I 7 ,, 7‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"_____. WAWQW' - ' Mqu2-7 0 Numbers su use local councillor , , t r j 7 ‘ (Iontlnuedfrompagel the proposed Waterloo light rail being proposed by the region. / ‘j H} I l k L 1,“ fl ‘ system of $43 million was highâ€" which would see the private sector t l l A " a†s engineering structures. road jtiiic- Stllil million project cost divided build. maintain and operate the V W“ ’ ' ’ ‘ r tioii prioritization. maintenance by the 19 planned project. was i ' and depot facilities, project over» kilometres of LRT “ , . designed to find heads. light rail vehicle acquisition track. Its very dlï¬cult efï¬ciencies. if there WEEKLY SPEC“ and service headways." (iin'ngacost per were any. to be Jill 23. Jill 2, According to (Iockle's initial kilometre was the to compare apples found in the â€"â€"'â€"â€" review of the project after being industry standard. and apples â€" [100 region's engineering my. Best contacted by the Chronicle. the Chronicle research . plan. 3 ‘ costs for staging and enabling found, for describ~ pro/ecu; 9" an "We're doing 3mm HUMP “on“ “who 3'99 h , works. utility relocation. construcâ€" ing costs ofLRT. [nternanonal everything we can “mm" Store II A lWlnni DollSl' iion management. construction Almost every basis n to make sure we may,“ â€M39“ no l hamge order contingency and project looked at. ' bring this project in 4 018de sumo BLACKFOHEST . .igenc\ costs make up lit per cent from Ottawa to _Q,un_sflnsmd|md at the best value for “A" $3 99 . - .. PORK W 88.80 to. . ID. ot the project costs. lzdmonton to those on me wfldifï¬wnms taxpayers. GES â€"â€"_â€" ( onsiruction management. in the ll.S.. refer- Strickland said mum swim BTW“ Brand Marble 1 tonnngenci and agency costs total euced costs in land acquisition 8 I to per tent ot the project‘s soft terms of how much each kilometre made up a large pan of the region's $1 'm a. ‘3'59 0' CHEESE â€761 k“ 7'99 lb 1 t l i\(\ of thick would cost to complete. costs. possibly setting it apart from A“ 0" PM PM“! I" . I " the ptttjct'l costs tire too high, But regional (bun. Sean Strick- other projects. MSG" 6mm“ WM! Dorian“, at?“ “um-rt ’ ‘ ‘ i in .i lilt’ltll or one land said he wasn't Tuesday, Button turned down Wflhommmm | II n â€a “3 old" third lll ll“ t’Nlllllit- too concerned (kickle‘soffer. “mhwm p y " ‘ tron ‘t ocklt'said W ‘ , ‘ about expert opin- "The region completed a value my t mummy [up Hitttlw‘tk‘wt 519.699.4590 (tickle s.iid estiâ€" â€u protect COS“ ion offered byCock; engineering exercise during the mom t LN, FL ‘ H - ‘ L wwwslemtnletmealsca mates look high lot (If? too high by a le and Malcolm functional design phase," she said 1 whole purchases factor ofone-third Johnston. a mem; in an email. “It is anticipated that too , , , ,, ber of the nght Rail further value engineering needs my??? cw, f _ ;. saga-g; .â€" at “a, ‘(Wx‘v‘ï¬mwi‘N-szm' " I he cost ot III lily estimation. Transit Association. will be addressed by the general g~l ayï¬dï¬oghï¬'g‘ %% Slot) niillioti tor the ‘ David (‘ “e despite his surprise engineering consultant." gilt ’ “1? $3,435 5" F t? 3 iii; a. ‘ i H which-s is very Internal/anal If†“WHO" at the expen analy- Button said the regions project a†, t f 1 ti‘tifé‘f'? , " fwtg,’ ., t l : ('\pcl‘l\l\'t' all S. L I.) H , L . SIS. , doesnt fall into the system for per 2}? ~ ‘ - "f Li; A;5';.e»-t,’;' t..â€" v 1,04 3c » l . .. u Rt’giutiofllrtlerlrios .. , s. . L L, a , _ 5 million each. l‘hose numbers kilometre costs because of the bus Pf ., . , L, - _.< * _ I . , _ proposer! Srllflltiillronplan . . . . , _, . _ .. , , .â€" , no u-_ 1 (ocklesaiid. lrains- werea little surpns- rapid transit component and an A ; A a" q». » -. ; \ | port for London ing to me." Strick- shared costs between LRT and ' . ‘ _ ' 3 I hadthefirsiol’sixnewSiiidIerVari laud said. “It doesn't compel me to BRT. t H t p urn . ;- m t t , it . t. obahn trams delivered last week rethink the model. Waterloo city Coun. Diane Free- g.“ H M , _ ’ r 1 1 for tlit-(jmydon lmmlink sistem. “lt's very difï¬cult to compare man said she was putting her faith ‘ , ’ . M w‘ L H ‘ J ‘ "..\t a total contract value of apples and apples â€" two projects in the region’s engineering reports. 1 ' ‘ 1 †’_ p ' ' My 1" l6.:lni million or {2.7 tnillion on an international basis. I think “I have to trust in the analysis “' ' ‘ ‘ ' mm. each that is $4.3 million each. that when you look at a project of that was done in coming up with . ' ‘ l v ' i ' ' ‘ U My Everything about the Waterloo LRl' this scale there's always going tobe the costs,†Freeman said. “I have to t. tn F‘ r ti: it L A to i m t 1 tr L scheme is very extx-risive." some differences of opinion in tmst in the process that the region u: LL , r; m L L last week the (ihronicle whatcostsaregoingto he." went into in coming up with the D m, . ; L . iv . L revealed the cost per kilometre for Strickland said the P3 model numbers†. ‘ ‘ . F ‘ , PM u . Rental housmg _ t 0 N I A R l o _ TE , a ,. ,, . g , \ 253, 0 H f; ‘L‘thitj if j . {a .; _t of. t if; 7. L L t: » w e; ~ , As the ‘-\prtl l deadline for the ‘f: _L;sf':;~..{§‘;w, 12W; - ‘ . , of. - ‘ "~..j iitipleiiietit.itioti ol'Watcrltm's rental â€"â€" 1 “itâ€; 11, . ~ - . , 4 housing licensing bylaw approach- “mmvamr i" KW Foot f 70:1“. .. t ' , L 5? es. the city is oftertng sessions to if 1 ' 'L""""""‘ A»: s: help landlords apply. _â€" (he. V ’ . ‘ , J 71 g. ' L . , a Beginning luesdtiy Feb.†the / ~ , 7 if ~ L l†1. ' ', City of Waterloo will host 15 work- ' g .. 9 \ ' \ shops to help landlords apply for r \\_j - residential rental licences. _‘ . \’ Sessions will be held Feb. N. Is. Specializing In All . TFSA Special 16. 28 and 29 from I to 3 p.m,. 4 to 6 _ » ' l- ' pm. and T to 9 pm. Space is limited ‘ EUROPEAN AUTOMOBILES < .1 O% to 30 participants per session and , ‘ . ‘ ._____â€" rcgistration is required at h" ‘T ““ ‘ . â€M7“ rentalï¬'waterloo ca. u it t ‘ t MM“ â€WM", The rental lituhlllg licensing (now t t g t t t; ' ' a If. ., . ‘ byla’w was passed May 9. 201 1 after L _ w . M a?“ m ï¬lm " 7" éâ€. .- , i mth con'trtwtl‘rlsy ll 1 d . ' ‘ Audrlllw, â€CW“, "553" /, “. , m-h‘ongUf local any oca am on s oppose ‘1‘ 32- A ’ ’ ’ ' l â€than“ w,“ mm.“ mm {he ., mm mm , v nvéislment pecialist! ty owners from renting tint more A 7‘ A» Wflflh‘mm ‘ L “000"wa than four bedrooms in their home, i “WWW â€New†It does not apply to high rises or ‘ _ mm M Km melariï¬wmyndnm: apartment buildings 1, WWW“ Abioday and GNU“ a ’ your 1 , ' 519-578'2052 Manual plan With someone you ( an trust /“ â€Add†{Eca Q l :‘ . v P SY(‘ H [C F X PO ' investment specialist ; i 4 ,. , 1 K local ‘, secure ‘ trusted i a » ‘, g . \' & R i ,Q alarm†» “new t’ttt'wnstcatwm \_- “5:71!" “t f ,«,,A, ,-, {saw yFlthlft‘t um tor map and FREE stull’ m. mâ€"Tzl- xx / " s“ I ...::'._...:.._.,, L Q January 27, 28, 29 “mm 0 ‘ ‘ Best Western Hotel - Guelph on“. xiv-mm r