WA‘I'Elumulmul-Wednudly,Novembor7.2012°5 Q buildin LRT b and ' “a" y g 1' “\ .4 '. , l , , BleMile/itzxson cos on both sides of the aware of the difficult job I - U \ k (‘1‘ ‘ (lrmnrrlmuig fl .. debate wrll allow them to ahead of Quarry. “It's a difï¬- \ \ develop real solutions to cult task, but an achievable t Litobsliased Quarry problems and get the right one," said regional transâ€" lntegiuted (Tommunc iiiixol ideas. Whyte said. portatiori commissioner i‘.Illt)ll\ has been “It starts to energiw the Thomas Schmidt, adding _3 awarded the brand develop- (creative) )ult‘t's." he said. Quarry was selected because , 3’ iiient contract for the “We know what's out there the company had the right . W RCgltHl ol Waterloo rapid and that adds a little more experience and the best . iii? “ transit svstein. but residents pressure to come up with strategy for success "" “' shouldn't expect to see a something that's good and “We've asked them to Plt‘JSt‘ ltllll US it" ill†Ill-Stun! Sllflmtllb/ “name that train" contest ideas that appeal to both consider the existing transit promotions coming down the tracks. sides.†brand and the brand of the ‘ the company said the Hit: company has already Region ofWaterloo and make H 0 1" DAY OPEN HOUSE sumptuous fund successful branding of the worked on similar branding it part of the overall trans~ . . ' . contentious â€(its critical for projects throughout the portation strategy" bdlllltldv. NllVlllllbt‘J 10‘“ S‘anlmgs the system's long-term region, including logos for Whyte said theyarestill in W .i in :i p ill 000! pleL‘S success. . the KW Chamber of (30m- the very early stages of the "11'“ be hard I" â€â€˜0 wily "1°“? '080 and Coneswga 575,000 pwiect- and have 56 Regina St. N., Waterloo - 5|9-954~8772 - www.relisbcooliinqstudio.com days,†said Quarry president (killege. and the branding of only begun to discuss a Ken Whyte. “There are lots of the "LXpress transit service. potential name for the sys- . naysayers who don't like it Another challenge is tern. He said the nameiscru- *- and a name and a logo is not appealing to all three cities cial, pointing to the Bay Area goingtochange that." and the townships alike. Rapid Tiansit system in San ( 3 ; ; - 4 ,_ .4 ,4 ’5‘ :4 \ Residents and businesses given their different wants Francisco, knownas BART. as ‘ ’ ‘ i - ‘ I ‘ ~ across Waterloo Region have and needs for the service. an example of poor brand- . raised concerns rapid transit 'lt’s not about specific ing. “We're going to come up is too expensive. will cause features. this is about con- with something much more ~ .3 trafï¬c logjams. disrupt busi- necting people and commu- innovativethanthat." a \ new and not enough people nities like never before," The timeline is by", and A will useit. Whyte said “A system ofthis the name, look and feel of \ \ Whyte said the negativity size and magnitude affects the brand must be ready by V ‘ ' surrounding the project everyone â€" neighbour- March,WhytesaicL I I A ‘ V" . V before construction has even hoods. motorists and riders Once Quarry has a couple .- .. .- \ begun dots put some added â€" and we're going to want to of ideas to focus on, a public ,. ' s pressure on Quarry’s shoul- get all communities on consultation process will “ ders The fact that they are a board.†begin â€" a requirement put ‘ .- _ t. ' ‘ local company with employ- The region is also fully in placeby the region. . r a ' [k ’ Comfort Plus †‘ KWCommunityTa .com E i Videos and Bio-s About Local Shoa coin ‘ i C9lebrates the" no will. Si. N. so. u if m l 42nd year in . V. rt ., «2’» Y " ' Waterloo. ON N213H8 1" v . . “1': I4, 3‘ At 519 334 4200 busmess With KW F r ' ' ._ as oo -: .; * kwloot.com A . __ super deals i " .33; - y. .3; » _ 4 _ . - , . i _ x i»;- ':ra;v“;“%:;" “v†‘ ij W4»? J‘vxlafhb EM,“ CC.“ , a? ‘ i In all i ' ' m n cm a statistic - D0 â€â€™9" e , _ - . departments Diabetes is one of the leading causes of amputations in the lower limbs. Worldwide statistics indicate that every 30 seconds a limb is lost due to diabetic complications. Foot problems are one of the most common reasons PL US, , , for hospitalization in people with diabetes. 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