l . WATERUX) CHM-Wednesday,Much 5,2014' 15 l â€" Make YOU! I enre’ ment sustainable ' ne dictionary deï¬ni» ' tioii of "sustainable" Calculate the income is “able to be mainâ€" you'll need to cover your tained" â€" â€" and it's some- ‘ ' essential and discretionary 4“ I thing we hear often these retirement costs as well as ‘. ' days, mostly in relation to the additional income you’ll b. . l. maintaining the ecological * need to cover “extra†', balance of our world. ‘ expenses. l'hat's the big picture of sustainability but. on a very 0 Bridge the gap‘ If there personal level, sustainability . ‘ is a Shortfall between what Z is ofvital importance to you. you need and what you Will your retirement income have, you should determine ’ be sufï¬cient to sustain the the level and frequency of lifestyle you want for all the income you will need via ‘ years of your retirement? RUSS withdrawals from your reg- llere are some things to istered and other income- consider as you try to MCEACHNIE producing investments â€" ensure your ï¬nancial life is and keep in mind that your sustainable throughout your choose to add to your retirement 000“ Spa" 40 retirement. income by continuing to years or more. work full- or part»time, on a . Decide when you want contract basis. or even by ' Reset your strategy. If to retire. if you choose to starting your own business. your estimated withdrawal ‘ retire earlier than age 65, rate is not sustainablebased you'll have fewer years to . Add up your income 0" projected "3me from A save to retirement and more from all sources. Take stock your current savings and post»retirement years to of every postvretirement investments you ShOUld _ fund if you choose to retire income source. including reset YO!" income strategy , after 65, you can opt to personal savings. company 01’ reset your retirement - 1 enioy the taxâ€"saving, pensions, investments held plans. routine building advanr in your RRSPs. Tax Free Savâ€" ‘ . tages oi your Registered ings Accounts, non~regis~ And before doing any Retirement Havmgs Plan tered investments. and gov- thing else. (31k 10 YOU! pr0~ j until llll' end of the year in ernment sources such as the fessional 3dViSOr â€" the SUS- :' ‘ “hit it um (um TI â€"â€" and (fanada Pension Plan, lainability exoert who can ~ \oti tan ltirtlit-r extend Quebec Pension Plan and help ensure your retirement ‘ llel’ llt’llt‘lll\ ..iu-r 71 by old Age Security. income will maintain for all tittitititiilig to pay into a your retirement years. plan lot mitt spouse who is 0 Add tip your costs. lel' xtitiiigei than PI tnate your retirement I M†__ fl spending requirements iii 4 i t “ -- » t . “Pi Itll‘ on your threet‘ategories: no '" O . {4- 3 it ' 5x, I ’~-o a re t lllt'\l\,|t' \\'li.it mu want to 1. Essential expenses that ilil and him mu want to live can't be reduced. â€to column upmundedby lll lt'iltt’lltt'lll “I“ dictate its 2. Discretionary expenses Mcb'achm'ecmuanmte t mi Ni.“ thist- to home and you can control. Wealth Managua“ Contact your tosts may be lower 3. Additional expenses waklhchnieCFRCHA lune] regularly and your such as healthcare that typiâ€" (.‘l)FAa15l9-0w~2.m.at. 241, all Change PLUS tosts may escalate. You my callycome along with aging 0!“me Includes Tln Rotation It Vlsual Brake Check ’ D Y N d r l" r) A f ‘ 7 Service Includes: 0 CU Ge 0 0,11, 1 O: O" ~ -Ollondflltorchangoâ€"up toSlitros . of 5W/20 or 30 oil . ~ - Rotate and inspect 4 tires an US a 0d,"- - Top on MW washer fluid We are a mum-physician practice located in ' it's" “37: m'w'girzu" 3m“ CM“: ; the north end oquelph, directly across / Lhm's'ybom ' go" " ’ "' ""'"“' ‘ irom St Joseph‘s Health Centre. ’ ' â€m" °‘" °' "'“ °'" °""'° '° °" ‘ ‘ Llfetl Gu nteed " a new patient Information form. \ me ara $ t m..u....~.,mmenmywmm with Brake Pads or Shoes. Health ( are ( 'onnect by calling If! Ministry .' l t “i tit-um .|l l-800-445-l822 or by visiting . , "mm" 0" Ext"- ’ Mil hil- ~~ [but tit-Mite “1me w Giant-Wellington I 4, 20 UniverSity Ave. East 819-888-5410 ' Faulty ,. .....,....,.,._,...,,...,___,_,“,,,,,,___,__,_,m~_m_,,__, nmnduommtnw-tndumi- than.“ nun-t "m- um ‘19'329-1414'77WthIltRMUIhll _ mahmmnmwâ€"mummmmw-tm.,.i~-f-.-'::.n::.m . at hit-10mm him-annui- ennui-o..." ‘