l l WATERLOOCIINNICILOWedlmd-y. December M. 201] '33 â€"â€"â€"_»â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" silt in is ,, ‘ Late season great for golfers 'smm'm' ï¬t 1 “I“ . - ’ o o ' ' l. ‘ (g nyone who has followed my journalist "We get a lot of players who love to be ~, 4 ‘1 ,. . ~. Adrivel in over 40 years of writing in able to say they've played eyery month of the SPEND YOUR ,. ‘ J Waterloo Region may remember there year, and bamng major blizzards. "13' hap- MONEY WISELY! all I was always a sign when I signaled the end of pens a '0†a Grand Valley Spokesperson said R eplace YOU r a 5:93" , lht‘ golf season in this areaofthe pl’UVilll’l'. '65" Wt't‘k- 51 9 748 1 491 ' ‘ , ’ ; Anybody remember? (an! Playing at least once in every month of I I SOfa CUShIOhS A l , [mnkgmubg r» 7 , the year in the frozen north ls 1.866.392.FOAM (3526) P' Q “I ‘ ’ that‘s right. When I take the l l l l 1 t) l l l something I accomplished years lemlum Lit. lty , _ é eluhs out or the trunk of my car A ~ , ago near my homewwn of Slag» thefoamstore.ca Mattresses ., lg w that's where the) ride all l â€01} am Hills. but no! somethingl 360Tn'llium Drive Kitchener Cut To Any Size ' 3 spring. summer and {all â€"â€" it sigâ€" can ‘10 anymore. A wonky knee Mood -‘lhursda 8â€"6, Frida 84 Mattress. ,5 4 f‘ nals the season's end for this golf ‘ means I need a power cart folr ay V l Vs .. h , ? It lint who has been planing in his ‘ a (“"3" nine bows and Grand V3 ’ â€"“- â€"' ' o Mattress Toppers .: . l‘ nun fashion for so years. V“ v g ley doesn‘t have the power carts “I: SWAÂ¥$II1 5A? , Covers 7? ‘1 1 H, No there I was last Saturday ‘ ~ “ i , out fortheir"bonus'~ (kiwi F“; II '3 V 1 ’ hatilingthet‘luhs and a ten pairs ' f." .V : Tigeï¬sbock? ’ â€"- l of shoes into the house I y 3 I!“ been it Whlk‘ WK“ my last ‘ _ 1 it wasn‘t redâ€) .1 sad time l , 5'» ‘, golf-related column, but I'm tgé‘igï¬gg ~ '5 her arise lust H days earlier l l 15 v ‘ EUWWW â€I“ NRC“ "0W5 ‘5’ If“ H w“ , A _ 1 ‘ played a last nine holes at one of .. V y N is that l ltll’lt‘k Woods cnde its V - ‘ l: m} Wm mm [he Blkljflshlgl’ '9"?!th nor-problems wells ï¬E’Zï¬ ' ï¬rfl‘ï¬ï¬‚ , l ,, \Vaterloo (hill Modem) Nov :‘t streak Al couple of weekends 3 l ‘ is the latest I'\e played mound , haCk- V CIBC hgmï¬gï¬ï¬ ’ â€ï¬gâ€"haw†i I E here in detodes so it does shorten the gap [ “i“ “l â€â€˜1‘ Emmi) that ï¬gured " “'3‘ “My 1 ‘ ‘ hetueen lhls spawn and next a inalter oi time until liger found his way 1‘ l ‘ l ham-in t'llr‘(.ht‘tl mm cyprynnu hm l hark lo the winners' Circle. even though I Newlmmigrant BankAchunt WWII Me) 1 ‘1 think all golt toiiises ulth real grass in the “Inâ€! Willi/Pd that I didn't even care if it 500nm by â€$5.11FEI mmm§ 3 t .. , let-i)" t 11 3 art a an tlost d loi tin st asoii all l)lil om. '1â€)le ( (‘I' It! > . a - . ‘ ‘ ‘ It's tradition rind non-mirth) that the â€19 “ml“m) “l ["0 when l W "I“ 0' ‘ m Financial Planning M... Urn-Urn Dunn menu-.1} l litétlltl Valle) (.oll l liib hetueen \_\‘r and Itllt'l’\‘lt'V\t‘tl over the decades didn't possess Estate Manning I... me ‘ l t .nnhndgp ls mun-or It‘sxnpt'l] all year the same sense o! entitlement that was Investment Planning ï¬ll. 519M230l£n 449) l t â€n. (,“mlle ,,| the mm, 13 hole layout liger‘s trademark along with thousands of Mutual Fund Elâ€˜ï¬ (â€it (K ; l Lop {he n-gulgu greens t or («Hips m trout of pros in football, basketball and baseball who ( ll’l , // Imwmlsdwe J ‘ those and then l haige a flat tee of Slit tor WC!" '0 lhlllk they are a gift to the world ‘ ‘. I ‘ Sam IF ‘5 A CW“ , l «none “ho “ants to test then skills on all) "W†though â€â€˜1'." 3"" not curing major (“5' f H ‘ H msumutllmfll I ll_-.\ ohen the slum ism so deep you‘ll timer “1‘0Ҡâ€Mlâ€?! “WM h“â€l~’~â€~ 905-762-2370 W.“ N2L§W6 l Tilttl \llllt hall Continued on page 37 ‘ j 1 I ‘ t ’ t \ j ommunl 4 - 3 s: o o v; p a .. hugs ,. ’ V“ Ego GE. 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