mm-mmiams-u O O O-lt- yourse project 0 Local ï¬lmmaker decides to umue his own visionfor a ï¬lm produced locally 310m Pm Pam-u. ' R an" almost W; Rwqu-mu â€my“ [amniotic-nan. " actually lound out about the part drian Konstant has come M an ad Korma had posted Ahalfwayaround theworld . onKljijiAnactorwhobuuedout tomakeaï¬lmabouthome whenhelnovedtoAlbertahadto and family. come back for a flaw chys and was [Was a Greenhouse. written, . abletoahoothhsceneathen. directed and produced by the And though it rained almost SouthAII-hnnative.wasfllmedin everydayoftheshoot,Konstant andaroundKitchenerandWater- ‘ tookthatasagoodomen. loowithlotzlactors. He was on holiday on Lake "This Kitchener-Warm envi- Huron din-hm pre-production and ’ mnmemjustientitselftoaaeative everytimehewentommingon environment and a community the lake. he'd come back to a posi- creative atmosphere. which is . a. _ g ., tivephonenw f exactlywhatyouneedtomakea " ' 'l‘heywereallpodActorshad 1 ï¬lm." Konsunt said. ‘You have to , accepted parts or a location had ' havethesupportoftheconmmnity comethrougtlldtthatwasuwas oryouwnn‘tbeabletodoit' . 1 apositivemotifbrus.’ > lust 29 years old, Konstant- - " ‘ . ~ » v , .. Konstantisrnvinthepost-proâ€" I earned a degree in ï¬lm and pro- v duction process of editing the I duction from the University of k- ' _ mow'e. He's using the editing suite . (hpe'lbwnbeforebemmingapro- ' . .‘ '1 hehassvailabletohimthroughhis % duction assistant. If!†full-time job at a marketing com- . Like many in this seemingly a 7 « ‘ parry and the audio will be done at glamourous business, he started J A» 1‘ -~ ' a local stadium Red Room ’ out as a production assistant, mak- ' , 3 ‘ ~ Making movies isn't only for ' ing coffee and taking out the trash. ~ . § ’ superstars or the rich anymore. He worked his way up to cam- ' .- ,4» a ' Having good quality equipment } moperatorandevenmallymoved _ availableatinexpemivepriwshas - to Vancouver to work in the ï¬lm ., ’ levelled the playing ï¬eld for ï¬lmâ€" ; industry there on movies such as ‘ makers. says Konstant, who esti- StarshiplioopersandDoomsday. mateshisenï¬mWï¬srtheï¬lm r ltwasinVancouverthathemet ~ wasabout$l7.wo. and fell in love with Waterloo '1 hope that the good stories are 1 Region native Heather Roth and Ari-Ian Konstant is from South Atria, but after moving to Waterloo Region he says he couldn‘t have made his what’s going to come through." he i thepairmovedtoWateriooayear ï¬lthhouthelpfromthecommmity.IWasaGreenhousewasï¬lmedinandarmdeltdsenerandwnedoo. said ago. mm 'Peoplemn’tgowatchamovie l That’s when Konstant started to Konstant ï¬nished the script meant theyallhadotheriobs Iackenbauer. who plays the home- because of the big star that's in it. 3 seriously consider a solo endeav- about six months a3), then started Filming took about lo weeks, less man. Deuce Arlington but because it’s an amazing story ‘ our. putting together the financing, with shooting squeemd into week- “We ï¬lmed in all these streets withamazingactora†l 'i wanted to write. but it’s really locations and. most importantly, ends. and worked around when around here,‘ he said. “We would Once the ï¬lm is complete. he difï¬cult to get anyone of signiï¬- the people who would help the certain actorsoouldbeavailable. wander erotmd the citysueets and hopes to enter it for consideration i canoe to read it that would be able movie come to life. “You have to shoot at maximum see an alleyway that looked aes~ in the Toronto international Film 1 to turn it into anything." he said. ‘it was a surprise how much speed to try to get everything thetically pleasing â€" dirty and Festival, one of the most presti- ‘ “i didn't want to make (the organizing it took and much done,†Konstantsaid. grungy â€" and we’d throw him in gioushsdvabindaewnr‘ld. l movie).lwantedtoseil(thescript). sdiedulingittakes,â€hesaid lntotal.about30to35people thealleywayandï¬lmhimforalit- Heknowshe’saiminghï¬tbut t lshoppedit around foraboutthree "Every single day was like a wereinvolvedwiththeï¬lrrtOnone debit.†hewantstocatchtheanentionofa l months before i decided that i’m huge event you're trying to coordi- shoot, which took place on loca- The shooting prom m really producer or distributor. At the end ; goingto have to do it myself." nate: Food. makeup, wardrobe. tion at the Woorktock hospital. 14 aoollaborativeeflort and hecredits of the day. he doesn‘t care about 1 l Was a Greenhouse tells the props. making sure people can be or 15extmswere involved. both Lackenbauer and h‘u painter making his money back on this ; story of a homeless musician who there.†A farm just outside Kitchener Roth. whoabo serves“ a producer ï¬lm. ‘ makes a connection with a family There was another scheduling served as another primary location. on the movie. for helping to guide He just wants to be able to make â€" a mother and three children issue â€" every cast and crew mem- Other times. it minim Konstant him through the process. another one and hopefully build I whose father has died. ber volunteered their time. which with a camera and lead actor Derek But many thing came together on a burgeoning local ï¬lm industry , IGANTIC INCREDIBLE SAVINGS SA‘IE To"? E ON Lem-a & m sous, sag-3m , CENTRE, ems soon I: m W ‘ ’ M Jr», I373VlctoriaSt.,N., Kitchener | 5l9-742-850l