so-WArl-Rumcnmnzu-Wedneuhy. ". .. l. . a 1m" YOUR C" Y OF WATERLOO UPDATE _ _ _ _ _ a" “- o: --_-- WS’QIOO mmuosmsmsmsmonormm “Igloo TNMOIM NOT|CES toCouncilotmeuthoCityolWaterloowilconsldardoslngaportionolAllenbyCourtandoonveyinp theremnantpuoelsotttledosedroadtothe abutting property ownersl389&390AiIenby Court). moummlï¬rm \ AllenbyCourttermlnatesinatemporarymmingcircleandisproposedtobeextendedasaresultot WWW ‘\i k medevelopmentlocatedontheeastsideofBrldpeStreetatthewestertytermlnusotAllenby Court 1mm mum-imam 242-09 “A ‘g municipally known as 290 and 294 Bridge St. W. The City of Watertoo will retain an easement imammmnoomsmw, J \ for munlcipal and Union Gas purposes. Wâ€"mms â€p \ 2. it approved. the sublect lands will be conveyed at a price consistent with the City's legal, I“ m m the CW“ 0‘ W W °' mm \ ‘ \ advertising and other costs will hold a Formal m Meet“; on Monday. '\ , ‘ 0a 15, 2012. no W m 530 pm†m the «\ 3.The transaction wrll be scheduled tociosewrttlin 120 days at Council approval ottne amen gamers. 3m Floor, Waterloo City Carafe. \ disposition of the subject lands. mmg S":‘m' â€a?“ “m 4. Below disposing of any real property,CityCounciI must declare by by-laworresolutlon, at mauloSodionMollmMimActn K †, ameetingopentothepubllc,thatmemalpropertyissurplus. “WammmmSiESpedï¬c « \ MIWDMWMMMMMZHMMMWM Zomany-tho 3503wieoaimolmwstm s‘ mmaammnmmmmmumuuwm MWWWMâ€3 dip)†V mmmmmwmmmmmmmmmm WNMNWM- _ \ mummum,mz.mmmmmumm Th: memo and cum mumm- mile "X \\ Mummsm 34 Thom . ,. , .i A.M-ï¬_..,.,_-, Act n.s.o.1990,as arm. n is mam that CITY UPDATE wammmwwm “a - mm heapprovodjeriedormldedAwpydthestafl â€on“!!! m â€hum“ a†“an" a mmmmzwnmm n , _ mummwmmnwuyomzmz Coma apptoves the Wanton. a bylaw to N MNZNBY'WV‘NN‘ mix-mum“ ' Inâ€! or a m Pant-MMhn-nm Throne-Int: “a . “manual-hum tumummmumeumw mmm.muymm mmmmammw mnmï¬m'mw'" mmmdmmwmmaw P.5I9.886.i550 TTY. l.866.786.394l “flmm anmmaumwmemmm “mummmmm WW.WAW.WAW amuseanmmammuesumm “WW“MM‘OW in swam at, or in oppodtlon to tho gamed 2_uw_nmmflmwm Help slump how our community ‘Nlll l)~- pl mmwl may-mm Kiwi-Miami‘s HWWWNMM.M\0 mad innit around (my trmnportntmn ~»3,'atl'ltt' a M b (and or world In mom “warm mummmmpimmm 3>mMflmmbmm jolnuslortheceupcomingeventsandprovldeyourfeedback mum “himu‘wm'n'fl'. mmumwuumu ondieï¬mmeofourcommunity. M Mamba Ammammmm lenmmmdprcpumwyouMM ‘novmvsone CentralTransitCorridor wmummmbnmm. dad-abybymamnamopon mm Community Building Strategy mmuumnmwmm nmmummdprmuupu FREE withKari opulhouses: MW 21mg brim W Wm Speaker Event m , I Irmy | t I! ll I I fullnwhmwmmï¬ymz‘: RII ll clonal :;l'tincmating Dropmtooneoitliusdfglmngopen “In with; blamed gmrwm ,mmas_.mumnmm successful transportation systems: Piousesmbgmt-lew'er ll “given atS:30 pm. mm “mm“ ' mammmwomuum - Aspanofthngderzxsit lamammmmmn Maw-mum. l wcmwlg “WW-WWW†mn-mmamm “mama-mm ', StratengRidswmp'wde MCMWWW mnumuucwum maul-mum ,{ hsigvtsmhowprwidhgmore 6ODrd<son Street.Cambndge m“°’*"°""‘-“""‘°’“"° august-mum“ manicuorommpid TMSGM'B-N’Z m“"°‘""°'°'°°“"°‘°‘°"°‘"“"°' munmmw transittomadmprmements) KnoxChurrh. zm‘mmhw"â€mfl mm cmmcmnywmmiwp 50Er'b StreetWesLWaterioo a «mm-Min Wm“ “330 c°"“'“°t°b°aï¬"“"3 Thursday,$epr.20,2012 m M!!- . ~ , - r , cormtedandwlddsscormlnity. ' nmdnmammn ‘ , ‘ PrqecjtStorefront. _ MhMNWWMMn-yrn mémxéievnlâ€"dmxï¬umh 220ng$treetWesLKrtchener awnnmbnmdmwm l ac 00 M . m MM _ > yourmnon . “mwmmhuwd a Please RSVPformnspresentatlonat strategaa‘ndareasofopportunrty. "MMnmmemln “MW cumin-amiocorridonaorbycaiiing Visitcemnh'lmmmdonu 5m" M “WWW“W- 5195754400. . for more information. “4 MW cm UPDATES â€his Mann! OPEN HOUSE Tnasitllub c f ' a, Mflnn‘m Drop in totheopen house. co-hostedwrththe ltyo it: , ‘ 4 , wanâ€"nâ€" Knchener.between4and8p.m. Amntation wilibe ‘ ,' , “can. unn- “my.“ a 8m“ 79“ at 5 ' é , MM! Manhattan-zillion mundanSeptZlZOlZ Unrversrty ofWaterloo School " ' ' ; uuuï¬mmmflm ofPharmaCJOthom Street South-Kitchener P. 5l9.886. I 550 l FY. l‘866.786.394I www.wntvrl00.c.1