm..." mmwmm-m . war-um “. h- m i! a! d m “mummmmmm . mung-numbering. mm “mm“{mmw'w u“ m a, can; Int-nu. M n a... mm“ mu" “mammals-nun "°"" "mm“m'ma‘m'm‘ - lmmmm at u out media a M m M I) he M . "" munmummnmu- “mmmmm I th Ann-â€MN'ï¬m-fl M.Nmauflcm-mwllwbw - 0mm u erWOO umnmvwmm umamnnmwm - - - hm“..hm.~m hmlamammmwm ’ m“ CmnspeoplLStrengthmtnglwes “Mimlm-hhldn “Mn-mmvamm ambuiflhm Met-mammalian» ' - WM- .“ in not; at... cum mnwh.~,'.mammnq ~ mmum.mm~nma mum-ambnmdmmm m“ mmwmm.nmwmn gunk-RUM “to: M Ammdmammmmw M,Mnmman mwmm _~x, mrmmmmmnmm ammmmom,mdm f m.w.onmuym tummsam mmrwmmmmmflmmw Whalmm 1mmmmmmmnmmm 1m.mm mum“ P S I (7 HM, 1330 T TY I Mb 751,619“ th(('l‘lâ€()r(.Lâ€plll)ll(li()tl(“\