W I l . M!WAT£RUX)CIIWIMMN.NIZ '3 i THE CITY OF [El - ! - for mom hfornuti‘ogi, please mutt l City of mine i too Regina St. South ‘ Waterloo. Ontario N21 4A3 ‘ P 519-886-1550 F 519-747-8760 ‘ T" 156-735-3941 , . www.waterloo.ea i l ’ fl # w l E AuburnIlnlversltyflelghboi-M HetleeefPulallelntemetlonCethIC) m M 2012 We» and Underground 3 Notice of Study Commencement and ‘ mg“ W W ‘ Public Intonation Centre ‘ Phillip Shoot (University Avenue West 1 In 2005 the “Auburn University Neighbourhood Trafï¬c Study: was put on hold pending to COMMâ€. Street W0“) M E R ' '3 H , the outcome or the Environmental Assessment for the widening of University Avenue. 2012 Sanltery Sewer Upgrade- 1 ‘ 4: “fl“! {he Nuns , Columbia Street (Lester Street to CH flunk) ; Y ' . W WIN '1' The City of Waterloo plans on reconstructing and replacing the underground services 1 20' l- the C“! 0,7, on Phillip Street (University Avenue _ 7‘ ‘ /"\ r - %.;e,â€"« l , at? Waterloo has “1|"de West to Columbia Street West) and “ Jr’ r .-,,,-(“ *aï¬g \ i 7 . ". 8““?me My upgradingtheSanitarySeweiwith / :3. ‘2 13%.} ‘ \ j" I? ‘0 m the ““9“?“ road restoration on Columbia Street 4 , \ / / ‘ 5%.? i \ ’, wmï¬cmnemsm (LesterStieettoCNTrtmit). â€W (f ,. ; i ‘ / ’ f "rental-Them)! Meritech Engineeringhasbeen X" / {A J . r ,2 women"! retainedbytheCityto ‘de i- " A / w†\ _, . pm ens A . on . , , ,. bounded by Bridge nun-n design mica and" y ,3- /., a, , r _ aâ€; ‘. -., .. ""‘ g V S the 8 i, . timing ,r t» a . ,i.1%‘., x, t. \’ l, j; m?" M midoontnctadmmistmton. Allthe . r t A _ --.\ ‘3} \‘ve p‘t' 4(- _ \ . ‘ _ ColonialCreckonthe deuvkwiflbemmmgd ‘ k r , it ~,\‘ “:3 ‘5’ ~ \\\A\ ) e N nortlLtthranthver “unmaimdgh‘ofmy. ’V V i ’4 3‘" [,3 . t: ' ._. ‘ \ ' > WWWMWOOI- niereeentiyeornpletedWaterioo ‘ i 21/ as; A“ «I... ~. I I wrdISIreet/Cltyof CoreArenlnï¬astructureCapacity I“ V ,1 \ My. ‘ - » l / \- - WW boundary 0“ Assessment identiï¬ed seven] areas {w ; I" ,1 \ ‘65; I“ , if: ‘ '.J\ \\‘7' ’ _ "T'cmwsm inwhichinï¬uu'ucturewillneedto 2/“ * /,t;ér "3, and“; i ‘ .~ t. .‘umm'mso'uf beupgndedtomeetrapidgrowth ,/ /' g “t :4" _ ._. 4 ~\ 9:1: - nonahaabeenletained . detnmds.'l\woofthns:l I m t‘ IX“, ‘ 1... (8 ~ 39/ ' W the City '9 “In In Phillip Street and Columbia Street. '\ /‘ Ego-"5%. l .. Q x 3“ / ' this mile The neitt step in the process will be \_// 4/1] , W“ ‘ :>, 1 \ \ 7 ii 24 Thisnewatudywill aPICtoprecentthedrafldecign “I, i J I - Y reviewandassesspre- preferredbytheCityandtheircon- 1;, .< ' 1"} J: \ / viotnstudythtnnnd sultants. ThePleill provide ' i l / . recommendations. details of improvements incorporated into the draft design addressing trafï¬c. pedes- i r' \. eitistingand future trianmovementandtheproposedstreetscape. , // i ' trafï¬c conditions Meritech Engineering and the City will be present to informally discuss this informa- \ \ 0 walking and cycling don with interested members of the public. This PIC will be held as follows with all ‘ , ominectivity, general interested members of the public encouraged to attend. ’ ’3‘ ' trafï¬c management Date: Monday, March I9, 2012 and trafl’ic safety relat- Time: 6:00 â€" 8:00 pm. (drop in anytime) , ed belies. Solutions Location: St. Michaels CatholicChurch. 240 Hemlock Street. Waterloo ‘ “â€"- 5 Mâ€? with the For further information regarding this upcoming PIC. please contact any one of the ‘ ‘ ‘ City‘s Pol-Cy docu- following m“? ‘fl" u" T'"."P°"‘“°" â€â€˜3‘“ “a“ w‘" b‘ 9'" f“ “m" f“ m" and °°"“ Mr. Harry Meister, c121 Mr. Mike Lupsa Mr. len Robertson, Ping. m â€7 °°'“'““'f"y' _ . 4 ~ _ , _ City of Waterloo City of Waterloo Meritech Engineen‘ng The study process will provrde opportunities for public-and agency input. Including Project MW mm W Director of Engineering ‘ Pubhc Meetings which WI" be scheduled over the commit monthS- Phone: (5l9)-747-8603 Phone: (5l9) 886-2310 x269 Phone: (5I9) 623-l no x2l2 You are invited to attend the ï¬rst Public Information Centre to discuss your concerns W W WM. i and issues about transportation in your neighbourhood. and review possible solutions: â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" “ March 29, 2m 2. 6:00 pm. to 8:00 pm. Amputation For lobe By-Lllii Exemptlon ‘ Gymnasium. St. Matthews Catholic Elementary School‘ 405 Pastern Trail. Waterloo Notice is hereby given that an application is being made to the Director of By-law I If you Wish further information on this project and/or wish to be included on the project Enforcement f“ the CW ofWarterloo for an “WW0“ ‘0 the CRY ofWaterloo NOiSC ‘ mailing I,“ plcasc contact “the, of the following: By-law #20l0-073 which prohibits ampliï¬ed sound between the hours of 5:00 pm. to 7:00 am. The applicant, Wilfrid Laurier University Students' Union. is requesting an ‘ Mr. ('hns iiodgson. P. Eng. Mr James Mallett. M.A.Sc.. P. Eng. PTOE exemption a follows: 1 “Wm “â€38" ‘ “cc-WNW , To per-it tu- ned mini trui- 9:00 pm. to mom. on Sat- rii 21 20l2 * Capital Progects & Services Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited (or their mutiny“; End Celebration to take place at “net ï¬tmb, Will‘s (‘ity of Waterloo Servtce (‘cntre ‘3 Forest Road Bar and restaurant old the 0'an .m 265 Leiungton Court Cambridge ON N I S 384 ' . _ mmwmmMmMWMOy-hw PO. Box 337. Waterloo ON N21 4A8 Ph. 5l9 896-3l63 x|02 Pit; 5l9-886â€"23I0 x304 Pu: l-866-722-5l I7 I ‘WWMW"‘°°MSM 50"“va- Fqul9-88bâ€"5788 Wm mwumwmmm,mzmzorvhmum i I When. gm no.“ this event should be dread to "Ill Ow. R 519“"! “I. use. , , ,nW, , ._. ______________._â€"__â€"___ ___ M