4-WATERwOCHIomzoWedm-duy.Noimhui .2013 1. 0 mm Semll comamplts level off 0 _ ‘ 81!â€:le plaza and a new retirement life has been extended ChmnideSlaff home in the immediate area. thanks to successful diver~ According to Linda sion tactics. like recycling. Used W he City of Waterloo's Churchill. senior environâ€" Since then. new develop- ' “W council liaison to the mental engineer at the merit such as one<million- m ACCORD Ex-L ’ Waterloo Region Iand- Region of Waterloo waste square:feet of retail at The ï¬ll committee is thrilled that management centre, the Boardwalk has encroached wmwpmflï¬mw the number of odour com- rate of complaints is about on the landï¬ll site. leading to SUNROOF All!) m MORE CALL US TODAY Fdfl MOM plaints at the landï¬ll appear normal. an increase in complaints in “FORM“. 199* we AVW! [0 have stabilized. In 2012. the dump recent years. “37“ The newest cell of the received a total of 86 com- The region uses a spray landï¬ll. referred to as NE 4, plaints. and so far this ear a system and a mobile mister * Y BUM I.†was opened last year and is total of 79 have been lodged. that can be moved to tipping I the section of the dum Churchill said while com< sites to neutralize odours. . . ' P - _‘ *7 .. , closest to urban develop- plaints haven't decreased. There is also a system of ' mentâ€"about450 metres. the fact they're holding underground pipes that trap ‘, 201 2 CIVIC Ex It has generated 10 com- steady is a positive sign the odour<causing gasses before j plaints in the past three work her staff does to trap they break through the sur- 1 lNTElEST MESSTARIIGATISQ‘MTHSM months and is on pace to odours is working. face. 4 LX. LOOKS†FEELSBFWIDKHMJTOMKM match the total number of “I think people were fairly "Their odour abatement =‘ W690“, WWI/GANDHI complaints in2012. . concerned there would be a program is pretty sophisti- ' mm ‘1 was actually astounded lot ofodours associated with cated.‘ said Whaley. “It‘s there would be so few (com: that area, even during con» remarkable. and stuff that plaints)." said Coun. Mark struction. and that didn’t people don't know. and this “I" a" * Whaley. “I anticipated the necessarily come to be so abatement has resulted in PRICE' proximity of this cell. so that's positive,†Churchill such few complaints during ' I close to the city. would be said. a time when I expected the . . ,. _.. A , problematic but the iob the The 72-hectare landfill. exact opposite." . ALL F58 IMED. MST]: um EXTRA.†MAVW 0A0. team did at the landï¬ll is located west of Ira Needles NE 4 has about 18 2 M remarkable.†Boulevard at 925 Erb St. W. months of capacity left, . . The complaints span has been the topic of much depending on waste vol- s, I from August to October of odour talk. particularly after umes. and dumping will 2 no†I Ur Ora-ms this year and the statistics new construction last year. then shift to a new area of . . 0' X7 were presented at the liaison The dump was first the landï¬ll. . f a 5“ “I! m m, m - . committee meeting last opened in the early 19705 Anyone with complaints j‘ - [IQ-1.41†week. . and was expected to be about the smellcanca11519- I ;. mm HONDA There IS a commercial closed by the 19905. but the 883-5100. V. <5.Q._~‘*A"-" .‘ (fl-g?" is...» ,j ' I 2- .7 513' t I "We I " i; " *K'ï¬'é: ’ .' 1' . " I; - ‘4'“? . . -." < . i ’ ffgfl.‘km::!§{a‘n sh â€ï¬‚‘iï¬â€˜gâ€" ’{v‘s‘e-éaféz-R. ‘ “.5. I I . . : - . ’ ‘;:{:E.?.'“‘ds'e â€â€˜2 .5_ - . 1 . 9-53.»; 17.; Q‘flgï¬ fee; '. , _ . . f . , ; ,1 _‘«_ 41â€,. a; “4‘; g.“ 53.2â€: .. .t~ . .’ =A’-:5»._g‘-'gg‘ .. '5‘. g E . . . .s4.j.‘.Â¥=:~q.gi§_ â€â€33 M sags.“ .5 229' ‘ «s: , Inï¬. 5 -g "_ , 5:? “a, 2.3237“: 1 o. . . . ' 5.. 35.? Effo‘ï¬...’ , y 25;. . . . . ‘ '.“‘-;. mm .‘o " - ' . . 4-1-1? 1 1-.“ . 5- . . v - 5- ' 5 e3 1*- ,. "it,“ ‘ 1 u“. . .. Q5“: 1 > E ‘ ’,- 1 .w. ‘5‘; . ‘ - . . 13-31â€; . '4Ԡg. a 1- . r 1;? ‘ ,, 1 . :1: i5 .. 5‘. . 3:1. 34.5.‘3‘33;' r: “if .. 1‘ > . . â€Jaws-517: «in J .31.??? : l1 1 11,223“?- ‘ “ A . ,. -. y. '.‘ *;"§: 1’ r T . ‘ . " ""12? 2 ' - . ’ a.» ‘ ‘ 5» a waif.» .-~ '. 3- ~‘.‘ 42‘ a . ‘ . ., we“. A»: 2â€" . “ ‘ . . . - '3 . - ' "L a. ; .3!†-..' - .4 ‘jiiffs'ï¬. 2,25 H ~ ".2“ . ,. “1-9 . _ ._ . V _ _ 1.13%. . . ,. . .. V. as , . 1p“ . ._ :‘1eï¬,:f' ‘ ‘A. > I fit..- ‘- . ‘ 1â€â€œ ‘ 2 , ’ ’ , 7' a»; . 1' y f . .-, . - 53¢ r; ' - ' .. ‘ '5': ,5 “93:99 ‘3 . .. ’1 2 . ’ “w", . 5: ~41! 2_1‘_. a . -. 5 i v r. g. A 5} . 3 â€(3.4. . _ , , .1 y .1117115 av ' .. 5.x . ' . 2. 5 : . .. "~ _ ‘ '; " ï¬gure, .5; -3 _ ' ‘ My, ' ' *7 a â€" 1' ’ 7 ~â€"â€"â€" is?“ ' , ‘ . f ’ ". .é 7‘ if»; 1 ' a. " .. .5 ,, .