l J wart-1mm CHRONICLE -Wednesdny. March 5, 20“ - 9 ~ ~ ~â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"wâ€"â€"â€"-~â€"â€"fl-m-â€"M~â€" ‘ . .. . 3 . , , . o u .lll.(.l|l\().\lt.l,l Tunetopractlce MP1 “81de Best practices would have you that have been growing at more ï¬rst determine the cost of the serv- than double the rate of inflation some 8 e continuous tax hikes . . . ‘ | bear 1 l ‘ ices that you are legally required to (CPI) and population growth. 2: millethIriii’izt on or my“ fhmV‘de and “1953 additional ones Some councillors W0?“ like you Sign in'front of the ï¬re station on Columbia Street. just . . _ taxes , at you would like to have in a pro- to believe that the public does not around the corner from my house, reads: “my. the was d‘WQP‘f'mE'd m reading if," gressive, caring and growing understand the beneï¬ts of using utton, test your smoke alarms." malt?“ s tomments on t is mutrlllcipally. This is than compared she MPl tolustitfiy their amigos Who Fire prevenuon had already been on my mind ever since I As president and CEO of the 110 e $94)st revenue steam to OW“ beieve 083 not U“ Terstand heard Waterloo Fire Rescue recently responded to an early- Greater K~W Chamber of Com< etï¬raimei t ere is a “affordall how t0 manage your money. morning house ï¬re that started in a laundry room ceiling fan metre, he should know better The h 939 is a (“Baillie S alt you Dale Ron on [luchleafWallt A week later, ï¬reï¬ghters put out a bedroom technical deï¬ciencies on the calcu~ lfvfi'tfl') eterrnine $0 in ? up ‘lle fire in a house on Hemlock Street. Fortunately, no one was lation of the MP! have been well I e -] erence. incred tat-3S ees, Oakvr Mmeï¬hfl m' documented including the fact that serVilce Cxtshem' an mostfltmpjo'r- Curious F0 learn more about home fire safety. l “W?“ by you cannot develop an index from a ham Y “b 3‘ her you can a 0rd lt- theiï¬re station to speak With Waterloo Fire Rescue public edu» sample size of one. emit" erfi at the taxpayer oes all?“ ofï¬cerzlohn Perm]. . . . . Using voodoo accounting to PM aver $930? (0 request What were doing this March is were sending out pam- lltWt‘lUp a methodology to suppon increasesdin t‘ueir arlitepenSions. phlets “(uh the water bills to 29350 I ' tax increases that theoretically cov- 2?th in w most ‘ h y have to restdential homes here m the [my of t‘rs inflationary pressures is nothing 0 Within" m some of er area to Waterloo. m a.“ effort to educate I?“ more than a “cost plus" business “toys†eseextzralaosltial l . dents on the importance Pf working model for running the city. How - -y usmgatl e .Pd kgu ation to smoke alarms m the borne, Percy told many of thv chambers members usufylannu - tax an increases. me. “WV“ every Single house m would stay Ill business if they fol- ater 90 IS inheslsence attempt "8 the City Will be pmvtded literature on . lowed tluxapproacli? to glasimirzedt e" revenue stregrn how many smoke alarms they need, â€I 0 Using the MN or any index to an ht anhin "W159“ ‘% spen “ how they work. how to “mm“ them. ' bi‘ t‘alt‘tilatt' tax increases is putting Ym out the norm â€I?“ cation to and (he!) hopefully that WI“ help “i" ' a the "can below the horse" and is sugportt eseexpoctatiolns. . the public “9mm“ message “m ’ mismantigcmmit of the publics’ you “lam If) (on?) your "Dips “if maionty of ï¬res'hcnf in the city “my “Noun“ a?“ must "Si tontro WW in?†and throughout Ontario occur in the ‘ mites and not accept int teases home, and legislation m the ï¬re code _ r‘â€â€œâ€™ a â€a " *"’-â€"'d*"~â€"flâ€"â€"*â€""â€"_â€"‘â€"â€"â€"‘" says the homeowner is ultimately ‘ i . . . . rospomible for their own safety. Perry “Magi-£5911“ l ’ Passmg Judgment on politicos i We MW \ l loo and across the province. approxi ‘ l \ mainly 50 pct cent of the homes we go into. after a fire, do not ff lllt’ question is can we really have it both ways? haw no problem with that. l haw the right amount of working smoke alarms on every level. flu tlit‘ one hand we want politicians who an- I)o I think it‘s important to have an endorsement? ‘ l, and they‘re not being maintained to "H‘t'l thv Ontario liiri- ‘ at l ountahlv, passionate and willing to hear diflerent Matters very little to me when it comes to howl might l ' (Axle Requirements. Go that's a challenge that wary fire ‘il'erCl' . wins oi (Wt-n l\‘.ll(’ vote. But I'd hate to think a candidate might be sum , i in the province IS lacing " xo how should we fer-l about groups wanting to manly dismissed by anyone because they were not l ' l risked Pony what the leading fall“? of honii- firm and relat ' p.t\\ (ht-it iudgt'tnt-nt on potential candl ()K‘tl by the group. Arid I wonder how lhl‘ ‘ ’ ml "nitric-s is. ‘llnattr'ntlt-d cooking.’ he said ~â€rat's why when il.lll'\ twiorr ihi- election, or those simply . stun-card will be assassin-d ‘ wti'ri' In the kllfhi‘l'l cooking, you not-d to stay in the kitt lit-n working to drivat current members While that might be a bitfii1/\.tlii-n-'~ So if you haw to ll'dH' tho kitchen for some unison. tum thv whou- ton-s h.m- not pIt-awd them ‘ no question about the feelings of another strive ufiaml mow thi- pot in another element " ill-aiding into this municipal election. l“. l l i ll l\l organization Defeat Waterloo lit-gum l “in No l priontv ol tlii- (no service H to provide i-dut anon tin-n- -lrl' in hunt two ofthm‘groups ("otmt ll (WWW.de(‘2il‘NRt'0llnt ll,t'l)lll I\ i ; l’t'rt‘i told me "We olmouslv can‘t go to own door to speak . llt'lli'l ( hours Waterloo Region vvn'tk'ar on what it wants to achit'vi- ‘ ‘ will] N‘Nltll‘nlN. so that's hllVWI“|1‘llll.llIJllglh('lll\ s tum-r hill\ u xx \\ llt‘llt'tt linireswr (a) tit-scribes largely tompnwtl illpt'flplt‘ who “not ‘ lhlk month. as it's a perfect opportunity to mm h N. no bonu- n wit l\ .| non partisan group tilpmgrl-sâ€" 3 to stop thr- Ion light rail system. the group hillllN " hr xiii“ "Mid all vn- want Mitit'nts to do whi-n llll'\ iii" m. iinlnitluals" â€my have sent out let ' is aiming lh up at what it falls "t awry" llll\ llrlN hurr |\ Lille .i if“ minutes to trail lllt‘ liivmiuri- and ll n to . lilltllll-ilï¬s for all positions in this '. â€"' 5 politicians. People llhl‘j hair ken N-iling l'tlllt .llv‘ throw-Wm l.w'ntiallv. wr'ri- trvrng to l hinge pulp)“ l.lll\1'l1'( nun llllfllduL‘lflg the group. and 5 along With ( ouncillors \a>an flint ltlnnil lit-honour when it ( unit-s to fin-s and how wo- run t In firi- ill‘xllli: i <lllillllllll‘fl the upptirttinit‘. to ï¬ll j lom (valltvwa) and lane Mitt lll‘ll anion»y \\llll‘rl1lllll!’ iii-v lll‘ wants to rt-niintl thvnnr Ill." mil-it mi 4 illlthltlllllfllfP if “mots Small point thi- group \l‘r'lll\ alarms are mandatory in all homes Resident». milxl "innit“ rim lln' Wimp will look uwr the answers. 1 primarily lippltu‘tl ooh in t arm-t polio thm arr installed on won stun olthc bouw and iixiiliv \l!‘|'l| inn mi» l\li'Vs any-candidates looking for i ‘ “ trans whoagrw- With thi- I)†mg arms and that tht-x au- uporating .u ll it"lv \ \ l.tlllll\ nmlv rim-innit Hotter (Thou rs lists its pn , rllt‘ group l\ offering thi- t ham 1‘ int linlllt' for N ape plan should be pmmml w ’ m n m ml rug†uniit non-x as strengthening lht’ lot a] BRlAl‘i Hill to Sign up and ï¬nd out man about lath w i'\'!'l’\1HN‘tél!l gi-t out safely 4-1 “noun building an open govemmr'nt. BOURKE new tanditlates and urges you to not lot mori- information on ï¬re and in who mi vhi- “Mm winning ii sustainable community and More hoanyom' w-kirign‘ vim lion ion lllf‘ Rest no website at WM .~ ovum. , a fur- or tritium rulilli'xslllgllit‘ msut'iolptwl‘m Does that haw am relationship to a luhn Pony by phonr- at '»]‘l mu m U in MW in in Villa†mum would (all it a “leftist“ agenda I won't do w-n old question7 They won't save me a ioh unless i at who ‘V‘HVWall'l'llNl t it rim in AlINI‘ those labels don‘t mean a lot lht‘sl‘ (lays haw exponent r- but how tan I got exponent r with Hm I dish wouldn't describe the group as "non par out a ioli7 l in ms! asking “- when ' 1h.†word is deï¬ned as not being afï¬liated ~- H r In “W I . N 1 uln- â€I" Milli or influenced by any one political parry While firm" Howler: mpmhw â€film IH'. (My)! IV a l l "n " A ““ " "l d ‘ f“ “ ' for Rm) {fill}, ‘ H i in: lmnll n um mm Ill lllv nu-nilwrs may not he (artl carrying members Mom/mgr mu‘ um he my hmlhi e moi/m ’ V,†I 1 w ll“ H“ ii‘rliilnlv some inï¬lll‘lll i‘ thorn That s UK. I hiwnuirtd‘liml/m mm "W" l" "‘ '“ ’""‘ "' '