I" " Nun‘s - OMMD. 2013 â€I“ Busin Pr ï¬l Ann-norm e f Q ' . " a ' _ .,‘ . - 5" ' , " ‘ i 74'- â€" f“ i W172? . n ' ' ‘ “En " W A H lth 8. B C .- , . . of». vana ea eau orporatton » ' A ‘ . v Ҥâ€4v“*i if" it“. a ' rt 3 . , x“ . , ,. . was A Synergistic Blend of Science 8. Nature FL“ “if" L I" ' ‘ x ' “ Privately owned and operated by expe- offering counsel to men and women about "" rieneed and madame medical profession- their options for maintaining healthy and ab, Avaria Health 04 Beauty Corporation’s beautiful skin. Dr. Burk also lectures bottom line is clear: offering natural. extensively and trains other physicians in , paraben-free beauty and skincare products the area of aesthetic medicine. As a Cana- ' a; »‘ " ' ’ =" for men, women and teens that must work! than, Dr. Burk knows and understands the for?" g . ‘ - From product concept to design. formula- unique stresses placed on the skin due to ,'~b’ â€" _ . . , - â€' tlon and the manufacturing process, seasonal climate changes and cnvtronmen- 4“ if 2 O ‘;- ' 5 ,, renowned. local physician and Avaria HB tal pollution, and he also knows just how ’ Ix“. . ’ “i" founder Dr. Keith Burk. M.D.. and award- to address these issues and how to pre- ' , ’ winning Phil Hudson, BPharm, create serve youthful-looking skin! V O l a i I 3 O J ï¬refly)! beauty and healthcare products you can Dr. Burk's area ofinterest in the field of llh& ul boutl u j‘ ’ n . ." H trust. And Avaria resrdes in your own medicme combines with hisstudy of the hen m q q 2 ' â€w backyard in Waterloo! body‘s natural ability to repair itself, As a The 15-year-old Avaria Corporation has result, he has pioneered new directions In - earned a global reputation for its premium skincare and antiâ€"aging by nurturing and ' ’ Q ' manufacture ofhealth and beauty products protecting the skin from the inside and " Puts you l" control of proven to be the most technologically out. . . advanced and eflicacy-based on the mar~ New Skincare Initiative your d|g|hl wor‘d! ket today. With distribution throughout Recently. Dr. Burk teamed up Wllh D'GlTAL SOLUT|ONS Canada. Avaria HB creates gold-standard Canada‘s first supermodel. Monika I umbw-‘qqhmtï¬q admin-hunt brands and private labels. Schnarre. to produce the Monika Schnarre ï¬â€˜h'flmdï¬ï¬‚ï¬iï¬mfl'flmï¬ï¬‚ . rm. Dr. Burk is one of Canada’s leading iampureTM line. Monika shares the view zrh*MM-dd“fl'hhmhm ‘ cosmetic physicians, with over 25 years of with so many Canadian women that most . ' . medical experience. At the Beechwood available anti-aging products applied on a f wmzzaflflnztmhm Cosmetic & Laser Clinic, he performs a daily basis simply don’t work. and so the 3.15.41 5 full complement of cosmetic procedures. iampureTM product line was created to hm‘fl-ï¬iï¬ï¬nï¬ï¬mmmddmd offer definitive solutions for treating lino-him. . aging. Using clinically proven ingredients M‘hHM-dW'W'UY'H‘ï¬ï¬-‘m’M- at precise concentrations. the iampureTM ' product line is guaranteed to perform. a a f!“ ‘ Experience the difference that a blend of h- u- “ a h u m W_.w.h_~~ "it % science and nature can make! The product M.Wuï¬umhh _ " , uses effective, safe and natural active “MGM-CHM“ dummdmiruh- gi- ' g“ " ingredients in a 100 per cent vegetable “W'mï¬â€™dh hhhinu "' , "31; i base that even the most sensitive skin- mgnflwm 5 ‘- †* x; I‘ 5 types respond to positively. Keep your eye 0 if: a: i 2 on the Shopping Channel, where the prod- xi ‘ a: net line was launched last month to huge _ g 1 j. 7 g '; :_. g ‘_ ~ ' acclaim! " " , ,,A , â€Nahum, ' 73421353 H A ,. g, . : ~. ~ 7. â€"- 3 ,; p, .' a y J ' .. V ‘ i ‘ ‘;s‘~fl;4’-J_ is, £32.) ' « ,“ ~.»‘1'*~/‘s v c ’†a?†“out“ .. A; s 0.03). a: z. 5 00? “3 ~ '\ - 7, {a} f: g. ‘> i . <5 Com\p\fete Dental Care. New Patients Welcome. ,__457 Call today! 519-746-7333 ‘ DENTIST“ 340Magey5~d.,5ungzo7 A V Waterloo, on (a 8.7 Paid \ ‘ Your world needs your smile. “whet-Warm ‘, I