mmam-M.Apï¬l 17,2013- u FJA'T'lf’ihir-‘xl V0! l lNTF FR V‘JF" P K APRIL 21 - 27, 2013 . a Z; _V v i " ‘ ‘ v u ; 7 a . Passron. Action. impact Thanks to the thousands of volunteers who make a difference In our comically on a daily basis. loom-flow -0ntarioresidentsvolunteeredanaverageof SocialSorviees(11%),andSports hadanannualhouseholdinoomeol Volunteersare essentialtothesueoessol lG4hourseaoiiloratotalol811million ammum). Slw.0000rmore,hadschool-aged charitable and nonproï¬t organizations. in hours - the equivalent of more than 422,000 . The most common activities volunteers » children only, and attended religious energy.epenenoe,andpasimto -Thetop$%olvolunteers(moeewho everlsl45$olvoiunteelsperlomiedmis oOnhriovolunteersweremostlikelytobe mmmwmmm- voluohmdlmhoulsormorenoooumw M),lundralsing(44%),leaoling, mommuyanuxoranmisocand “WNW: lor78%olallvolunteerhours. Mormuoriru(32%).andsitting Wmï¬vaï¬onssuchasthedesireto KEYFNDNGSANDOOWARISONS °0ntanansweremorellreiytovolunieerlor oncommlneesorboerds(32%). malleaoontrlbutiontotheoommunity 05million Ontarians (47560flesidents) - - . (Molvolunteersreportedmis motivation) . . organintlonsworldnglnlheareaot GroupsolOntarlanswhovolunteereda . . y voiunmeredmelrtirnetocharitableand Eduadonaï¬wearehlimolomarians (flsproportiorlatelyllighnumberolhours WWWNWM'WNSW 20mm: °.‘°""'“"°"s ‘" 2°07 (3 “was“ volunteered). Religion (1254). were those who held a infirmity degree, â€00mm W)- rom 50% in 2004). - . I \ Women s Crisis Services in: , )= * mm. of Waterloo Region Gum . a 1 thank will Shelters and Services for Abused Women and Children am new , . . you "up“ ,,“"' ~, KldSAblhtY‘ volunteers 1 Kieth-mt msmuseoeo . a; m Means-6214993 C... h M W Tvï¬a. we on w x, A†i “n! youth with would Inch m ‘ , Thank you to all our amazing dedicated volunteers bmlhelbdrf-fl pat-bl. Your commitment to Adult Literacy IS changing lives in our Thank You Volunteers community Your generous gift or time provided over For sharing your time, energy and talents with us! 15°00 “0°“ Of 1 to 1 (“0mm â€my" I '~ a < , l x i . it 1. i l lminli‘ ‘ . .l l"ï¬â€œÂ§;00 Th a n k Yo ./ . I VOLL‘I I I EB ‘ é . M ' u Adopt-a-Road \ a (3 fl I . . Children‘s Senrices . Region of Waterloo Library \7' . WPL apprecrates 3" the friendly VO'umeers ' Doors Open Waterloo Region Sunnyside Seniors' Services who generously give their time and energy Environmental Services Waterloo Wellington Children's Groundwater Festival ’ to support library services. A , "" Joseph Schneider Haus Waterloo Region Emergency Support Team 4 /' McDougell Cottage Waterloo Region Museum _ ,. . \ , Public Health Waterloo Regional Police Service ’ lï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬'ï¬i‘fé’fï¬'feï¬ia'ï¬ï¬f ’ < mam 55m . r " f ff g as; ' I 5. ~ 4 2 ‘ ï¬___m A, 51}, , in 1 is. ' , to.“ , Jo. , .- , ; 1 i A. , 7 A a "a?†,, ï¬â€™i's l g » V. ‘e- z.‘ 1 _ a 4 f'f‘ï¬â€˜â€œ at? ) A l 7 "i ("I “A i; ' ‘ l with flame i_v National Volunteer Week are / l y ‘ - Thank you to the volunteers who "l A . l â€a contribute their time and energy to 4 ï¬le» For a" the time & an," that making Kitchener-Waterloo ï¬t our Volunteers invest... such a caring and compassuonate . We Thank Them! o m nit ! C m U Y The WHlBTlUO ChfflfllClB SHlUlBS "18 l’cnpl? lm'cxrmflm People I, thousands ol volunteers who make u “Wm“ "P“ . , ‘ » - , ansmrmmg Inn Ra Lil HO e , â€ms“ s'°°r, * â€0°“ m")? _ our communllv great! â€WNW. m y p