l-il‘ .i... . :1 [Ill-)IVIIIJI"IA‘. . io-WATEItumalll‘lmil-IM W s. 2012 a S as . , . g p \ I t( )l J \ I ) x‘ ' ' , Local moms ï¬ghting to make Lions lagoon a flee splash pad next year ; , ,, II , . _ ; 3' “WWW“ ' ' " » - m5 . aw . an , , , .""'"'“â€3'_§‘flL., . ,, W $35» Fall 2012 Aquatics and TiIvo locplIpiotliersfiw'd tIhe with Wet-‘5‘?" Igisure Program t rop o t e (2in o ateroo's 'ree . Splash [lay at Lion's lagoon last ' registratlons start sept. 5 llitimlay to advocate for the l'l'llltn'ul of I II I, . ., , . » -. all admission fees In lime for next year. [N ‘ (“Y M Waterloo l‘f‘llIZme ““13"“ and [13151179 Daisy ArSpllt'ullll and lindsay laiir \ I“ r, - .. a . . ProgramIregtstrations start today. . . have started a group called Splash for ' ’ â€SS-â€" » [he city oï¬ersIclasses 30d programs for allIages l-rt-e in 201:! that hopes to raise 525.000 including becoming a lifeguard/instructor.Iprivate to make “(m5 lagoon free for everyone . a " lessons.I[;rc;1z:nd postnatal. triathlon training and 't. ultvlt ',tl*"t seiiiorser osWi. illiilrgttlgnzlgll) rper It:*l’stiriltut:itt~rihgltlhz On Sept. 6. registration for the fall and winter facility in the heart of Waterlmi Park to l L leisure programs including dance. at]: types of fit- liIelp stipsidize operating and stafï¬ng of ’ " 2f;sapr:)tz(::li[il‘isiiégwdpl‘llgeci'(s)ghs:VailaterrrlgoeleglemIds 1 ie laci it): . . - . I . . - While the entrance fee may seem . ‘ aaLRIezzeracggprégmpjlgieggdzgzgm. in person. at modest. the women argue that it's an ‘ _ s -. .‘ . accessibility issue. and families of dif- A full list of programs is availabIlle onliIneI'aI: ferent financial means might tioi he www.cxpressreg.waterloo.ca and in tIeICItys l‘d .the to afford the admission. especially . Program (“I‘d ACUVHlSS slublldc l' at il'tliey have bigger broods. a E WEYS‘gflgï¬Ig/ngramgm 9 3W“ a e on "K “It should be accessible and inclu- :2» _,_-__ . - _ sive." said Arseiieault, who is a regular Daisy Arseneault and Lindsay Laur are asking the city to take the barriers to accessi‘ ForImore information. contact the Waterloo user of Lion's lagoon along With her bility down on the only splash pad in Waterloo. “Wino": Memorial Recreation (nmplex 3‘ 519’886' I 177~ EM“. thud?" Yvon. “elm and Mdu'a‘ more than $200 in donations toward meaning the city generates about Waterloo is an accessible and inclu- their 525 0008033 $26000 in revenue sive community but that message isn't .. ' . ' '. ’ . . . I . . V .. We dont charge when the Wonders (,oun. Angela Vieth said she supâ€" / I“SETSIJSITIELE‘ng Cm“ like Kitch of Winter is on and I'm not sure why ports the idea of making Lion's lagoon waterloo [Egon - " ’ . . ‘ . . I .~ ‘ I . I» we're charging here." said Arseneault. a free splash pad but financial con. ._ ‘ B: latvlltllid‘sthli; hills: 3:111 pith "We know the city's heart is in the right straints hamper the city's ability to do S Mugs!“ OSts 12 V I ._ . I . I place â€" they arent so. mars a Se t “f“;lmimn .m Lle‘lth planning for a charged “We can't afford it and people don’t e y p ' par 5 “(in)“ toI ( [h(‘ "w you have to splash pad in the future want to pay more taxes," said Vieth. “I‘d TheWaterloo Region Museum will host Seniors' Hm") ï¬rm?†lht ll 1 â€" but until then we can suppon making Lion's lagoon free but Day in the picturesque setting of Doon Heritage Wm 'I'“ 1|" " Ed. I' e payfor le OIII y have those same princi- somehow we have to ï¬gure out a way Village on Sept. 12. from 9:30 a.m. to 4 pm. . womtIn â€ml“ L ( TIL“ Splash pad In pies applied now. to pay for it." The Waterloo Region Museum is throwing a fulfill? _ Thou“ o W I I 9 It “We'd love to see that While she's been surprised by the party for seniors, and anyone who is 55 years of WI: l: I llâ€? , I .. a 91:00. . seems happen especially for controversy, she agrees in the funda- age or older is invited to come and help celebrate a ‘ lV‘I.mI 5:19â€! a [lttle Sllly," 2013.†mental argument to make it more dayspeciallydesigned forseniors. “immunity ~lll laur. laur said the optics accessible. Visit the Waterloo Region Museum exhibit gal- lm' dImlt lâ€? I‘ll)? “ unmyl‘m' _ of having an open and “I've always thought that Lion’s leries, then take a nostalgic trip down memory "†â€u. km hem r f" â€(""’/â€"'"'fâ€""’fâ€'"l" welcoming public space lagoon should be free, and I've raised lane with a stroll though l)oon Heritage Village, a T “mind“ mush "“th Spl’L‘l'rv’ ""1â€" 30†in the rest of Waterloo four kids myself. and used to use the living history village that interprets life in Waterloo 2""! ll} WP MI“. ti†â€I?! Park while a hlack~iron wading pool in Waterloo Park." said Region in the year 1914. â€rt/$.12?" l) ‘p a“ I p" fence surrounds Lion's Lagoon says it Vieth. “In my neighbourhood there are Enjoy live music. a cup of hot or cold cider. gar- '" “MU?" . l’ I I.†. all. people that can't go to Lion's Lagoon den tours, silent movies and horse-drawn wagon 111' ‘0‘ "‘5“ '3â€fo y. ed . _, I “The fact that these gates are up because they don't own a car and rides. Admission is free for those 55 years of age .1 “Inn?!†"H titan l: dI‘Iflnp‘I‘I'gn doesn't make it very accessible." said would have to take the bus. and that and older. â€h" “m I1 â€u" 0n. a“ I â€0' 8' laur. mother of ll).week»old Saman- would make it unaffordable. Visit www.waterlooregionmuseum.com or call tau-booktom/bplashlreeWater 0?; tha. “I think we should have more of 519-748-1914 for more information regarding dnd asked â€1‘05"?†the: To}??? ( (lily officials said an average of them and they should be free. They Seniors' Day atWaterloo Region Museum. WhI" Iattent 1 _. ree ‘.p as . Iay. $71,000 in fees are collected at Lion's don't have to be that elaborate like f’rgdmmd byfthe my mg"? a â€sum" lagoon each year. It costs about lion’s lagoon â€" I would love to have l" support 0. hnnging IT: enfï¬l own; $45,000 a year to operate the facility. them in our neighbourhoods like our . around “m†lagoon. ey W Lu“ including staffing to collect admission. community rinks." 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