ra-wxrmuxiurloflluz-Mudny. Duly ll. 2012 | Lending money can lead to trouble . . . - . When a borrower or a lender be family or friends, a wntten agreement is a good idea friend or relative asks you for a loan. You want to help. The poll also showed 31 per cent of the mon- per cent of survey respondents said they tirade Arr course, because you (are, According to an Investors (31811de felt pressured to make the loan, and the ‘\ l ‘\ l I \ ‘ that mistake. and it's easy to see Why. Qruup poll, 64 per (‘t‘lil of Canadians surveyed agree 54 per cent of those who experienced the greatest ‘ \ \ A demand for formal documentation can be with you. having loaned or borrowed more than $500 to or feeling Of pleasure did "0180! repaid at all. \ l l )\ l \ viewed by either party as a sign of mistrust. But 1mm family or friends. The majority of loans between friends or fami- that slumldn't be the case. But your loan could prompt a payback you don't expect, ly were for moderate amounts. with 67 per cent Asking for speciï¬c loan conditions or a pay- such as stressing and straining your relationship with the bot» borrowing between $500 and $5,000. . back plan in a written agreement will actually rower to the breaking point and beyond. and it could cost you Only 14 per cent borrowed between $5,000 15? ' help you avoid trouble by reducing the poten- a lot of money if the loan is not repaid. and $10,000 and 15 per cent borrowed more than (in! for disagreements and relationship rifts t (if those polled. 28 per cent reported that family or friend 510000- . lfyou can‘t bring yourself to ask for a written 5 loans were not fully repaid. For both lenders and borrowers, the top loan _ “X agreement. you should probably look for some purposes were ' help. l ï¬nancial emer- Your professional advisor can act as your . gencies (25 per ’ mediator in a way that will not strain your rela» Bu l“ ou r ï¬ rst home? cent). big-ticket donshlp and a lawyer may be required to draft 9 y 0 purchases (15 thewrltten agreement. Go! “estions7 per cent), edu- Your adviser can also show you how that q . O cation (13 per loan could direct your overall ï¬nancial objec- . cent) and a home down - tives We'll walk the journey no on we my to m '. <9 ment (11 percent). pay with you! “l â€W†Lesser priorities were ... ' house repairs (7 per cent), , flu! Home onour Own ‘ a , staning a business or taking This wlurnn is provided byMcEachnie Group WK was “My“ 51,000 7 Will “e “he a vacation (both at PrwateWealth Management. to a (we! “we; tees and a (“is “A â€ifâ€! ~ 0.30 5 per cent) or another big Contact Russ McEachme, _ other rhinitis to help make . L V . event (3 per cent). CFRCPCA‘ CDFA “I WM W new» PM†5 2 . One of the biggest mis- 519~886-2360ext. 241 or ' J r . _ RUUVUIU takes that lenders to family noseleceachmeG) ( all your local Perm , . 4 †«staff or friends make is providing mmtorsgmuprcom I: d d | â€2&1“ if ' _ . the loan wtthout a written e" er lo ay W a 1 Th agreement. . , .. "W m _ _ ‘ ’ 4 it The poll revealed that as Y? mm. llmprper ' m. ._ , . , \ , 279 Weber St. N. Suite fa; fa \( , . ‘ Waterloo, ON N2] 3 W .. it ‘~' is x" E? s ‘ ‘ = f. - “ ., . -‘ , Am r ~ \ . 1 Si 9-884-42 t. may, ; l KW Foot k f l a?“ ., -' .. - , . . â€... . w 00 .rom V. , \\ ,\| rm (it) CHRONICLE... always somethmgNew! , ,. . no. 5 . l_~L,1.L’Li,i,I,-l,' t- 121 PM. 1 r . ' “w . ,. ARE YOU TRULY GETTING CUSTOM MADE ORTHOTICS? ' - - raj, fl“ This question should be asked by anyone merit. both weight bearing and non weight _ '>.\\ r... , __ 41. who was told that they require custom made bearing. joint, muscle, tendon and ligament . , ‘ ' "" ixd'g“. , \; onhotics Unfortunately, there are many kinds function. Another important step is casting for _ *, ~ ~ (m rt " ‘ v M of in shoe devices being marketed as “orthotics’ orthotics and this should be done non‘weight If " * l ‘ \- 4 “ _ , or “arch supports". especially on TV and in bearing and with either a plastercast or with a 3 "a ._‘ ’ ' growing numbers among shoe. drug and sport dimensional laser scanner. Usinga pressure mat . ' - it stores. it is becoming increasingly difï¬cult for or a foam box to take a cast will not allow for . ' an average person to make V any foot correction while ’ ‘ an informed decision and ' castin and devices ro- F-ulnnlng now has OW." road." M a“ "can consider contributing $26 a my to dislinguish me real thing ! {Ii . , ducedsas I “gun arepnot "T;$’°£:£°f£'lf:2".'7frffw'“"m omï¬mmmrnx' hr, ‘ "-. . . considered mum-1m you, (“madam mm?" Wednesday. Custom made orthotics .-.‘ F “ I . “if“ 4; tom made orthotlc. are prescription medical .' g, . , V. ‘ L,,_ Last and the most ‘ ° ' dewu-s which should only ; _‘75 . . ’ . , ' important thing is making contrlbUte to the waterloo ChronlCle' be prescribed when they . ' ~ sure that the person doing f---_-_â€"-_---_-----_---_-_-----â€"--.--â€"--': are deemed medically nec- 4 ' the examis properlyquali- ' - - scribed. custom orthotics f ‘ “W“ and podiatrist are the only i l . ,) Please ï¬nd a We bf â€60,0 m for a I Yea, mmm'_ = Will alter the foot into a (or regulated health rare pro- : = l d we lo pay by ) V'SA ‘) MASTERCARD = rert position while walking. running, and stand- fessionals speciï¬cally trained in analyzing foot 3 | Cardâ€; ,_ , , . ,;-, M, _A__, Exp. Date: .__,_,___.,W__“__ | trig. often eliminating the speciï¬c cause of the function, prescription and provision of , : Signature = problem notjust the symptoms. orthotics. If not properly assessed and pre» | ' w“ 'b* "" ‘AA‘HM M"“77‘“_ â€"W _““ | However. keep lit mind that every set of feet scribed. orthotics can make the problem worse : Name ,, â€"â€" , ~ ,_ ~ A â€"â€"*â€"~ â€"â€" â€"â€"~~~- - ~ “A W, ,,,__ = is unique and that functional urthotics should and cause unwanted changes in the skeletal | Address ,, W 47; WWâ€. ___~_‘M .,_ g be specifically designed and custom ï¬lled to Chain ofthe body ' . g l curb individual. An analogy can be made if you require a consultation in regards to 2.5"! _ _‘ _ .‘; ; _ _ _ _ _ _ ..' -P25&3I_C2d_e;,,_.._, ; ; _ fit-02191:.._,__ ; _'___" between orthotics and eyeglasses - both devices your foot issue you cart call us and set tip a visit , . , , "‘ PM“ ""'"" require an examination to determine the proper with out (lhlropodist. No family doctor‘s referral ix; ratifla'l‘tbgi'gew‘nzxt \\ ‘\ l l '. ll l ?l( ) Cï¬RONlCLE degree of correction or support necessary, is necessary and our services are covered under “amnion 3226 F. “9086933; no Weber St. N,, Suite 20, Waterloo, ON N2) 3m; i-lxam should ln(‘llldt‘ a complete gait assess most extended health plans.