72 -WA'ri:RuXJCHII0NIc1£ 'Wedncsda Setunber i 1 20m Valerie says. Business Proï¬le y . ' Moving? Renovating; . 5 Cleans swim V Steamatic A great time _ g , Better for cleaning! : Your Experts In Carpet, _: ‘ a» I 5 _ 4 x Upholstery o 5 ,. ~: and Air-duct Cleaning ’ I i. I X†Valerie Poulton and her husband, I , 5, ' Peter Hutchison, own and operate ThatcdSuu‘e 1968 l. 5 '4 v7" ' 3 t Steamatic ~ your experts in total. .. mm wife? _. m " cleaning and restoration. They have been , ‘ ;« 73‘ i nmningthebusintss for26years. serving . . . W ’ * 3““ ' ' Waterloo Region and Wellington County. r Now, you may be thinking this story is . , . i t t , . m t“ ‘ l‘. v. n. steanistittleanmo L J Lg..- .319- Mid-0045 going to discuss how Steamatic does an , ", i g.†:1 I} '5 ;_ excellent job of cleaning carpets and uphol- †‘I I ' â€*“‘““ stery â€" and. indeed, they do! However, *â€"- - ., - -â€"-â€"- . Valerie and Peter are gomg to present the consider cleaning the atrducts that are cumiâ€" : other facet of the busmess 7 air-duct clean- [axing this dust throughout your home. Fur- , ing! naces come equipped with filters. which Most modern homes are equipped With an remove some of the dust But most of the ' , air-duct system. The ductwork originates at time the fine dust remains in the ducts and . re now In store a" the fumace and/or air conditionerr and the furnace. Furnaces do not work as well when . I K. . , , k ‘ fumace tan moves air through the ducts to they re dirty. and they also waste valuable 7 - f g . the vents to create a comfortable liVing energy! see US for me W selecuon. ‘ †space for the occupants. Retum-vents and lfthree years have passed Since your duct- * ductwork take the air back to the furnace or work was last cleaned. you might want to * F. - air conditioner for further heating or cool- give Steamatic a call! It‘s a painless process f 3 ing. All this moving air picks up and carries The equipment is mounted in a tmck. which J t I‘ ' small, floating particles These particles is usually parked in the dnvcway The proce- ,; a 1' come from a number of sources, including dun: begins by attaching a very large vacu- I I : I dust from busy streets and lint from our um hose to the ductwork A compressed air clothes and carpeLs. Pets and kids can also hose Wllh a brushing tool is inserted in each 0 be little dust factories; and believe it or not. vent and moves all of the accumulated dust caramel Clothing humans shed skin constantly and dehns through the ducts to the vacuum r . . Many people have allergies to these float- and out to the truck it Is a complete dust- F h mob! C Cloth &A£ ' as u ( WNW mg (times mg particles. lfyou're thinking. "Yuck'" and purging system. Wllh each air-carrying 72 St. LEQGfSL, Kltdfl'let l 519 576-493) I \MMMWWIA reaChmg for a dust cloth. you may want to anery being brushed until the entire system r s-a â€m - 7 ‘ “a. _ m i , ' - a [J | A ~ v _ a Jt'J,3,713:#~ "V " ,-_- T » or _ :- W" '1 7" irgCL’uL’i'- E r _ TI 93*}: I I I , I N ,I . I . .- ‘ I I. __ â€"__~._._.__t____.f_-- , ’