mice My __7 ,n,_ h > Forty years and still waiting for a better Highway 7 vetthcpasttwoyeamaeocnidalble tionandoperauunlcoatsanmanagedlor Incomingcongaationonthawl.“ possiblebmnotprobahle. Minuteman-rein mmmfldw buchlal-myinflonhmmd. mammxwoiambcrctcommme, Waterloo Region has been on (m. Along with transportation and public malor connection tor municipalities ago. alon with the Cambridge and Guelph pomflon inn-um transit within the region. local binhieues southwauern Omani), b an area of tremen- cbam‘ben. believe the waiting is over and mmyeumpiemmrmume require elfectivehlghwayinlrastrucmnto dunmhbotbbuaheuesand'dtiâ€" actionmustbetakm. unplanmechamberguppommisphn movetheirproductalnrbothdomesticand mawhflhbutbehaedelpandht 111eocstofnotproceedingletargxeater subiecttotheregionemuringtheoonstmc- exponmarketapurpoeea W7mmmw muleimeatmmL'lhecoatinloste-co- , Tbesedbmdonsbepninbmhmunid- nomicactivitytmmgridlockaloneisobvr ‘ palltiea during the 1970s. out l Succeeahe governments at Our three chambers will I ' Quad! Park have â€an ‘ be jointly submitting a reso- ’ . ed the project a priority: ludon to the Ontario Cham- E , however. no real progress \1 \ g 1 i g;\ ber of Commerce annual i has been made over [our general meeting that calls on . decadea the ptovincial government to The road remains as it immediately commence I wasinthe1970awithsome constructionaspromisedin . minor changes. E 2007, on a new Highway 7 Amadbultinthemid 19% between Kitchener and is not adequm or appropri- Guelph with completion set workerswiththe skillsto manufacture “MW- mm We know thdt a new We anticipate chambers your biotechnology Mutts. Highway 7 will relieve con- and boards or trade across potion m1 and pro- “ Ontario will recognize the as vide an route no a importance of Guelph and we can the.“ MN!â€- growing population and Waterloo Region for provin- - economy just outside the clal economic growth and Gm'lbmntoluea. lob (nation and support the mmmflw-‘W3 Andasanyofuswhotraveltheroute accornpanyingaigniflcanceofinï¬astructure â€Hm" ' '°°" “WWW ““3 mm 23.121?“ “3° m“ ‘ “m %‘mm'm " â€a.“ â€W“ omnmuter has willkeepp issueun'actionis WIWIMW been increasing to the current level of takenbythepmvince. MW“ 22,000motoriatsdailyalongwiththecon- nieDrummondReportmakesclearthe ' ‘ geetionandhmationtintcomeawlthit. prurincehaaaflnancialcrkisonitshands 3 With jobs being created in anditneedstobeaddressed. . Guelph/Wellington County and Waterloo But making wise and strategic invest- ".IM M‘ m "l M “M W‘ Region. this volume will only continue to merits in our communities to spur econom- i . rheoverthenenzoyeara. ‘ icactivityandueatcjobaneedsmbepanoi e ' What is particularly frustrating is that the solution ‘ millions have already been spent for the Four decades of waiting in Waterloo I . Mata“! W W is em ‘ An environmental Wt on a new ‘ fourâ€"lane highway connecting Highway 86 I in Kitchener to the Harilon Expressway in Guelph was wbmitted in 1997 for approval ‘ x I ' mm was oomploefted in March of - e I - ' “““""'“'"'“' 2007 former Minister Transportation ‘ 1 8-013me gag. Donna Cansï¬eld. at a news conference at ‘ . 0...“..m" regional headquarters. immediately i mun-twain...- __,._-________‘_,___ announced the project was moving forâ€" a ward. i lanai-annuaâ€" At that time. construction was anticipat- ‘ ° Canada “"""“'"""'" ed to commence in 2010 with completion for 2014. Provincial and local ofï¬cials all ~ , - .- ) a , . t j ' wehadbecnwaitingfanoolongand M; m (m (,HROMLLL mmmm .~, Last year. as the 2010 start date had [an McLean a Wand CEO k“ (i WM k ‘ \ passed. Ministry of'n’anaportation staff odeeGmthchener-Wamloo “ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ “ acknowledged a revised target of 2015 is ChamberofOommerce ‘ 5198862830 Lil-1wwaterlnochronmitt ca 279 Weber St N, Sum: 20 , -:_, \ RAYWAL WINTER SALE " i r" . 0 ii I ‘ 1 hr 1 g , - ‘v - ‘ mm aua- a-a nan- Is- aâ€"- » ‘ “be H“. “I. M “I. i "no m- Ml- “. Ml". ‘ \ antenna-a any“ use“ i “in“ cue-nuns sun-a- ‘ “to “a NO : at. Issua- an ‘ m “I! “a ‘ KWCHENS ‘ Maw - o Hutâ€"cm