mamas-mammary" Ridin t b ' t g oremem er I m 1 o . . ‘ Memory Ride hopes to raise awareness m ï¬ght againstAlzheimer’s Br Bony-name \‘ - \ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"°"°’"‘"W ‘ Walk Now for Autism reg Frankovich's memories of Sinks M “II 24 1 G his grandmother Zora are D for] e sepia-toned ones of her smoth- loin Author Speaks Canada as supporters walk ‘ ering him with affection and always to change the future for the Canadian and Mel pushing him to have something more autism communities lune24 atWaterloo Part. (cent. _‘ . TheflrstannualWalkNowforAutismSpealra. ‘She would feed me tons and 4. starting at 10 a.m.. is a fun-ï¬lled. family-friendly always offer me stuff.†said eventandis the sindemostpowafulforoetofund Fmikovich.‘8hewasaiwaystryingto vitalresesrdithatwillleadtotheanswersneeded mm in my mouth.†. R ‘ and raise money to support family services pro- nunately. Alzheimer's disease * g ;,’ grams and initiatives and heighten awareness has stolen away Tara‘s memories of her g 7 ï¬'» "'““"“’ about autism and the issues facing the local and grandson. turning him into a virtual “’ national autism communities. stranger. ‘ _ Experiencethepowerofthousandsunitedbya “It's been tough on the family â€"â€" single cause by joining Walk Now for Autism there have been good days and bad Speaks. Autism is the fastest-growing serious days.‘ said Frankovich. “It‘s tom to sit ‘ ‘ developmental disorder. The event needs more back and watch. because there's not . walkers. sponsors. teams and volunteers to join it muchyoueando. ' v r f assupporterstryto ï¬nd themissingpieces ofthe ' "They're still there. but you lose a ‘f ~ ‘. autism punle. Whether this is your ï¬rst walk or lot when they lose their memory of ‘ you've walked with them before. take the ï¬rst step you.’ andregistet today. But the 13-year-old Waterloo native One out of every 88 children will be diagnosed couldn't sit still just providing whatev- ' w». A with autism, and one in 54 boys Autism Speaks ereomforttoawomanwhoonceeom- g Canadawantstoï¬ndoutwlryl’ormoreinforma- forted him. tion go to mmmauthmspeaksca 1 ‘Nowwe'retakingeareofmygrand- ‘ 230m:wi::ear;shfewasalnystheper- w a M Garden Contest for Kids taking 0 us. sat rankovrch. my Greg a avid. is riding' from Hamilton to Vamouvar startmg' June 30 . ‘ ‘italwaysgoodtoseeher.butit'snot inwpputofAlzheimefldiseasereseudLThewemalledtinmymdabm “new-tetheHsmiculmralSocietytspleasedto thesame.’ Wrothisgrandmotlmloramsuflenwiththedisam. nun-sumo Witsï¬rstannualardenoontestforlï¬ds. ) sommedmgegonmsmm “umntestisopentoallgreenthumbenthusi- raise awareness and money for Group. which will help provide lodg- different stages with the Fanshawe “wilt/eta 15- Alzheimer's research in a charity bike ings. and Burgonvest Biclt Securities College businessand human resources Whether W“ grow a W flame“ container ride starting lune 30 that will depart Ltd. ‘ grad. Men. patio garden. butterfly garden. flower or from Hamilton. his grandmother's “A lot of people have offered to “We driven across the country, but vegetables-maflmmehsibh home. and end inVaneouver. help." said Frankovich. “It‘s been awe- it's going to be interesting seeing it To enter. complete an entry form and the Called the Memory Ride. he hopes some." from the view of a bike.‘ said Waterloo Horticultural MW contact you in to complete the more than 4,000 km The Sir lohn A. Macdonald's high Frankovich. “It'll bealotslower." All†f“ our judging committee to come and journey in less than 40 days school grad is preparing for the saddle People will be able to follow his “WWW “My plan is to ride 150 km a day,†sores and chafï¬ng that come with an progress on Twitter QMemoryRide or Gardemwill “WWW“ conditionand -. 1 said Frankovich. "I’ll try to get as many endurance bike ride of this kind. and lMemoryRide. He's also encouraging daisu Prime will be W 00W 1 hours on the bike a tremble has been training the past fewweeks in people to visit the 30 enter today by mamas Pearson at 519‘ ‘ “We'll try to get in as much time the Muskokas to get his legs under website to 747-1Wmmn-an0msusM- j and distance as we can.“ him. donate directly to Alflieimer’s research 1 More importantly. he hopes to raise ‘Especially at the time of year I'm and support. [mm concert “Ck ca 1 money to support the Alzheimer‘s going. it's going to be hot and humid at "The support We received from my Society and support research that will times." said Frankovich. family and friends has been sweet.†Welcome summer with jazzy M “d the eventually ï¬nd a cure to prevent a dis- “I'm going to try to avoid the mid- said Frankovich. 'And when I started guitar M of Brenda lewis “1d Marpret SWâ€- 5 case that steals away the eSsence of die of the day so i don't get burned promoting this event on Faeebook and lune 21.5 pm. to 8 W“- at the Bauer [PM to kick ] what a person once was out.‘ other social media is was awesome to off the “VFW“ “A“ “NM“ Night 5 “PM“ He‘s already received some signifi» He’ll have a support vehicle. provid~ see strangers and other people reach- concert m M your own lawn M °' blan- i cant financial support from the cd by a Ford dealership in Mississauga. ing out to see what they could do to h" PM more information 3° to uptownwater- 1 National Bank of Canada. Vrancot and different friends will be driving help' loobhcomlmursday-niï¬its-upttmn ‘ . a“ ‘ Q m... 00 er 4 MMmMMMumï¬mmMfldt-wmww alumna-lavas. Mm.nubmmmn¢mdum “m mum-smut. Hid-â€II". In...“ Juneau's - ammoaoueowu . unusual-M “W“? - . . _ “wuss-unans- mamas-om ... ’ w s..:. , We, _. .___._ __.__ _ _ __ _._________________...l__