Ivar/«mumm- w 2 Equal: , .. 0 g “m Is Waterloo going to the birds? - ideawill winout. _ 1 - ' ' .2 Oitrï¬ne feathem In slant-ditch attempt to 3*. * ‘ friends need to be 2 ‘ avoid the high electricilt‘); '2 ‘ ' . * ' m‘ctedabo ( \ and gas bills that wou V. ‘ e .- l "38 . I“ I \ I result. however. We sent the k ""2“" I ‘, A aty‘snmsebylaw birdstheiollowingletter: _ ‘25, _ V» {T . I ‘3 ' hâ€, ' ' “<37 1d." #7â€; ‘ ‘ ‘ 1ft. mnnnuem â€lithium \ . ,- chirp at 4:30 am. ‘ a f Pleaae'allow me to teach ‘ ' _ , ' , youabouttime. I "in“ 'm generally a fan of Time is how we humans ‘ b , ' birds and share my 2 know when to go to sleep. ‘ '5“ 3.,†_ hackyardvdthcudinala. winningetunwhentogo I _ i Q ,3. » blue jays. hummingbirds. to work. and when to be ‘ w . ‘ â€v†"* WWW ,2 .2 quiet -â€"- because although ï¬ "3’ AlongtrailabytheC-rand 1% wemaybeawake.therestof ‘ . ‘ â€a -' “r Rivenllovetoapothemns. theneighbourhoodisn't. i , .5 M30 , Q. , J _- * woodpeckers. hawks and PENNY it is this latter point in ‘ ,. 2‘ » ‘ ‘ Other fine feathered New: “(mm particular that I would like thairemainnamelesapcnd- _ toaddmswithyou. a 0 ing my buying a good bird- Hundreds of you are '* 7 We, V a 7%: CHICAGO 0"“!!! 172 "Who“- Mil “I! "Id Wins the"! wake each morning at ; _. f» g _m While these birds are the run of the neighbour- 4:30 a.m. A; a result, 1 am 1 " +35“ ' " ‘ ’ Wmmwuaaomm wonderftfltolookanlately hood. too. V ‘ m “WWW their vocal styling: have I'm not sure the neigh- Please note that local iw'c'H': m'"°'°'-T__°""‘uc'w_ Mon.» caused me to suffer from hours would approve of the noise bylgw‘ dictate a... thatwhichmyhusbandand cats.thoud1.andcatï¬ghts misebekepttoaminimum SiartingJunoM. childrenfearmostâ€"aleep canbeevenmorediaruptive benueenllp.m.and7a.m. l9 will deprivation. thin the COM! drone of I simply must have a may unmybmnecounu chirping. - goodnight‘ssleep. 5 fly nonstop from â€3;â€; windmï¬xy-lr ï¬gméénmviae by My husband and chilâ€" I - . _ con on g. espec at over dren can testi to this on mm Watcrioo. 0mm. night my mo, to “no the â€he, mybehalf- f†t . to Chicago O'Hara. From This poses a signiï¬cant birds on, adapt by going to we 1 [me giving um- 2 MI W a“ problem. however. as birds bed earlier. and overcome matums, 1 see no other ‘ _ have been waking me bycuttlngdown all the trees choice: No sleep for { W E39†0" easily around 4:30 am. and i am and bushes in my yard so humans. no bird seed for 1 takoyoutozsocmoah fallbacktoalcep. thebirdshavenowhereio birds. ‘ I recently received some neat. ;_ “WW‘ wheadviceforovercoming Bothmyneighboursand m , ‘ m '0' . in“ m life's little challenges â€" dredtywouldbeaftermein mm , , . . irnpmheadapcovetcome. misusethoughandltend ‘ ~ you can not I and“ I've been exploring ways I to be a night owl (pardon ‘ F T . introductory can , could uae this advice to thepun). LYING o . M m solve my nighttime con- 0r. .lcould improvise by l W W cents. closing the windows at 2 miles whoa m‘ I could improvise by my“. adapt by turning the '0' WE WIND I W-yfarmm napping in the afternoon. air conditioning up to AW WWW ‘ adaptbygettingup at 4:30 drmvnouttbesoundofthe andcommuuibationscon- Chicago. W for an). and ing for a run or birds. and overcome by mmmwam p M W. miles getting a head start on my enjoying a good night’s Pennyanula'Iy work forthcday. and over- deeponceagain. MmabotuMar 2 W ‘0 M at Mm“ come by adopting several l have a hunch thk latter WWW l FL: 3.._,‘"9j5*:a~ i" ‘ 4 ‘ M ! mrflmmmuuismmmmaaflmahundmm ‘r »-’ I m mu.u‘mu~wmv2ummuwmmmmmznâ€"e ,2 mmmamMm-Whnmmmmum ,. ; mamm-wnmmtzmAmhaWs-mmhnwmum ‘ l ‘ onNMMWflmemO-ï¬mum you ‘ mom-mammwmmmmlywmI-Md rub-unnamlso \ \ ham-twin!“ mmmmmmnmmnmummump , ‘ mn‘nadmmnmm‘ymmmmwmawfllmu Handout†01â€!me nmwmmlmmwmmmmnflbmb“ r mmwnmmmmJ-m.mamummmm “was.“ \ mrmmm-WW-WummCSQOadnmmiera §\ I Winnvnxurmusflmummmnmmmumbm ‘ ,.~ ‘ mamMmrr mmaam‘miflrammâ€"anw.hus.m osmium!- » ~- v-r’ a» katmamLmWa-Hmm W-Wbmmmm mm m than n rumâ€"nut“ mmm%â€.fo%?%mmï¬zm «Ia/"u? (â€mmhmwpmmmmwm human-nausea: umwmmmm W‘vmwulomem Mohav‘eamntmah man-moaned W‘mehvmmmmrl mum-“hub†"Murmurmthnl‘umlnmmvmmbmflmm‘ swarm rum.- “unwary m1 mmnmuwmmmmvummm ‘ 7 NEW BAMNCE Kw m~-osamimkurnam‘mmmm~mmm.Pam†£ mummwwm ~an m _. 'vnmwaqammaiflimamhmgwE “homomouu mmwm mnemmrm remnamkmwmm MOM-mm r AW____-____. l