; writ EHIIX) cummcua -w«1nesdav. luly I, 50w [7 , We Are Culture 0 I I I C Local arts groups 10m forces to launch new senes of theatre any musrc productwns ‘ fabâ€" 7'~' 'What we‘re trying to do is present some- exciting new cluster ofcrossvcultural art. thing that makes people frorn all cultures fall "This is our third IMPACT festival, hilt . t ‘ in love mth the artistry. the music. the the this time feels different." he said. "It really ' . atre. from other parts ofthe world." said (iis- ieels like we're putting on a full season in a terna. “It's about getting people to engage terms of having nine weeks oi‘programming ' s H with art that might be outside their usual and a wide variety oftheatre and music . ‘ ' cultural comfort Zone. and to engage with â€By pooling resources. audiences, \‘UlUII' one another. to realize [ital together we are teers and staff we've been able to make ll _ 1’ all part ofcreatingourculture." tnore accessible. more affordable and more .2 ' ‘7 .‘_ . Bou»Matar says the new partnership meaningful in terms oi engaging the tour , ' between MI Space and Neruda creates an munity." . it: ____~] ' _ l ‘th ' A , iT'S GOING ro BE A l A! r1. . ‘ b 9“ ‘~ A‘ Hort o Meadows i '.-t| i p in: n g - 1....-- -.. . ‘ l 3 . . . . . I , \ _ a, , _ . Grocrous Retirement Livmg . I r , ri , N N I R 37‘lema immigrants. refugees, the descendants of 208 Hespe e Road Comb dge O 0A5 Special 10 â€If Chm'll'de German settlers or Scottish or Irish â€" we are the culture. Culture isn't some idea that aterloo arts impresarios Isabel (Iis- floats in space. It's what happens when we 4 Wterna and Majdi Bou-Matar have get together.†m the boot has MOI been and.“ At Heritage always shared a vision. Starting We Are Culture will include performanc~ this week. they'll share a stage. es from around the world, as well as locally Meadows'_ YOU CON-erl YOUt OWf‘I . thermostat, and w_e The pair have pooled resources to pres» produced shows and productions from pay the billl EOCh sutte features indIVIdUOlly controlled Git ent We Are (Iulture. a nine-week series of other parts of Canada. It starts with (if . d h I ll {If i h concerts and plays starting with the venera~ IMPACTU on Sept. 24 and ends Nov. 17 with con ' 'Onmg on e0 - and O U H '85 excep p one are ble IMPACT theatre festival in September the grand ï¬nale of the Kultrun (pronounced included for one affordable monthly rent. weԠalso take and ending with the brand new Kultrun “kull-troon") Indigenous and World MUSic . Indigenous and World MUSIC Festival in festival. core of the yordwork and maintenance so you can relax, November. . ‘ Every weekend in between wtll see per» .0'01' 0" mm.“ “We've both been around for years bring- formers bring their own distinct cultural stay COOL and Y W ing culturally diverse performances to the flavours to the stage. MT Space is program a I A R region." said (Iisterna. founder of Neruda ming theatre, while (.isterna's Neruda Pro C L FOR A COMPLIMENT Y Productions. ductions takes care ofthe music. MEAL & TOUR! 5196209999 'I think it was about time we did something that creates a lot more - excitement. a larger series that 80'" to he brings Waterloo Region's diversity out of the closet and lets us show it ofl'to each other." (iisterna will tom Bou-Matar. - artistic director and founder of the MT Space theatre company, at a I launch this week to announce 1’1 . .; details ofthe programming. We Are on, Mymm - ' (.ulture includes two festivals. 90 > Mr W . t performances. and more than 175 MMWRW- B diverse artists representing more ::::;“~;:_-m than l2 nations I “W .4, .. ‘ Kitchener MI‘ Stephen Wood 0 ;w*u.-rv--uv;u m- '33 worth and MP? Iohn Milloy Will i ’ . > i _«= also be at the launth to discuss ’ ‘ if; :2 ~ .‘ some of the arts funding that a... \ ‘ ‘ m . makes the We Are t ulture series ( [OMAR .m '3 mm- m /%“\ 2' "a "The idea behind We Arct till “‘0‘â€... one is to emphasm‘ that alone we ‘ m are individuals. but ll’gt‘iht‘t we are _V°U 6†In“ 519 579 5037 was. . ' tulture," said Ron Matar â€It's Warm ( . ) ' .3- - a" ,. . about how all the pines oi the Eggégggfé ‘" L;‘.’:.;“"‘“n,.,..“"‘ “in. ' sis-3' ‘ ._ a l mosaic in Waterloo Region the =1;:m-_=__â€"_-â€"--â€" Wm, ._. > «A . e i m I .