l a - wast‘uuoo CHRONICLE - Wednesday. November :0. 2m I ‘ l I“"""""'""'.'II"' Local ï¬nancial planner hit I III-I 11:03“ . . ‘ s! i E III-III mm; . sum 1 Wltll $20,000 in ï¬nes and costs i “ ‘ (i A“““ BY PAIGE Demon") e Killins also admitted that l l K‘w O 1 , Â¥ Chronicleï¬mjf r_ ‘9 beginning in January 2010. she failed or refused to pro- ‘ ‘ ocal author and ï¬nan- vide documents and infur» iences . cial planner lennifer ksâ€? ‘ ' “ . mation requested by the my exper III. I Killins is coughing up ~ .. MFI)A in its investigation. L . e shoPP I'I' I $20,000 in fines and legal She has 60 days to pro‘ I nlqu I , g . ‘ . costs as pan of a settlement vide those documents to the , 3 u - A †I-Il ‘ o I agreement with the Mutual ‘ ’ MFDA or face an additional l I . I . 0 ' Fund Dealers†Association of ‘ $35,000 in ï¬nes and perma» I I ‘ ,- “ ‘ Canada. .. ï¬at-V nent prohibition from con- i I ._ , an». ~ I Killins was prohibited kmfflmmï¬ ductin securities-related l I . , . - I 8 I I y - ,_ ' ’ . ‘ 1 “3 '1 (Raf; ‘ from conducting securities As pan of the settlement business with an MFDA . g . .. 3-.- . 'r . g - ‘ : ’ » I related business for nine agreement. Killins admitted member. I. , I i. 7 ’ .3: . i ~ g , ( . _ ; L f A R H. I months as part of the agree- between October 2007 and Hugh Corbett. director of ; i I 7 k‘ (\‘\ f / ' . g ‘ I ment. which relates to alle- lune 2009. while registered litigation with the MFDA. t I , ' r _. ' " . I gations brought against her in Ontario as a mutual fund said the documents were ‘ | I , g _ . , ; D . \ ‘ l» y. I in luly. salesperson with lnterglobe required to determine if I A; 5! r' ‘ ‘ -\- Prior to the settlement Financial Services Corp. she Killins paid the client back I - 't’ . 5 . r.-- c v C: * "fl 5:; ~ , I Killins said she was confi- solicited and accepted with her own money, a stan- I I . ,e 7" ( \.' ‘ r‘" I dent her name would be money from a client identi» dard point in this type of j I - "‘ 3 . . ~ ‘ _ I cleared. calling the com» ï¬ed as R2 on at least seven investigation. I ... s ‘ f t v, I plaint, “he said. she said" occasions. “It’s an experience that . I ‘ . I "I will never understand The money was to be it’s not uncommon for the ‘ ‘ t' the direct attack to myself invested by Killins in a com- funds used to a back the I I â€"- p y , I 1 : and my business." Killins pany she owned and con- clie‘nt having come from i ‘ ‘ â€l ‘ said this week. “All 1 can do is trolled named. "Dollars & another client." Corbett said. I I lJllJARNlNG beTllJM ‘ ‘ ‘ I carry on with a smile as I Sense." By investing the “We always look at what we ' have committed my entire money in her own company call the source of funds ‘ ! = "ag'cally reads every word ) ., .) : life to this business and I an "actual or potential" con- issue." E I and mature. Includes 8 DOOKS I love every minuteofit. tlict of interest was created, In 20I I. Killins released a ' ~ "Reaching a settlement violating the bylaws. rules ï¬nance book called Finding l ~ = & 4 sticker sets COMPARE AT ‘40 : with the MHM proved to he and policies ofthe MHM. the G Spot, which she : 1 the best outcome. Although In total. the client invest’ authored. 1 I WBY SINGER bflARK I I don't .sell mutual funds. it ed 591966.22 with Killins. Corbett said he was ‘ 1 ‘ saddens me greatly that this The client‘s funds were unaware of any other allega~ ! = VA(JlJlIMb \ : process was not more returned in full. according to tions against Killins or anCS~ ’ 1 ‘ .‘ ‘ r ‘ 7 favourable," the MUM. tigations by other agencies. ‘ j I (,RAF'I his“ 1N1: ’ I ‘ I ‘ ‘ . I . 4 I I MALHIN L I ' I . , - ' I Waterloo i I \ ;' I (‘h . 1 part" iptilmu I ' ‘ 0' Motorized I ronlc e u uh . I Many stitch l I “ma-nuâ€" wer head . . I styles ‘ DO I I Gives you a chance to I « t 12 Amp I , , , . ‘ “speeds gt R . . . u [N 2 “cans efurblshed I 8. reverse "' I to . I . 90 Day warranty I . Refurbished I $91 9‘) COMPARE M $ "' 1 99' - ,, , .- lg: q .90 Day warranty ‘ ' ‘ ' ' I ' if ’ :9 . a “ “ - "if ‘ g _ .___~'___ M. - «It. “was v} r .. ; :thNlllill WRAP UNIVERSAL : * ~ » " ’ I 1 u r I . . ‘ ~ . ; I Blanket with wheat filled PLASMA/LL“, ‘ly I . ‘ : warming pack tor neck and “IAIJL 1“0UN I s : DE( TMBER I t) _ l 8 y . shoulders. Microwaveable. ' . i : s -(,q 7 : at the Registry Theatre, Frederick St. Kitchener : 5 y : i = Q,. ‘ g All \nu haw to (ll) |\ it'll us \\ here the "MI ('Iultlrt'n‘s I)!.llll.l lltlllnlltip . I I Q ‘ I Inuu' is lot .itt-(l Ill the paper, llll ill the ballot l)('l(l\\ and mail it ‘ ‘ I as Q‘ I w tlwtittntt .ttviurvmur lntl\ntl\'\lllltt‘t‘l‘lt'tt‘tllll.lllftl\\ In ‘ I I ' . ‘ I “in .3 ll( ltt‘l\ tn the show God Luck?! F : ‘ I“ = :- 1 7‘ sm mg your t murmurâ€; time (/19) 1' , I 4/ a; Holdsupto175le-( or I : WA] £121.00 CHRONICLE . . ' If n_ n l I: 326W s‘ 199: . . ' I I 15 Degree “If C . I I Name. , I . M I Address: any: I I 666Vtctorta5tN..Kttchener Mon.~Ffl.O-9:Sll.9-6;Sun.10-5 E l t I 336 Eagle St. N. 20d Floor (Rh/email! Bldg) am Mon. - Fri. M; Sat H; Sun. 9-6 I PM" 00001 M'- I . 447 Huron Street. Stratlord u. - w. H; m 5 Fri. 9-0; Sat. 9-6; Sun. 10-5 I l 0,, M page on you fluid m, =3? l - . “m'w'unh-nd'm'mflhqhwlâ€"m I out DropOtl‘at VIII-nooChronleb â€autumn Sun-mum antenna I I mltwsurpluacom www.cambridgoaurplusu | °' 0.. 1 _ hg~mn 0.: "r A.“ W I,“ . I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII L â€" - - â€" â€" -‘°"‘-"'- -°""â€"‘°-“ - â€" - - - - - - - â€" - - -""-â€â€˜- â€" - â€" - J