H 'Wiï¬ 'l . WW‘MMMJGIZOZI ‘ wit l ,_ . 1 J.- , Thinking outside the box fl) . ' . g 0 . Buï¬erBox offers peopled waytoavoid the tranon ofdelweryfculurei Br loam . The ï¬rst Bufferllox ls already). almflw , - undergoing an apamion from l ? units to 26 units at the University ‘ t's the oldest mantra in busi~ ; ‘ Z_ We. ‘ Incasâ€"ï¬ndaneedandï¬llitâ€" 7: i They'vealsohiredanewsal l and three University of Water- E j ‘ '. and marketing rep named 1 loo engineering grads behind the u » - ‘ . 1V Moggach who has leads from i i new Buï¬erBox service are doing ’ .541 ‘ r " = other campuses and unlveni 1 lustthat. _ 5'37; ;._ L; a: bookstoresinterestedinthelerv J [mead of missing deliveries on 335$ i": g . a 1 important packages or having to ‘ 1‘1le â€gig; 7 The grand vhion is to install 7 trudge down to depots and other f7 5'73 , 2:21.»; downtown Toronto and service a i out-ofâ€"the-way locations to claim ' 3"“? > ï¬gs-.2 market of millions of people who ‘ your latest lntemet purchase. they :1 ‘ _; . work and commute to the city Gen; created a way to pick up your ‘ (re. g parmls at your convenience. 3 “ï¬g: 3 'We’re trying to get these into; “Delivery failure is not an i. , , : 3,3?" l the most ideal locations,‘ said i option.†said Mike McCauley. one 45“,"; :{ McCauley. “We want to create a' or the founders of the service along y _' - 4% .': small network or kiosks in Ibronto. ‘ with his partners lay Shah and . .1 «1 “it ; andgiveeâ€"retailersacoesstoamar- 1 AdityaBali, e y ketofumillionpeople.’ l i That has also become the slogan ‘ L t ‘ The long-term goal is to get a for the new company running out y r7 "" 7- y ' Bufl'erBox shippingopdon attached: of the (‘ommunitech Hub at the ~ is ' _ 7 to as many online retailers as theyl Tannery as it moves from the test- is. i . ‘ . can to grow out the senrice expo- ingphase to a full rollout. i , ‘ nentially. The first Guinea pigs for the , gs} , 'Wewant to go to online retail-! service were former students at the 1;. “of“ ers and say here's the link,†said" 1 Student life ('entre at the Universi- If McCauley 3 ‘ ty of Waterloo. The green and white McCauley said the but“ chal- 1 striped box looks like a locker. but ' lenge was getting backing to start people using it can have any item ' ' the company and he said that the l they want shipped to the BuflerBox local Small Business Centre at the ‘ and use a secure pin number to T Waterloo City Hall was able to conâ€" am it at anytime for a small fee. , nect them with a mentor and Vim It ends the worry and hassle of tipsinstartinganewbusineas. having something shipped and “We said we needed some help then stuck in failed delivery notice Mike McCauley, one of the founders of Buï¬eriox. Mates the parcel pldtup service that ends the frustra- here.‘ said McCauley. “We had hell as the delivery service tries to tion of having to chase your online pudiases or a package you‘re expecting. , some courses but we didn’t have connect with the client. it's a situa- “mm the depth on the business side to don Mctauley has faced himself makeithappen. ‘ whileattending school and keeping something attractive to online McCauleysaidhisteam spent50 He said too many of those stu- â€They helped us get the money ‘ an irregular schedule. retailers hours a week. in addition to their dent projects get dropped at the to launch the product and ptsome 'That's exactly what happened instead of leaving a bad taste in walla: elm commitments. for the prototype stage or the ideas can't ofthoaeflrstumomers." to us." he said. "the problems of the mouths ofdients due to missed better pan all: year building a pro- beoommercialiaed. The company’s website failed deliveries was an important deliveries they could make it a pos- totype and reï¬ning the program- But the Buï¬erBox team wasn't www.bufferbox.com includes a problem for us because as students itive retail experience. ming and circuitry to build a func- prepared to drop imbridtt ideaand quick information video on how we like to shop online and take care “it takes away the negatiVes lioning BulferBox. thought they had a product and an the service works. and links to ‘ of the convenience and the selec- associated with that online shop- But they weren't satisï¬ed with idea that would be the basis of a amusing You'lube videos induding tion available ping experience,†said McCauley. the kudos theyweregettingand the newstartup the delivery guy who threw a new ‘But it you're at school all day. or ‘That negativity gets very much student competitions they were ‘Slncewegraduatedwesaklthis Woverthefenoe. ‘ whenyou get into the work world associatedwiththestoreyouwere beingrecogniaedat. ideahassonrelep'saindCauley. lthelpsdrivelnmethecornpa- and no one's home, you have to tryingtobuyï¬'omandwecameup 'ltwaproofofooncept.‘said â€Thiswouldbegreatoncarnpmes, WSW deal With that failed delivery withanumberofsohtimswithan mauley.'llere'stheidea. here's can wesell it to high rise condo 'lt‘sbesoexcidngforustotake notioe' intelligent, self-serve kiosk being what we want it to look like and buildings? Are e-tctailers interested our cum idea and really ptnh it [or- ‘ They .i|so thought it would be oneoftherrL' WWW" lnlheconoeptr M'sdndCauley. \ i [42." a: 1 a; . {N t ‘ 4/; » a wagon. . . r H“ . .r ‘ “â€373 r INDOOR aoumoonvmooaswemg a: k; 4‘ as. "t‘munlrnagrnablevarielyolproductstointrigueyou S l . l ‘ ,__ ‘ drumnwmvrooosbommtemuanta studio» ._‘:~~.A I ‘ WARMUI’besideouroutdoor ï¬replt -_ y f l \ i ' k ‘ ‘ ; t . ’ " ’ ' \ ‘ I :7. 1 ‘5‘ “:3 -' a ‘ K .i â€it w I V. ~ “ï¬r -: . ll. "3 .1, ’ “Ms :' ‘7 “4'; ~ ‘5 "' A»? . -77 . -. \\ . ‘3' ‘ ‘ ’- I www.stlacobs.com ~ ' - » » ' ' ' ' *