l a) . waremoo cummcu - W. December 13,2013 ' ‘ W Business Proï¬le 1‘ , ‘ t} ‘w\ r- in“! 5‘ Advmunal ,X : U DP l†r: ,7; \ r‘ l. . . L... P X x' ‘ mm. - ’ _ ., w . . - :1 .5 f 7g . 1 “a. 1 -888-XCO _ , X-COPPER LEGAL SERVICES - ~ " MIWMMOMW '1 § .51 2‘ . . www.xcopper.com ~ . - ' ~ a â€" a , 519-624-1565 ' ' ; 13158ishop5tN..CambrldgeUnlt#150 _ oMTMchu-mm-Mmomm .m-mwm-mmmmm , . , , . l l l _ l _ r . . l r Experts In Fighting Traffic and (nminal Offences _ ’ ' ’ ‘ lf you frnd yourself m a legal bind, the trespassrng‘ assault, or drug possesslon, court system can be qurte rntrrnrdatrng Xâ€"Copper‘s expert team of lawyers Let the experts at X-Copper Cambrldge paralegals, former police offlcers and provrde professlonal, effectrve and crown attorneys can assrst and educate affordable representation to gurde you you "Most often people are annals and 1 towards a posrtive outcome don't know where to start when dealmg - fl ;_ l l wrth a treket,“ Regional Manager Sandy ‘ X'CODDE( L993 Servrces Pro essronal Bronman says “Havrng us m then corner 3-" ' Corporation '5 the provrnce S “a“?! allevrates a lot of stress ln some cases. legal servrces provrder wrth l5 branch clrents don‘t even need to go to (curt olfrces In Ontario Should you be facrng because we handle ‘1 for them u Fm 3 . “ a,“ highway trafï¬c, crrmrnal, or (0mmercral cases that do requrre a trlal‘ X-Copper 3 r :5.“ vehrcle offences, you can flnd legal does ‘15 best to “mm M? WW“ and 2 E ». ' . =1" resolutlon through X-Copper Under lnconyenrencelorclrents ‘4-9‘â€â€œ"' a I. ' ownershlp of lawyers and lrcensed W a r, :_ . paralegals, Xâ€"Copper l5 lolly authorlzed P Carryrng around a (“my record g ' ‘ by the Law Socrety of Upper Canada to xardon Assrstame S no? part 0" 3 V ., ' . provrde legal SEN/(98 abldlng by then , "“0996†s expanded servrce or â€mm" “M“ . Lode (onvrrtlons‘ as well as Appeals lor ,6 regulatrons DrOVInclal Oftenre (onvrrtlons Services , , XrCopper also operates a rommerrral ’/ No matter what tra‘llr or lllmll‘dl trurltrng diwsron as a partner "r ‘. P ’ ‘ charge you‘re tarlrlrng lrlLllelYlg complrante, wrth expertlse powder! I ‘5 drrnklng and drrvlnq‘ speedlng‘ by former Mrnlstry of Trarrsprlrtatrnrr V ' "'.‘u' . ‘. . .l i . 1. ‘V 1' ' WYwandYaa' \’ l ‘ ‘ r I r\/l/l/ HUN/Hill FarflyqupyHob‘dzy , \ . u . Examinations... 35 Dog $140 $320 Eat $150 A“), m. Wm“ 0H ‘ "on“ Cat Vaccines $70 Spay... pay..... 7 ' You this Holiday dram! Unmaml....... Dog lmmm Cat - o Marksman: $ I [mammes $70 ~emer$120-$230 Neuter.--- 80 (Happy (Holidays l GWl.------ 'Wmm 'AddlflondCost . Includosmn ya, a. .. . . . - "it; ‘ " " ‘ ( Auburn & Mountain Hearing Centres 5 ad}: Audiology and Herring Aid Services 7‘ IA 3 ‘ ' ‘ Award winnrng cllnic ~ Doctor of Audiology ".1 ‘ I if www.auburnhearing.com «~ 29,13, IN { ‘ . Waterloo (519)886-21o16 : arrrbrrdge (Sl9)620-1¢327 . 51’0Unrversrty Ave F ‘ litllte 00‘? l‘wf‘l Conestoga Blvd Unrr 38 its-Jay , . .