Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 Dec 2013, p. 9

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' WATER“) CHRONICIE ° Wedneldly, December ll. 2013 ' 9 KW -_Rh ' , . . t y ‘ g . til it its iii llll; tiiiio\ii.ii TogalTogalToga! J [3 this a municipal A property tax and budget study index from a sample of one. And till . was also presented to council. It yes there are circular loops in the S gomg Strong ‘ acetic" friendly bUdget? included input from MBA students calculation. How else do you There must be a municipal elee- at Will to provide unbiased third explain using the cost of operating n celebration of the 35th anniversary of Animal House, tion coming. party lttPUt- What happened to the the library in the calculation and IAMC aired this past week the 1978 comedy classic starring on Monday. city council had a priit‘essionalmembers of the Chi» than increase the library budget by John Belushi. Donald Sutherland and 11m Matheson. budget meeting. The property tax 1911* Budget RISK Force? ' the MP” , g The quintessential college fiat party movie grossed $l61 milv increase will he reduced from the l it‘ttt’t'ally' 1 found this It) be a It was interesting that the TFPOt't lion worldwide and popularized the enduring chant “Toga! ' original forecast M146 per cent to good report. The staff perspective was used to reintroduce the con- r logal‘l‘oga'" ‘ IXJS per cent tor 20! 4 this is a shoncd a good understanding of cept ofa special tax levy to finance ‘ I recently chatted with Matheson. who plaved the smooth . ri-tiili (if it m dlL llldlltlll (it the the tssues facing the city. correcting the infrastructure deficit. ; talking [gm- “Quer” Stratum. for an article in Rf)“ (bllar Maga- Municipal Price Index llldllllY due Unfortunately. at leftSt to myself, lt 3‘50 stated. "Th? (1in ofWater- ‘ zinc. and i asked him what he remembers most about shooting l to lower than expected with for it was an attempt to justify the use loo recognizes the importance of ‘ the mung staff wages and benefits . of the MM that has been the guts'of providing tax payers with value for ‘ "1 remember how much we loved the sent”, as it really “.5. ‘ l wonder if there will he a similar the my 5 tax p0hCy t0r thlS comic” 8 money that YEW less on general l (mated and spoke to the core ofvdiat college life was all about," reduction in fee; that council last two terms ofoffice. tax revenue. in the 2012-14 Budgâ€" he replied. approved and are increased annu» The Audit Committee really got er... identified $1.4 million in sus- ‘ i told Matheson how much i ‘ ally by the MP1 With consideration it right when they advised. “That tainable efficiencies, cost cutting . laughed at his ponrayaj of Otter, and " given to other market forces, You regardless of which index the city measures and revenue enhance. how perfectly suited the actors seemed ' ‘ can guess what is the usual result. USP» the indexes used should be ments." for their roles. "The cast and the direc- Regardless. operating costs are guidelines (1le when setting th" lfthis actually occurred. where t5 tor. we all had so much chemistry and under control even though deben~ annual municipal property tax the money. and couldn't it be used every day we were on the set. it got lures (debit (or over $1] million is increase.” to fund the infrastructure deficit more and more exciting as we'd begin being issued and reserves are fore “’th taxes at? increased by the WithOUt a tax increase? to think. ‘mavbe we really got some- my casted to decline by $20 million in index. which has been the C889 DOW thing here.” said Matheson. "And my , ' l the near future. for several years we have nothing ‘ first comedy really was Animal House." ’“3. lhis is hardly an issue as the more than a cost-plus business Beginning his career at the age of - (ll) ’s :ll)llll\ to handle tll'hl Is rnmlt‘l for runttingtht‘ Flt) it. Matheson has appeared in count; ‘ improving if \titl twin-w these split \rt interesting It‘ptirt- bl“ It did 03km)“ l less shows including leave it to Beaver. 1 doctors not t'\plfllll how you t()tll(l have an ()(1kl’lllr’ ‘ My Three Sons. Bonanza. Rhoda. ‘ l m " ,, ' ' ,. ' of" "'ii ' ’ ,,.,, “W'r’ ' r"! .,7,7. ’ vâ€"i " l llawaiil-‘ive~()and l'heWestWing. t . Hating co starred in movies like Remember the man and 1118 message . ”t" ‘ t H . lrirtc. Mathesori hits worked urth ‘ ' ’ ' ' "”’ t‘H'fl‘tlllt‘ lrorn ( Ihen ( haw. Kurt Russell and (lint lastwwxl to :c dining my tltdt\ it. [hp (1“ «it ,. t mum} (|(lI]\(llllI‘(lll](’x11’11.llll‘“’nlll)(‘)(’t~14ll‘hl('l(lr\|{.g“(-\ i \ririt- lldlltlllll, llciin l‘tHIdd and l lltlllt‘ Hall I ”new” it” ., him It tn im- “at“, mm 1 reading. lht'\ mentioned his t’ztpat’ll) tor l()fgl\‘t‘llt’\\ and lil\ Irish-d \Liihcson ifheiould share some meritorii-sol work in tilt things Nylon:\1iimjpla‘sdiiinlt. .riiphy :ihilit\ to bring such din-rut groups togethi-i trig \sith the late. great Iohri Belushi in -\nimal Houst- t “an.” that it 4 \pr\ odd {()n]h|nd[|(tp But i Win It wiiild be nice to believe those surm- politii Idll\ "it “its great to get to know hirii before he got swept up in all with” A hook lit-ailing through m.» 4mm” and it f” might tr) to pick up the tort h and in to emulate lllt' hogt- tame he iii liti'ved, because he was liltc cult status at ; [\‘Mt t .itr‘gorit-s lt u.“ A “mp“ of mm some of those qualities. but the lat t is that point lN’t nose of Vitiirtlas Night live.” he said. “He was mi And ”imp than 4 ll]! tiiedmj pages ' the) will go h.“ it to their usual pt.“ [I( vs \‘t-n gcnt-roiis and he loved to share his low of hlues music tip-mt it, lump mt» in i Upwd for d (“A :3: ‘ l I Perhaps tllt’l’t‘ is hope \t tlii- Int‘nitit] this was hell lX'ltHl' lltt' Blues Brothers No it \VilNd kinder. gen it.“ ‘ ‘ . al sentin- ll 5 l’rr’siilt-nt “until: tJl).llllrl tlt'r lohit llt‘lllshl that l got to knots He Has \t‘l\ lilgh erit'rgx When ‘t\'tttl tit \i.:iiilwltt\ iliuiih l illllt‘ I“ H l “kl shook hands \Hlll ( tiliti‘s Raul t (islllt (”Ml wry itiiiiit ilritliailstit mm \\[‘(*L | “mt twitter Hunt in 1“,” llii'ri' prolmlilt tsiit Alllttlllt‘l plate in llll‘ “His t\pit .il autograph to \1)ll]t'l)1 t(l\ was. someone would through it again . ~ world you would have \l‘t‘ll llltll happen risk ll ht- (Hilltl sign something iilltl ltt'tl he friendly and sin. lrsi.illcil lititgl‘nill to l lt‘t‘tlltln .iiiitt ’ ltllllll‘r ll \ l’rt-siilt-nt llltttll‘» t .H’ll'! is 'ieiih sure then he‘d sign ll‘th‘ lllt‘ .ilttiii" lohri Belushi lt highlt rr-i ttllllllt‘lltl it it guts till lllll‘l’l'\l ' .‘ a long time tricritht-t ltl ii group Antoni .is “its his l)oii Hit lilcs thing and people ltl\t‘(l it But he was .i MTV in“ lh'l‘lh" my {my} hilt i with.“ to the Mr ' - .1 lhc l.ltlt'l\. “how riiiiittlaitt t\.is to sprruiil «lair in.iti and ii \‘t'n sum-t lnt‘lltl Men I got to and: Willi him .4 [lit‘ ”M“ n has also twill “Hm“ ”I“. A ‘ :2 {¢ the Mandi-Li lllt'\\tig‘t‘ riftilllltl llit‘ wirlil our the next ii'Vt \‘t‘-tl\ .litil six-till some Illlil’l‘ lllllt' With him t!14:\lt‘[lliill\lll\l (tittiiigtliiuitrtstum ‘ § ‘ him-r u.” itNhI'tl this tin-cl ll llt‘ ‘iktttlltl ltirt he got s‘sst‘pl tip iiito sonicthirig and it was thigh losing i\tlllltl rm tilllllll"ltl th i' l"‘l tint lltt‘ ~ i follows some other [H‘tittlt' illlll l tilltlltitl‘ lrihri N“ h .i tiilrlit. stir h.i flirt giix‘ “my; V“ H ”emit W ”New t were A Mr ' &' '1 ‘l \1.iittlt’l.i to lt'\tl\ \1.ithrsriii has uanr-rl iii iii.iti\ raters til llttll\\~r>ml tlottrig slltil‘tlttt ' ‘ llts Yt’\l)ttll\l‘ ‘~\tl\ rpm L .ititl iititttt his it) \t'rllN rri shim llll\lllt'\\ .itiil has l't‘lt'llll\ lt‘llllllt‘tl tit llll‘ \Hij mm, than lll p it \tlll “in mm , . l slittit lll‘ istttrltl tit ‘itl it"lllltllt .lll\ sitt.ill st “'1‘“ on ”Mt til l)t\lt' lwith \ttiiririg .is llt lliiil litre lllllt h lthttt l tilllltlt‘lt pit ltltt‘ tit lllt' timtt l litiiii.iit living to li'strs lint t .llll'l rlirl silt ltlllll [mil iliivt tirig so‘xi‘tiil t'ptsotlt's rh.irt sttttlt ttl thy tt'ittttlttiu ‘.\t hm: mil l that \t‘l’sttlt \lilllllt‘lil “(Is our ill rhi l‘th'\l ltii getting to lllt‘ point Mil-iv | tit .ipplt‘t lililllil ltlt ttt L’t‘llrl wit” “let up“ ‘ tiiv'tthr'hoiliwrriLtttmtt illtl\l)p|)tl\4‘ilttllll\ i.irt't-r‘ said \1iithi‘srtri ultnplaristospi-itil lhcti-srtotitithittrt \t‘lsrtl‘i\l.1lttlittt lll‘ also stitri llt‘t.ttl\t‘ tit \ldlltll‘ld llllhllllthltl lh.ii|.itiilutilmrlnirig ‘\iti‘lrtt‘ititrigtiifiiirlthc \\tl\il lt‘llltilhtillll‘llltlll till summon \l‘toth \llt’ltl it,“ ltt‘tttlllt t lll tilt [HHIN'Yllill.llltl‘l)¢‘l\ht‘t'llllll'l'i\tt ,ittillltvt tllltall‘L17‘49‘2Hli it” t,tiir|,,,wy...t lililllt t,t.t\iii‘mt.-.i Fltl‘t.t‘iillltll"iltlltiNlvillt's lllrllltl‘ltttltllkllll itlttllllll".lll\ gt.ililtt it t ‘lttl \ltlltghltllVillit‘fllllmltNHtlll\lit‘tsltt..llltltt in,“ l'l‘lllilll\llllllt[Htlllllltlllslltlltth tltii‘tt\.trttplt m ll \\tlltllllll\l.llllt’\ltll\ liitgiatt'hilt i' tt‘tut lti' illllltllll‘tl hr- l tttitrr win title to the tight against l'i‘-tl>ll‘1tt\.i\ lllt‘Mllllt‘ llltlll1.il\otrt tilllNl‘lUN ". \ll M Hlllt lt rcuillt littl‘» hit him \\llt‘ll lll‘ \lllll‘ll'tl ti "' i t . y n. . ,., [it’tsllllilllti\\\\lllllllt‘llt'illllttlllls sitii \lltltitigs»rtt ””1“?“"t‘l’l" ll"ll't’t’tt'tt‘lllt"All“ ”Hill l” \ilI'CLlHHI:‘(,lr;tl“\';(ymfulul;,.. [lull “lulu”. slllt‘ll‘tl[ll-ll‘ltlllll‘ltilllllllll‘?lllth]lu:[\ltl tt‘ rittrrlttttc'ttr‘tr truth ”'1‘: lir'i/ltt 1‘ would! ‘ ‘ l” “’1” ”5'1“” “‘“‘““"V“" " 'l’ . t 1 WIN» lull ritrrrl i. with A rm» :- lt ‘Ail‘ lltlll\lltll this “ml tit he.” it mitt M iii pulttt ltt|rrtith"-ilr~tiltti turn

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