I l [2.v t tinnvl. <‘l- n. at - Why men run faster than us t's just a theory. but I think ‘ one run, but I've been mg I've discovered Why male ging along With them mu G . t - endurance runners tendto since. ' :J\ ‘ , outpacetheirfemalecounter- During this time. l‘w . , a r _ puns noticed that men and , ’ 4 ,j 7 f 1 In short. it's the only way women tend to run in sepa _ t" 1 ‘ , ' , , to escape our incessant‘ mtegroups ' ï¬g in 59! e; In Reach, chatter. , ' What do women talk ‘ ' , "He did what?!? You’re . about when they run? t kidding!†. We usually start by dls “Oh, you poor thing, ' cussing how far we'll run or? an; ' «t tim'sawful!’ » ’ and the route we'll take. f‘ 3 =‘" So 805 the conversation ’ ' lnevitably. talk turns to out as I plod along with my families as we recount the female running buddies on latest exploits of our hus- on early morning training 1. bands and children. ‘ run. We’re preparing for an Aim": Sometimes conversation upcomingspringmamthon. turns to a favourite new One of us has just PENNY recipe. Here. I listen while revealed some rather tragic mm the others talk. - - to news, and the rest are quick Other times, discussion to offer sympathy and oom- weekly training runs and focuses _on POSHun indul' fort workouts. As we whittle 8mmes like coffee or chow? ., A ram moment of silence away "13 kilometres. the late. In this case, [do most (if follows as the seriousness of chatter is, well, yes, inees- the talking and the Others the simation sinks in and we sant. can’t get a word in edgewisei rv1 think to ourselves. “That Conversing while exercis~ Our “bl“! mam†“0 oould've been me. I'd better ing is fairly new to me. but dOUb' strengthens my the“ S l he more careful." I‘ve become adept rather TY why men TU" 50 faSL Even ’ We are a diverse group of quickly, '~ more so than hearing what women in our late 305 to Ahouttwoyearsago, after we're saying, they want to , mid-505. mostly from the writing a column about my amid participating in Nth education and healthcare preference to run solo, a discussions. \ . ' t , ï¬elds, who have bonded low mnning group invited My running ladies awl I ' over a shared love of me along to see why they recently started pondering v endurance mnning. prefertrainlngtogemer. what men talk about Whllt' ‘ , u There is rarely silence I'm pretty sure the invite they run. r 3 , » t r t t - when we get together for our was only intended for that ("Amtlnuedon page 13 â€"'-.4- "1,1" - ‘ "7'â€"~,,- t"T, ,. \-’\,- um ». ’ ‘ ' . Elf. ' , ti 1» ~ {le ital t Lulu to Hi 4 rem s Resolution 1 1h as . ' g -’ ' ’ 2013 M It 5 s» M . “an“. m ' : f UNTIL SPRING wan 90 DAYS NO PAYMENTS ‘ , ., an .. _ $21,174“ , v , » » â€" : : -\ - “(mm a} a A L ‘_ , W < 4. a ‘ 2013 uncles: to". mean son-ion 5's» g a a?" _ ., f? A f ‘ ' o , Q r if ., I ' 7, - szomm '- we“ 15? , ,..â€" , l . . : . e v m. 4. It 5 _ ‘ » , . . l , -â€"== =::'- . * . . RECE'VE H'QUP . ’ M t_ A! . _, ,. \ v f r ,. . Q . w,†> (Hour on,“ - ' ~\ / OR TABLEl ' ' ‘ 1 . . . . . . . ‘ â€" ,. »â€"~- ' _ . A ’ , j . . q' 2013 m. ll m 5 ' o “mam-N ‘ ‘ . ‘ OR(l’l‘)""[ †~ mm V ‘ ~. -. x 3 o . e: \ Q , .' ‘ A Imp F»: H.» $25,990m5r . , , ., , casuanoustm i. a Q “In An..- 10 nu~ on...†Ottawa tree! North, Kitchener www.kâ€"wmttsublsh|.com -â€"~“â€" Muumwum not.“ " a. watchman! l