Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Sep 2012, p. 11

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‘ WW-mmrfiaswu Exer ° ' di ’ else rs me cme WM 0 0 Doctor urges colleagues to make exercrse part of the prescnption 3780an _ “N _‘ E4, Chronicle Sta/7 _ A?” ‘ â€" ‘ The Grape Escape Fl? he message that exercise is good 4 1 for Saint Monica House for you has been around forever, -,. 1 but a new local health-care iniâ€" ( . " \ “The Grape Escape“ is a food and wine evening tiative is looking to make that prescrip- \ set for Sept. 20 to help raise money and suppon tion more formal. . programs offered by Saint Monica House in Water- errcise is Medicine is a movement l _ ‘ loo. that got its stan in the Us. and asks ~ Fabulous food prepared by local chefs sewed every physician to assess the activity 1: 4 g ' i 3 . with flnewines. plus a “Wine 101” presentation by level of their patients every time they Q. ’ - 5 * 4.54: 1, Ange Aiello from wwwflellowinecluhcom, will be come to the doctor's office for a visit. if V '° ‘1 is ' '~ i, , featured during the evening event on Thursday at Dr. Mike Sehl. medical director at i» , 5 fits; the Hacienda Sarria in Kitchener. AlM Institute of Lifestyle Medicine in _. ' 15 " "PM 4-4,“ Q g, 4, . 4 A live and silent auction will also include an Waterloo. said the goal is to get every if? 32}. if ,,r .; ‘ A i of," autographed 1972 Canadian gold medal team family doctor to write a prescription for “I. ’* if“; 4345 ; 4 -.4 ' - hockey stick. a catered dinner for eight from physical activity. The former emer- i. -~ f: g “i 5, ,. ' Q’s?“ Guards, 3 Kitchener Rangers package. roundtrip gency room doctor and hospitalist said I, ”v is :_ i"? meg-l" 1.3 » tickets courtesy of VIA Rail from Kitchener to Mon- the research shows that as little as 30 '.~ 44, 4 33 ”"'. . treal and much more. minutes of exercise a day. five days a 4 “jifq‘ffâ€"lw "4 $7 “This will be a great evening to celebrate and week. can prevent the kind of chronic . 47.33: 4, £1; a? ’ support our long history of work in the communi- disease he once saw on a daily basis , ' ' 235 “ ' . f " ty, plus our efforts in the firttue," said Tonya Ver- “Exercise is incredible medicine." 31a;- . "‘ ‘ "5 burg, executive director of Saint Monica House. ‘ , said Sehl. who is spearheading some of ' v. .. we?" , .. i... "This year also marks the 45th anniversary of this mm is Medicine’s work in Canada. Dr. Mike Sehl. medical director at AIM institute ofLifestyle Medicine inWater~ agency and we're very proud of the suppon and "it’s the most potent drug we have and loo, is spearheading a campaign to get local doctors to prescribe exercise as a cure services we’ve been able 10 053? young parents it's under-prescribed. to what ails their patients n. mm over the years." "Even as a physician. I wasn't aware To order tickets call 519-743-0291 or visit of that before and We become progres- nearly in per cent of premature deaths kick off a formal public education eam- wwwsaintmonicahouseorg. sively more aware of it over time. so it's worldwide are due physical inactivity. paign last Friday at the Waterloo public becomes passion for me." “It's about 5.3 million lives lost due square until rain cancelled the pro- Sehl said that when people get a to inactivity," said Sehl. "The annual ceedings Hot Nigl'lt in the City script from their doctor they often fol- lives lost to smoking on an annual But it didn't dampen his enthusiasm low the directLtzzls as a means to basis is 5.1 million people. for the message. especially with the Sept. 20 at Revolution improving their th. He's enoourag- “inactivity is now killing more peo- obesity epidemic now swee i North , ing doctors to include exercise in those pie than smoking â€"â€" that’s extremely America. it's a message of IiJrrlilrgiroving Hot Night in the City. a high-energy fashion directions with the hope more people powerful statistic to me. health and preventing illness Sh“ in support of WWW is being held Sept. will make the connection and under» ' “As physicians we've done a pretty “in the last 25 years obesity has dou- 20' 7 pm. at Revolution Nightclub. , stand physical activity is key to improv- good job of getting people to quit bled,“ said Sehl. “Chronic disease has Back by popular demand. it features Waterloos ing their overall health. smoking but counselling people about gone through the roof and all those honest firefighters, the latest fashion trends and “About 70 per cent of visits into a inactivity. that‘s the new public health things cost money, and we have limited music that "I" have the audience “um8 out of family doctor's office is because of crisis for the 2lst century.” health-care dollars. theirseaL'Ihepublicisinvitedtowitness the most chronic disease." said Sehl. "Half of A global survey of physical activity “We want to have doctors involved sizzlingshomeitchener-Waterloo chronic disease could be prevented or levels from 122 countries done by Dr. and find out what their patients are Kidsabilrty is partnering With the Waterloo Pro- significantly affected by our lifestyle Pedro Hallal found 31.1 per cent of doing and telling them what they feasional Firefighters Association'for this fundrais- choices adults failed to meet public health should be doing. and ideally writing it e!- “News “N“ “19 ”em W1" 8° ‘0 “FPO" “You could say it's a simple message, guidelines for physical activity. which is down as a prescription. KrdsAbillty. , ‘ but it's not a simple message if we're defined as l50 minutes per week. The “it becomes a powerful message For 55 years. KidsAblIity has been providing not doing it.‘ study also noted that more than 80 per when you hear it from a doctor.” therapy and suppon services to children and fami- The Iatest research is particularly cent of kids aged 13 to 15 are not get- The Medicine as Exercise event that lies in the C0mm9niW~ Today. 5400 Chlldm“ and telling. in last month's lancer. one of ling the recommended 60 minutes of was supposed to be held on Sept. 14 youth w'fh 5PM“ needs benefit from servtces the world's most respected general moderate to vigorous physical activity will be rescheduled to October. through at“ m Cambridge, Fem Guelph. Kitch- medical journals. research looked at per day. Organizers hope to return to the ener andWaterloo.. the lives lost on an annual basis woridâ€" Sch] said they've taken that message public square Oct. 12, at l p..m., and Ticketsare $25 m advance. $30 at the d°°" To wide to an increasingly sedentary to local family doctor‘s ofiioes over the have Waterloo Mayor Brenda Halloran purchase tickets call 519438643886 ext. 1293' lifestyle. The research showed that past few weeks and they were set to out againforsupport. ' ' . ‘ ~" ‘ ' ' we. "1 “ is ’ ' "f" v. nadir . ‘ m: '~v,."¢"."'v ‘. use? ,,,,34?} is; , i; «if it ' Nfii'” jwffizyfi4§iléfih ' a “ i ‘ ' ‘-' ; g "“ if t. ‘ , ~. -. 1. A.» ‘ . M} if. v? t ' "£75“. - i a ‘ .. . 4.111“? W»... “M g» ‘5 tr 'l;..,,;‘ ., - ¢ ($4, a ._ - . J; " . 4213.2»

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