Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 5 Feb 2014, p. 7

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V wumnoaimm- .hbnmyS,20|d-7 Request ?““Kw”3’ #35 KING army? i new wMERLoo . ".10 and r; i i :3 L N4 3" L" ‘1‘ it A ‘3: If. 6”" “r I " 3 ‘5 r 0 Ct I “my wVWW‘,DfiRE-’s’ssmm i,}l~:.{)LthiJLh.C0h/i 818 e grigsgtgtggggggun ‘ , a - ., ' 2 ~ ‘ a : (ontlnuedfmmpagel » a§§g§g§2395§7§333 ' . n‘,.~ .uc‘; 53:" He said the LR'l' projeet has I, g , gélgaféfigém‘; 53mg been in theworks foradeeade now t’ _ ‘ h: . . . '5‘” igL§§;;’fig and comprehensive documenta: l ‘ ' t h g5: -. 2; g g -,_ g ::‘ {â€"23 .' titm of the process is available on 5“ ’ ‘ ‘ 334:; f," t, i if if: 2 A; .v the region‘s rapid transit website, 3' 4‘ , ‘ _ . n E 5: ’1 f F: '13? ,gi http://rapidtransit.regionofvvaterlo \I'E‘h‘ . «,1 A51 1 5t 5 130:“ ‘4 4"»- -‘f Y ‘-”-‘ 5?: g a}: j " ”f. ;‘_‘ :: 0.Ca/en/indexiasp. o X\~‘\\§\n~_. ‘ t L“ l‘ki a 3 l3 5 5x -. A” A‘ 3;: i f ' “If he had read that mutt-rial he in“ , ', arc-322:" g: z i _' ~ 5i» ,1 ;- a never would have made those :~ "'.{»‘\;".‘:\:{‘."\ “3‘ ’_ ‘ ,. 1592 “I :7 ‘ ‘ AL}: statements," said Seiling UH Mun ",' 1119:! Ill «j Y“; 3"WEEKL‘VpAYMENTs H ‘ _ , 2‘ _, '7 Z I - °" ON us ' ()f the projected $818 million ”'77:: C 3 r . ._ price tag, Ottawa has promised up» , =37 Busitmvamum , - . ~v mun. _: , t > ~ 5' ' - [0 $265 million in funding and the W; ~ .:.~.:;..“.,. 3.4.2:: A“. _ provincial government will Melt in 7 a; ' r - “ " ‘_ $300 million. « ’ ‘ ‘ V \ full ent'irnnmental assessment AND up TO _ ‘ . I 53W 0 ~n- i ' A A .A‘ - ' protests. intludiiig the mute, need AS . : ed to be submitted below the on I . ' . _ venous: . prtmnce or the lederal government ' mumcmc , " . ,1“ released any funding, Seiling said I A ' ' ' i . I, 1. _ There have been numerous Work m IN ”WEIfiIHEEfiESP‘TE-g “MW’W'MM'W'” ‘ v if - 1‘ i ' shops and delegations (”I the niatr ‘ - . ' 3:: Li” . tcr as well. - â€" ' ‘ - A t 1.; , A: u an (I not)“ V3. _., m .- ‘ ”(I : » 'f . If he had read that , gt . . ~ ' "‘ _ «mm - ~ . a v . . f; k V v f 1‘ . .1 , ’ . g . »_ 1 V material he never « > . - ._ . . ~ ._ ’l _, . . ~ , 9 would have made f; - 3; j - .»_- , 2 , . ’ '2' 1571:3141 , those statements. _ ' â€" '1 .. _. -, ; .5; J.- ,: -Reglonnl(ihnirKenSelling .l"ft"3§5.’”; mi mines: made by [MW Mru‘leu/il 20B FOCUS SE HATCH 20”: FUSION S _7 fl, .. if“, - > A‘ ‘ t r 3 l'he region believes that funding a? %:PR 3mm 5. S . “A; ' " l‘UUld beat risk ll the project is 3! ’"mm' 3g ' delayed, and the money would be s? m .y~ mm Hm~~§£si§amm~w~ ' ‘ i Inst ifit is outright t'ani elled we 5 . “we, W, a... a 5 "Dave is ()h\‘l(lll\l\ running a 66' I'm “W" :3; 23’7%:,...,...w.,.v..n ~ tainpaigir lot “lldlt‘\l‘l rt‘tisttni mm m against Hf] l respei'ttiilh disagree nu mm mu with hiin, said ( niin \t-an \lllt k h,» a.“ mum w... n. 'a-v" v.- .w > “flaw... ”an“... WV... mm" , _ land ”MM is not the time ll)! its in ‘,;"'V:“,‘.’:::‘\": ~"t‘:;_‘:" 124:: . 03:273.“ ,Lnfilm“ , - delay Hie prim-ti is lll(t\ill|).{ for WMVW’N . "‘"““" .Mii'mwwAIQl-ka \\ard it ‘ _ - . i-.......t.. > M ‘ lhe region lias .ilie.id\ sin-in f ' m I” « It” . about $3! llllllHHl has i titiittitllt‘tl i. tu-. :â€" - in about $l;,’tl HHHHHI in llllllft' _‘ ll I .._. " A} spending and in \lartli, pulitit tans _ ‘ ‘» I ‘ d L;\. L A .A ~ ' ‘ are expected to aiiiiniinu- the “in ‘ ' N t ' ' . ' > . nertila Yum nllllltill iniitiati in ‘ . " - ‘ design. build, Finante operate .iiid a" ‘ ‘l' , I’ . . . ‘ t maintain the system 0, P" - | ' _ A ' Mailmnald is one u! iliit-t- ' - - - - ' -'\- _ ' A declared manual (.indidates in . ”A ,A‘. _ 4 (A Waterloo. btit the only UIN' who has 20“ ESCAPE S 2013 $450 XLT SUPERCREW “‘0‘- . ‘ ‘ spoken out against the putter! fl ' Â¥-_._, n. ’ _,, ‘. ' ' . (andidate Dene lawnrsh is in a S . “an to S Q . l.'ivniir til ”(I and said hrs rule a» l a ’ inavtir would be HI work In l"l\lllt' 377?:lfifâ€"mwl ~- in.- ,__ fiwgwuun‘ . . . it i unit‘s in tin time and on budget J. 5 mm s . mn- "9 lbt- other taiididalt- l itLi 421 25,318vmwuru.‘ w, mmV~urwu~ “duh- '* WW“ "M" m" I"”"" Alma-z:- iial iinpati lHl might hawuii mm”: NM“? ‘ businesses near the ”(It it. bnt said awwm-um- "mum-«w -~» - 3 v «Vamy'uv p... Wavy. WMMMW'hv‘ “05' «an kmnmnrmvwvs‘nm . (ant i‘lliiig the prtiieit mm ls nut w... ~w~rmwu¢auuuon A.rWl mam-murmu- tlierighitittirsetilattitin . . . ”11'”HHIHIDJI('ll‘tllttlt lslltl t, , . , . _ ' ’f \tiiiiinalititi papers tii.i\ be ' filed until .' it in on New l.' ELIGIBLE COSTCO MEMBERS $1 ' lht- full list of l.|lltlltldlt's RIC'IVI A" ‘DDIT'ONAL . 11”!“ng in \Nait-rltm is .i\;ii|.ib|t' nu‘s'uaflâ€"r '( 1|” the lll\\ welisitt ® A www watt-rhm t .1 en gtfit'llllllt‘lll D‘VOV‘" WhV m0": Canadians are {it'vmfl NOMP a POI"! («m») - ’01 We: "lint .llltlltldlt's .|\[) Only at your Ontario Ford Storta ”hm" ‘

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