.7 ' ' ' 7' '7' 7'777†’ï¬â€"iâ€"' 7' ' 7 f I | i i I WAN-£1.00 CHRONICLE-Wednesday. December N, 20†. 35 i ‘ mm “m E“: W “W“ _°""'"‘“ “W“ “W“ l::“"°""'"“ ‘ 2004 FORD t iii r it .1 9 B U V H E R E w m 05mm - / i ' > ' : rt' 2' .3 '. - :13 13331.5 with: [ABOUR _ 3 ’ 200] PONY“: . gm; hut "with, en 99w" i: iCl - I 9 PA ' H E RE 3:5†‘ 525W†AdVBI‘tISII‘Ig ' ' " I 9 In House Loasuig 53%;; no :4;th 7 â€VLTS‘SWSP‘S 9 9, _. ‘ k ’ i We Cari Finance Yr. i_. DODGE kiualiti:,_ytiocl> 21m | ' , s - . J ‘ Saw: it: -. . Wrur'i‘ gilltfaw otewenerww a es epresen a Ive 3" e a i u, N, on, ., A. 37,-, ,, H 3 GRAND iiarutaetming valid _ 9 ’49ng it i 9 9 9 9 H, minim license Ability " 0.»: ; i i» A, w i â€" 2302“"? ,- 93.9? 909092?an ,9 'f‘ trtt 5C “is uusrae FU L L T l M E ! T.J. Leslie Motors 35!;i;;.1“""‘ ‘33:?“ My» {-5, ' EETEELKES'Sa'inSDé‘ ‘1 , menswear '59.“ 1-D"? “"" -‘ " ,~ ‘ , , 3 , . . . . - ; ; ' ‘ â€"â€" “‘3“ ‘5“ 21:: {3333“ The Guelph Tribune has an excellent lullâ€"time opportunity for an aggressrve self-starter to r 51 9'888'71 71 “I M! “5:4,â€:33331‘ represent the Tribune to existing and potential advertisers with an emphasis on customer I 99 2002 w, “,9 ,9, mm ifareevse‘pa’riotsourtel service, development and implementation of account sales strategies, and plans to j 9 ;_ - f ‘9 35,55 3'3? 9113,9"ttfm‘j 735361? $1,, 32939;; “3"“ increase revenue. This is a career position You will be asked to produce results and 1 mg,“ 99,99 91‘,,,9"9,‘,9m9,9,9 90m 5 ,, Wig-5:1, 9 f :59 5333.53,;13"1;733;;:.9;a; â€" “r “- “mi devote the time and effort required to consistently produce improved results. The earning 1 ‘ ‘ Mi“ 3 71"“ 332’311; :§$U5"‘§§§;, 3:, Immediate potential is far better than average. We offer a competitive salary plus commission, bonus 9; N0 CREDIT W zoos W :9.- ,9 9r 9‘ “95°53?†with a eocai‘Corlutzany opportunities. car allowance, healthcare benefits. and pension plan. 5 , ' ‘9-‘;'â€' ' ~ he“? A"_‘â€"*i Lookmg or 4 ‘ M" PM > ;- WA") more mes an .-. - I LEASE T0 own - w “m .i‘ttttigf’m ; ~ ~ - ~ ~ - -- 1 E , 9 “ ‘ ‘ » 1 he has be, 1 l‘ we.) ;.;;wm9- “99,“ You are a sell-starter wrth loads ot initiative, a creative thinker With the ability to problem» , i m 9 zoos slim/9 . r. a??? .‘l_' 913â€Â» i“ ‘ "’ " we use, run Yrs-Wig. solve, high energy. and driven to succeed. You have excellent communication and I ‘ Assistance egg-,9; {9991:5933 {yugefsgtgffm organizational skills and confidence in making presentations, negotiating. cold calling, and . ’ Hogwhr Auto Sales f 949 79 it, , V 1 » wwmu'm'w tï¬omriggflr closing the sale. A reliable automobile is required. 9 ‘ 199-622-4970 3‘; u its, ’ Average earnings ’ . __,__ .. -. 9 * * * * * 5,100.51 9"“ «i933: 72,363†We employ talented people who draw on a broad range of knowledge and experiences to , Yo ur L03 n IS 2010 “was , . c9. m3?“ up support our missuon. values and strategic objectives. it you have what it takes to compete- 2 Approve d' ‘99,: i193 1393;»; ‘9 ; ‘ Iain!†to-win. we want to hear from you! I ‘ ' at"; #‘gr‘ry'vih. ’4); ‘ --> a » i 51 7 '4 u . ; in as little $5 10 Minutes 5 tin i. â€it; it»: ::::9‘,",l'9'l,llf:;:: _ 9 9 9 9 9 - , W99 9,99,, R9,,“ W99 Conwmmn kW ,9h,,_9,,9,,,99___,9., Interested candidates are asked to email their resumes to bhiggins@guelphtnbune.ca by . ,9 -;ree Credit Repair 55 KMS' December 19, 20H and quote reference â€1112.100. ,' "We i‘iU'l for you not the bank .000 - E 9 i ‘wittdih I. am hi MSGIWAM‘Qrea‘ EM . . . , . . . ,1 I - 15E fr: exser?gr?c:r:n a: av: 5:92†pm w my»; "'0" While we apprecrate the interest oi all applicants. only those consrdered for an mtervrew wrll ; i use: W new: $3955 in: Needs be contacted : ; I y u v. . tr ~‘ I; E- m «noes 9"lei1 - ! ~- .- :ur'xu‘. , 1 Local 519-650-1774 f_‘_ 1 - , Mn?" 5, . ; Toll Free' 1855-6501774 ONLY 5 , ï¬gmgggggl o . o . ; ‘ 67 000 KMS “5°93 mm were - metrolandmedia ; v c aoprooriate twig o o mm 2002 Oldunobik i' a" Dame'nï¬ anangmls is“ pt . Connected to your cnmnvunrty‘ : â€" m "afï¬ne: a. Wu . gm 9;} 9’ 99.5,; £9“,.:,‘. â€atâ€? isle on? w: some) work distiplxne j v v t . . , m i ‘ a . w ' VFW“? drrvers ll( 6. vehicle ; -« . ., _.. Eu WvbyDeclt m . ping nu: _¢f>wui . 1 I No Credit? Bad Credit? Bankrupt? 5:33;“;‘335'3’3, “Imm' ,- n m “A,“ «me i Discharged or not ’ in Mindy {Wm ' ' ., your wimmf mm: a? j ’ Prom Sal; Sim-a Dow-tenth, mpg 9 MCI-ob 1 - 9 CORPORATE s‘ 5:541:99; â€may torL civnii i i"it-er 31:1 yrs QILTPHEWLE - ~ . i : ‘5‘ rave?“ _"‘su"‘ i - 9 ASSETS INC -».‘ time Arteries-est; all; j i ‘ Edl‘ arrange tinancmg 9 ‘ " 5535393", ‘tzioinrhperienrekt'm at Assn" teed mam 9T Cone?) -9 ‘5‘ interest rates ma var†‘4 9% 29 9'»: 9 339A & 339C ’ cm. my,“ 3“â€â€˜955 Servrces REL-41E, affnw" “m . H Call PAUL NOW Crane I I â€sf" "" U“ "3“†fl m“â€""""’““" ' i' 1998 F150 ‘- ; - - at THEO MOTORS ,; 9 ., , . Operator ' ‘ LARGE PUBLIC CAR AUCTION! â€I"! . ' ‘ . v ; 1' r 519-573-3896 A . m. i - a9 i-nr in, Mrtw i in» 1 NEXT WEEKEND! W 1 ,‘,i i _ 1 .. , ‘- '> trimatrir «artpi‘ti‘i i 9 , 1 CONTACT, financeizttieomotors com “ ' ‘ 9 W M M" SATURDAY- DECEMBER 17 ' 1-30 P-M' WTRCW. 5;, : APPLY ONLINE M,†a]? mu r we. , 925 Provrncral Road, Windsor, ON NBW 5V9 z,‘1;;9;,;‘,;,,;g9,‘ “ -’ Lutheru'i I k! i wwwtheomotors corn went â€9 i' " ’ ’ ~ ‘ p: - ; l Employment ‘3 “i "7.0"" ' ' ‘g Q s n- ‘7‘ i _ marrow t 19%,." 9 9 _ use-am? , Vehicles Winn-W Vehicles Wantcd/ " "99-“,‘- :95“? ‘9‘ 1* 9. . ; K I, new: , 9 9 , Sig M32469 ‘ “Mil"! Wmfling 200299510 - 3 i . ' t“i|1l‘::ni‘"-F Fm“ a ‘4‘ ‘- ‘~ 3 . "' mm I." 14“ ‘9 Vi" m1 : u, a ; ’ Deflml when? martini 'm» ; I pm; ‘9: ,7 979,19"? 9. â€"9â€: 9 : ALL CA8]! 9'9 9 was t m- ,' 9. '., ' 9,,†,‘3 9 womb; , , ‘ . ‘ Asustont - l - _ a w _ 33b 3;- w A: ,3. WWW t â€we I w H we i' iriririrti. HT. W W V V ' f . 9 51"â€,953,“ . ti: w â€win-i4 ‘ ~ ~ : ’_" For Your Scrap Vehicle â€tauâ€, ‘ â€7,3,: ‘94,. Administrative l 9| 9 . 9..., ~ I â€".' a; i m- Ass‘mm ‘ H ‘ $99 " ' ’ 2009 CHEW A ‘1 “‘3‘ 1w we» , u is \ 1 men-N .3 . " I _ ; 3 “tom '° A:2:.J:":::;;',:... , I , Low Rate \ , 9 9 ,9; 9mmo a m 3,- Ji1i'illwiht'7‘.‘€ F 9 9:: fl M 9 9 9 99 9 ,9.,,9',,;nr A"? 5 t I I . 9 99 a 9 9 ongages Famlly , 1'800'265'8304 -- 3999:; 1W9 mm, - b ‘ a m 'ur "mum in": I _ _ _ .7 ~ 1 mm in it «up. any New M an». 2009 «your»: ; a .. A1 0 . m n mmm.» it 1 P, 9 4 , my 9;" am Wm in“ ,. I ‘ 9‘ ' : 9â€â€: e75 i,uirty,.ir,m‘. Aw} ‘ '; ‘ a wxmflf‘ï¬iylzflm (Km â€0 9m 99 , ;, 9 - 9 9,, m m we r H mm: a v~ r -; Fin hr ,,.,, ,, A 0,, ;, M, I. 3. .9 i 9. .; & owner m i r; wt f mi 9_ hfï¬â€˜i‘iiyt‘i‘i 13:24,? : ' farmerâ€; 33:35 ~ a - . 0P5 my ~. (90+) Cars, Vans, Trucks 5 Motorcycles m {m i in!†w w m. rim, 2‘ in - Ava,“ ,9 9» 9 . game‘s“) .- “1135 {in mums 1 ( s P ) Merit-mi rm w» ‘ - . 4 - »» as new as 2010 & shop equipment! , , \ I ‘ up» u w mm , i PM" visit our website atwwvvcorpuutscom W , A u to Recyclers 2% u :75 us i h 1 ~ as specific terms and conditions may apply. l’ v m A“. c l , i w pm. 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