‘ . manna-mm tarts-a l 1 â€" i L 0 0 to utttnger m g er mar ; Waterloo native chasingBigEast tide, school record at University ofNotreDame 1 when Ham > a m "an teatin me or asking me about 1 muting ‘ something practice. if I don‘t 3 , hear horn every day. it makes 4 addie Buninger wants to me wonder if there’s something 1: Mleave her signature in Am wrong! F South Bend. ind. gigs-iv“ r»; . mum-minimum a The 22-year-old Resurrection ‘ - ‘i-i'ï¬firg. , - , ‘ ‘ ummmmrhwedy ‘ Catholic Secondary School gradu- ' â€" » dunkingabotmheluture. ate'nchasingsomegnndadlleve- ‘ , ' Camer-wisealtdsbemmulling ments in what could be her ï¬nal ‘--,~ij';,.ï¬; : 4» ., . " over summer intern options in season with the University olNotre {gee-5g" jig-i; , i , N Chm But Buttlnger is also real- i Dametnckandfleldteam. if g? he “ ,,; ‘ , , lzing'thatahehasafutureinath- 1 if she can attain a couple more fifrt’ fig "5. “ ‘ ' a , loam 1 personal-best performances this ï¬sï¬ï¬ % A Q 5" Q e j_ j '~ f- a, A? "shear: hnpmeon lastsum- season. Buttlnger will likely come . , 7h, " A e “A; , mam-maxim at nationals close to breaking Myissa Ham's at.“ 1 . m ‘ “a. ‘y‘ ' and crack the emotion: plateau. , school record for points in both a ;%5$,‘- _ a“ ’ g '* , the could qualify for the Olympic , ‘ pentathlon and heptathlon event " ‘ 5 , ’ Games in London -â€" although 1 ‘ during the indoor and outdoor __.,W,~_l a ,. _ ;_ _ a,†,..‘ ‘: . a. u_ U H . 1 wmmmtsstnnm 1 NCAAtnckandï¬eldseason. 1“ h , t ,, i 33-7 1-51. ‘ “if r ‘ “v 7" , “ "'“"?;‘-‘j"“ GamesinBr-afllisanmrereeliatic “that dine continues this mk- ;!3~â€,“Mfi if? A s it; 3" ‘ '“'“"'.";' ‘ â€if fj‘ “$W"'"T‘ï¬â€ option. end with the Big East Conference “ ' p. * at ' ',' "' a. '- Q -‘ ' 4 Where Buttinger ends up next indoor championships at the _’ , a?“ v, £531. w%e fall is also weighing on her mind. 1 AmtoryinNewYork. ' ‘ ' g ' '* Shemaytnnafuto'lbmntowhere ‘ ‘I sort of wanted to go some- ' . she trained last summer. or return * MMIcomdleaveamm-k wmmwmmwammmmpmnmmd to‘NotmDameforonemoreyear ! after i graduated. where i could mmmmmmammmmammmï¬mmmmmmmn Mmdshirttheindoorseason ’ i make a name for myself.’ said Mmekend in MVO'k- if she doesn‘t return to South 1 Buttinger.whosepersonal bestsof “W“MWGWWMW mwmuw |‘ 3.92 in the pentathlon and 5.403 East champiomhips. is feeling fairly healthy aside from high enough to beat both the lymhaed'Gamhamsaid. 1 inheptathlonarealittlemorethan The UniversityofSyracuseâ€" acalfstnlnthatsidellnedherlna adwolrecordsaswell.’ Thefeelingismumal. l 100 points off the school records which tried to recruit Buttinger walkinghoot fora couple weeks at llm Gamham, the ï¬eld events 'lt’s such an amazing commu- postedbyHasaninZOOtl. beï¬oreshedecidedonNotreDarne theendoflanuary.And hertwo assistantooachatNoueDame.is nitydieyheveheteandwhenpeo- "That would be something that â€"- and injuries have managed to bimehallengershave graduated hoping for a big performance from pie graduate they say that's what t lwouldrealiylovetodo.toson of step in the way other Big East homSyl-aaiseaswell. Buttinprswell. dieymissfliemost'huttingersaid ‘ leave a mark at Notre Dame. prize. She has also had come solid Abrmeraeahtant mad: at uni- ofNotre Dame. "it's such a feeling There's a board at our track that After battling a shamed qmd in results. winning the Bob Bubanks venifles in Rubia. N.Y.. and “the. of family you have here, so that's 3 hasall the records on it. so it would 20m. Buttinger was foihd bySyra- Open in lanuary and setting per- Okla. Garnham joined the Fight- something that's going to be hard ‘ be nice to leave that impression at cuse senior Uhunoma Oaaurwa in soul-bests in the 500-metre run. ing lrish at the same time as toleeve. , 1 the school at the end of my time the heptathlon during the Big East the (to-um hurdles and the long Buttlnger and has watched her “it's bittersweet because I can ‘ here" outdoor championships. jump. make a “com lete tso.‘ and member fouryears ago the aeo- A senior with the Fiyiting Irish After being sidelined for more “The pasteoupleyeara. l've sort become a leader on the Notre tors on the team saying. ‘Enioy it, i team. Buttinger's time in South than two months in 2011 with a of been the bridesmaid at Big Danieunckandflddteam. you'll be surprised how first four J Bendisquicklycomingtoaclose. posteriorcruciatellgamentapraln M'mnmgeruu’miayearthe Onthefleldahe'sheenahleto yearspes'i-‘ouryearsseemsllke 4 lnherfounhyearcompetingin andabruisedkneecap.8uttln¢r palletowhtBigB-Lbothlndoor improvethisaeasonbybeingmore khsobngbutnowl'mglvlngthe 1 mum-sport events and studying at twice ï¬nished second to Syracuse and outdoor. and then make the consistent in her performances sameadvioe to the freelance. } None Dame's Mendoza College of junior Kelsey Kubeor during the NCAA championships and place andaddngalotofqueationa "It goes by so last. And I'm ; Business. Buttinger is hoping to go Big East indoor and outdoor top-threeatbothofthoae 1th always the Important quea- ready the nest part of my life. ‘ out on a high this spring after ï¬n- championships. 'lfl can pt top-three at NCAM tions. too. and I love that.’ Gar- but I‘m really going to miss the : ; ishingseoondat threestraight Big Thisseasomlumeveeautdrw andwlnBigEast.lshouldseore nhamuu'Everydeyfltdseither manorieaandthepeoplel'vemet. i ' a?" ’ ‘ 1 RAYWAL WINTER SALE 1 1 l ‘ l a i , if ‘ . 1 h A . -. ‘ 1? 1 I" 1 as i ' 1 3 l M lead-n 1 inta- an. ma.- q- as... ‘ trout- luau-haul any-pas. rose-ans maï¬a-bun ' â€no Mt. music “at 011mm 1 M“ h“ w Mien-lawn tum-yuan any... Mm We. “a ~ a to was an ; “an an“ must Rawal J i means 3 , u." e Huntâ€"rm w