mmwocnmm-Mmyxmmm. some 0 O O C II er ‘ e nsm COSt O O C O O . O 0 Almost 30 per cent ofWaterloo Regional Police Service now on the Sunshme list BYer-ml’aonol’amm arbitration. and police service: WWQWE board chair Tom Galloway was . keeping a close eye on the Windsor _ "1 provincial arbitrator who contract. just awarded Windsor Because ofï¬cers haven't seen a . police officers a salary raise in almost two years. Galloway ‘ , J 3 maeueotalmostlzperoentwill saidmoneywubuiltintothemlz d . soon be working on the contract and 2013 budget to cover retroac- . _ “to“; . . fothedooRegionomcers. tivepayVVlletlieritwillbeeriotUt 0 ï¬- . ' According to the Windsor Star. remains to beseen. . ifâ€; t: “a; police there will receive 11.7 per “it's a cenalnty. virtually. that » , ‘ {NW N cent in increases a _ there will be 3 as werhuryeamdat- Theproblemls retroactivitysowe' g!» ing back to lan. l, gums have to kind of 2011. By but year, a the LUOI'k Ive project the ï¬rst-class constable have to do With our mm" hesaid. will be making more ’ Galloway said than $90.000. budgets' [flue â€e the board agreed to That puts them guessed â€Of an arbitrator in well ahead of ï¬rst- September. 2012, class constables enough’ the" we" and ï¬rst met with 4 with the Waterloo havea prOblem. him in November. Regional Police Q C He's now indicated Service, who cur- Tonic." ’ he likely won't be 3 rently make $83,156 a year and available to do a full arbitration With an arbitration decision boom the salary of a Waterloo Regional Police Service first-class constable is likely have not seen a raise since July. hearing, ifit's needed, until August. to rise from its current $83,155- 5 "9 account ft†35 percent Of the 10“, W5“ budget WWW 2011. "(he problem with that is, the Oflicers here have been working guess work we have to do with out the total police budget, which was $241,000, while deputy chiefs make ships." Torigian said. without a contract since ian. 1, budgets. If we’ve guessed not set at $135 million for 2013, up about $195,000 and superintend- The private security ï¬rm G45 2012. enough, then we have a problem.†from $126 million in 2012. ents fall in the $150,000 to $160,000 has been contracted to design, “We're in the arbitration he said. in 2012. 305 people from the range. bundandnmone municipal police process, and we're still open to Asubstantial salary increasewill police service turned up on the But with a base salary of serviceinEngland. mediation with the police sewices push the skyrocketing police budg- province’s Sunshine list - a salary $83,000, it only takes a bit of over- Other privatized services board,†Bruce Tucker, president of et â€"- at about 30 per cent. the disclosure list of public employees time pay or a retention bonus to include outsourcing front desk the Waterloo Regional Police Asso- biggest item in the region’s overall who made more than $100,000 in push many constables over the services. [T support, or the man- ciation, said around the time of budget â€" even lumen 2011. That's about & per cent ofall $100,000 Sunshine threshold agement ofmstodycells budget talks in January. That's because salary and bene~ the employees who workthere. According to the federation of “it's gmundbreaking. it's really But the contract is heading to ï¬t costs drive about 85 per cent of Chief Matt Torigian earned Canadian Municipalities, the thing pushing the envelope in some 5 flay»... ,~ fl s. .â€" kg. - . ~ . . 34, cost of policing is playing out in respectxf'lh'Uanm ' 3 ' . f , v : g j ‘33 communities across the country. “But it h fl too “in any of Ca; _ . 3, 3, v ‘ w CostsiorpoliceserviminCanada ustoloolratitandaay‘Yeah. that ‘i » ' 3 3 -.j' £33 1 t f}: ‘fff‘f almost doubled in 10 years, grow- couldmrkinCanada" 3 . 11,335} “i is"? égï¬'ï¬33‘gs .. 3 , 1 ,. . m. 3 _ ‘ 1,5 ing from $6.1 billion in 1900 to As the community grows and 3; ’ $5Qt, [13,3 téxi‘ogg‘gg ‘ 3 3: 3 ‘ figs; $12.3 billion In 2009. Mummpal the police budget continues to I“? . -_,§f§' .:E_ $531,“ 3 "$3; 1335“ ., ‘3 f ï¬fe; -' L governments paid for 60 per cent grow. he said theymayhave to look 13-2": " ‘ ' Wis/33,253 $~g “3:3“? ' 3121“. 1‘ 37 A. f,“"{?73;33'*~‘ of that increase. at which services police should i" is '_ _' , _ ‘ gfégï¬ â€˜g‘gaï¬ï¬‚,s'fl » - ~ ‘ ' " ‘S: in January, Torigian attended really be providing, and which 2“: ‘ " 4‘ ï¬zz‘ï¬g’i‘; };ï¬"$"~'{1t§§§*g the Summit on the Economics of could be done by someone else in w; A, ' its" in “5 173g§§§f g; .. < . 3 ’ 3 . ., file, Policing in Ottawa. He also trav- the community, such associal and F ‘ ‘ r s"‘ “i* '? {if “Q““vi'eï¬iï¬ 3133314 3 _- 3 w .. ,_ ' . A elled to the UK in November with crimeprevention organintions. v ‘ "5"“\x-r‘“'[;: , ' " ‘ -' ' ' as about a dozen other Canadian Butcutaln serviceare not on his 5: 3. 1 ‘ 4“"51Eg“~'f’,xf“f weft; fgwfgiar “ ~ ' 1" . ' f'zf»-3._.‘j.f- .: ' “2“ police chiefs to ï¬nd out what the radarriyttaway. ' ‘ « ' ;’~ 'slf’mï¬ â€œat?†' 3»? 5 » «a. British are doing to control rising “We have to be very cautious †' â€gel - 1- pikfgp , if costs about this,’ he said. "We're in a ‘- a x34 ,' ‘ fleet; ff ‘ , 1; “One of the things they’re look- pod place rig“ now in our police {4 i- - 3 ' W5 A? ; fi,Ԥ.~,?v'<“.1i:."Â¥.é . . 345; ff 1; i i}. ing at are public~private partner- service andinourcommunity." flip a emf“, “ 32.3",‘71’1 iï¬i‘jéq}, ler' e?â€:s"s {Fiï¬ : "13: YOUR TOP AWARD wmmno spA _ g . ‘ 131753 ‘ ’ 1 “A at“ ».._ a ._-1“" g ‘ ~ , a t ‘ j .. 3.1“ l f 1 ’ . ‘ SPA- “All swam-arm sn l ~\ 519.006.2090 I omawacon l U 0 mun-nun.“ 3; 3‘ . . 7 ./>/‘ L.