I mm-Mmmmsvn ; \L\ f Read y to launch E l 0 I , e - Wilfrid Launer s LaunchPad p I 3 am I I raters 101th Accelerator Centre â€but“: at; ‘1» . , ‘ live psychology and the long-lasting effects ' was†3 _ W456?“ of promoting smiling as a contagion. The ' __\ ‘ - “so J“ SmileEpidemicwillbeusingtheneWIpace newplrtnershipbetweenWaterloo’s _ ;;‘x._ atdieAcceierstorCentretoseeifthishigh- Amalgam Centre and Wilfrid Lsuri- -, ' .1» 35 , potential enterprise can continue to you er University's launchpad program 523 .11.: ,. â€We picked lim to be the ï¬rst company hopes to give students with on entrepre- . _ ' ' , there because it's such an exciting story." ‘ Whithewtostantheirown ‘ ‘ “Harlow.“hjustiitssowell' j bitches; †_ :45 «a; , Tim Ellis. CEO ofthe Accelerator Centre, The partnership will give the Laurier _ " 4“ is also excited by the potential partnership ‘ [AMP-d physical access to the Accelen- ' . because it broadens the opportunities for l tor Program. induding use of the ofï¬ce it a:1-;:“‘f_.’;-~'ii‘:ï¬g; é; _ A .‘_:,‘-;-g WA new start-ups while developmg'pre-incubs- , operates out of the centre located at the j“ ‘ ~. - " ‘ ‘ ‘ " tion programming it has developed at other ; David Johnston Research and Technology , g 1 '5: he»? 1 ,5 " 513“?" centres like Sanford. : Park. More importantly. it will give lander ,s g .4. ;; jg»? ‘ 9 ‘ “not '-;>:{-†“Obviouslythe University ofWaterloo has F Initial: and Ihrmni omens to the expertise ' if}: ‘ ‘ "‘3‘“ 274%: â€$3: . ' ' it} been a good source for start-ups in the com- hotned in the came that has helped htmch -: is, S ; ,3’,§.'..t.x; My: 94 munity but the other two academic institu- Inorethsn lmlotzl start~up mania. f§x â€Â£453: 235'; ‘33" tions â€" Laurier and Conestoga ‘ haven’t Steve Fallow. executive director of the 1151.43â€; . ‘ :. been recognized as much for start-um but Schlegel Centre for Entrepreneurship at . T v that’s changing now.†said Ellis. ‘Over the WLU, said students from his program have , past years it’s changed signiï¬cantly, and l alreadyworkedwithnewstsn-upstopro- 1 thinkpartnershipslikethiswiilclmgethar vide business and marketing expertise to ' even more.†newtechctlnponhayexpandingthepro- Blissaidthereisastrongennepreneurlal ' sum. it means more faculties can get _ A r ., , M .» ; ‘ _ ‘ streak throughout Waterloo Region and the Wendihereisthepotentialformore limhMemmhwmmkmkwhm newlaunchPadparmershipwillcontinueto newbusinesstogetstanedinsectorsoutâ€" UWptogremtopuï¬dpsteManewpemshtpwldimeAcceleatorCmue. supponandexpandthoseoppommities. sidedhuitedi. â€m “if the support infrastructure is there. 'hbmavihmntandamuï¬vepm coursetheywillbeencouragedtocontinue enterthenewcollaborationistheSmileEpl- peoplearemoreliltelytomoveinthatdirec- to creme enterprise: said Barlow, about the their ventures and use the supports in place demic, founded by ex-pro lacrosse player lion," he said. “If there is no support and no importance tritium 'lt’s a mnygood ï¬t through this newpartnership Jim Moss. who is completing his masters help ecosystem. they are more likely to take , and lg having Lumber We in that envi- "'5 hoped that the mentoring and net- degree in Psychology at WLU. When a mys- the path or going to work for another com- mune“ there '3 1 mm] for more colli~ working available through the Accelerator terious illness took away the use of his legs. pany instead of starting one thenwelves.’ sions as people bump into each other and Centre will help speed the growth of their it taught the Waterloo man a lesson in Ellis said it‘s a model they are promoting . teams-reformed and ileumdeveloped in businessventures appreciating the little things in life and he at the new Stratford Accelerator Centre, unthindofan my “Entrepreneurship is now such a vibrant started a website called the smileepidem- which will help identify candidates who Farlow said more students are coming part of the curriculum.†said Fallow. about ic.com ‘0 Sham that! stories ofgratitude. could graduate to the full Waterloo Awelera- ' inn mm Puttiurlarly it’s strong the changes he’s seeing from both faculty Holding up smiles and sharing reasons (or Centre program ' business program, with the notion of and students â€We've now taken it through for why they are grateful. hundreds of peo- "The companies that would be consid- latm their own Mm And much of all faculties. including science, music, arts pie have posted their photos to the vvehdte cred too early for the muggy; tradition- thatwmtbegimwhiletheyarestiflstudy andSOCialwol'kandthebusinesssuidents astheideawentviralltevendrewtheattem ajrnoddwmmintopmmï¬ketheaggt- tug, “They have theopportunity to experience tion of the Oprah Winfrey Network Canada ford sandbox and get awess to our mentors ’ Laurier LaunchPad enables students entrepreneurship and create a real enter- that ï¬lmed a segment on the father of twu and thinp that we do,†said Ellis. 'Ihis is a fromdlhmltiessttheschooltodevelopa prise.andtheyhavetohavearealideatoget sndhisstory. realiygoodwayforustopreincubateand V’nhle brine. and receive full wine credit into this Pm andget the course credit†Moss has worked to continue to spread get companies ready for the Accelerator for their work. Once they complete the The ï¬rst landerâ€"sponsored start-up to the smile while undying the effects of posi- Centre.’ l g! â€â€˜5'" NOW: PAY WE" LASIK MD I?! ; s s % “‘3'"- ii 1 311 l s i ,. 0‘ DON’T PAY FOR I / l E . , ~«m0 YEAR' .u , A . i / of T ER E I Fun e h! a ' ' ' [3‘ \‘~ ‘ ‘ 4 , -» DOWN swarms m All-Loser LASIK Available lg; . on P†’2“ \ If 4A 5 I ' ‘* lASlK starting at 490/eye‘ 0 FREE Consultation: I -877-965-9888 0 loslkmdcom iii; I \ _ , , . _