i 7 l l 26' “Al l.l(l lxllillltlmll’l} 'Wodm-sday. Run-inbcr 10.20] I i . 77 I? . n. . , _‘I i (:1. r " ‘ M" ’T' â€T" ‘â€" * BQ©D© [3&0le Ki BULaTUJdIEQL: r@@@§ Ld,_,.,‘*_",’_':’.':___j : V A ' ‘5 ‘ HERBS - SPICES - GERMAN A D = I I l I ‘ 7 'RODUCTS = I Computerized Food & Environmental Allergies. Nutritional Evaluation : . . . = - alt-ralsm e I . . . ' I has Frederick St. rm â€â€œ5 ad 8‘ receive Tat. 519-742-0691 l l I _ I I . (Fredel'lck Mall) Fa! 519-?42 7551 : or me. writing a column about hair is between those bony ï¬ngers. . l : Kltchener, Ont, I WWWBBSICBUIKLOM . like [)on Cherry writing a column As worthy a cause as Movember ts. l I an--.--â€"------------------------.--â€"..----------------------- about clothing. lust because you own opted to not take pan [hlS year havlng f some doesn't make you an expert. removed my 'dstachc just recently. ’ That being said. the topic of hair fasci. That deCISIOH occurred when one of my I . d ,. .1 . I. ., ,. ' . '7’ g M _- "ates me not just because l'd older sons looked at my pass~ i ' A ‘ like to have more. It connects ' port photo in which my mus» l ' to sports in many varied and I I I I I I I I I I tache stood out from the rest I l interesting waysd ‘ . . . of my goatee. He told me I I i ' whether it's NFL tough Qll\li l l‘R looked likela South American I "l . guy Troy Polamalu's flowmg i 1 porn star. m not sure w at l 1;. .d\ locks in a shampoo commer- a i . upSfl me mOhrC fâ€" [hf] NEW to i A" 1“ cial. Brian Wilson's notorious . 1‘ ' ‘ my ego ort 9 act. e new i we are pleaSEd to announce ""‘ ‘ 7’ ,_ ly dark beard on the pitching . ,« 29 ‘ i . that adult ï¬lmmaking was a i 3 at "“ mound or Serena Williams' . .. .‘ A! 1 glotsnallilnélyst‘rjy} . ll ' f; ' I style-dirjour. the affinity ‘ , a ’ 1 Ii 90 mg interna y , our move to our new W dd Md... add... and dd, Sw- . ddm dd dd. 1 dddddd d I ’ ‘ ' ‘ ~ I“ I hair is not just follicle ï¬ction. 1 “’ ‘ remove my facial hair alto- ; Administration Offices \, ~ 1', h ddm,,‘,:d..03h:.;dd§n . “BRIAN . ESE;.‘Y’d‘Lï¬â€™i‘iE‘Eid’ffï¬â€˜ï¬‚‘: ’ - , air grow an a 1e lC . ' . l '- ‘1 l . * i'h- i turtle. E and Sew“! Centre- ~~i mm: ::d::f':‘3.:::d::d mde l \ 'l tlt'rivt‘d formidabli- strt‘ngth by nt-vcr cutting "Sqliii’TPI" and now l'_m a tut» ’ . ‘ \\\ dâ€), a l bis. faking down lions and pillars alike ll"? lfl_havc If) be llkCnCd ‘0 Something “0m i Frlday December 2 2011 apparently followed, the animal kingdom. couldnt it at least be l ' ' Stunt-timvs I wonder if this is wht-rt- M it, something higger than a breadhox? I \ players who abstain from shaving during “(I‘lm'm “:91 I grow back thoI golatt-t- but , ' playoff runs gol [tn-idea~ not I (‘ stac 0. Not surprising y. remain i our Ofï¬ce WI" be Closed for , â€so. l wish they hadn't. Not only do I ï¬nd single, h _ fh _ l l i ' ‘ I l this annual tratlition as boring as it is annoy . 11“?" l 0 I“PM 0' an rt'mova P ays a Pal" ' bUSII‘IeSS at noon on Friday, I], ing. for most liot‘kt-y (llltlffls It's not maul) 1“ ‘P‘WW lady hulildcrs mi" [0' “(‘Slht‘llf : - ‘, ilattt'ring. When it comes to looks. I know masons \\ i (‘ QT “15 W0 ’ -l k'iimpt‘lillvt' i December 2' 20" and W!" If, that I'm mort- (it-mgr- (Zarliii than Georgi- advantaged li'jhard to ht‘lii'vr that rt‘mming I reopen at our new location on » (Iloont'y. but do those guys abstain from mir- W‘smhb‘tmy his! Clan dt‘Cidt' â€â€˜9 Oglt‘fi‘mf] (11:12! ’ rors duringtbvpristst-asonaswell? race u W0! -C ass SWimmt'rs OI a 0 i Monday: December 5: 20"- I love playoff hockey as much as the next time. . I . . . . guy. but between-period interviews with No wonder Orson Welles never made the I we aPOlOglle for any INCOnvenlalCB this my case and m sweaty defenct‘mon who have more stubble â€Myth“. I k l . - ‘ " than teeth is not my idea of must-5005“â€. airsty 95 can "‘3 e a â€'3 statementd I lOOk forward to WW7 wmawr nwm‘ï¬ï¬rï¬-i With Movomh’cr in full swing. I'd be Mighat‘l lordan made â€It: bald If“)k COM i 3 .1 . 1 fl . rt'rniss to not pay tribute to the special cater allâ€? â€19 :f9('}’1!("bl‘jm0 (ROI: 0f Randy “' TS! ory of rowth known as the mustache 0‘8 matc (‘5 is anti-05m is moot por- [ W Po Box w ’ {.1 lithium lines from the sporting past include “inst“? b h d l _ h l c0" ‘ V" the ward curls of Rollie Fingers. Hulk ) $.11? ron is unsure KM 10 ea WI! i swze I ".. Hogan's l-u Manchu. Mike I)itka's "mid- 25330811ng hililirlint‘ 80 he USES his head- ‘ ['00 m- Atiiorican" special and of course. Lanny an strategica y. I Waterloo North Hydro Inc' ate . . .. ‘ a 3:513“ MacDonald’smassivc'crumb-collector. BU! whether you're partial ‘0 braids 0' ' 519 o -‘ . " ‘ . ‘ 512.: ' My wrsonal faw- is “weâ€; driyef Dick hows. frinlcs or fros. streaks or wash~and~ I wwwwnhydromn 9 ! . l ' "‘1‘- . i’ ’ [)dglardly'g elongated WWI,†lrnagin‘! how go’s. remember my tortoise brother who intimidating Richard was to the other drivers uttered these now famous words. on Wacky Races when he twt‘aked tho ends "Hair today . .gonv tomorrow!†. WINTER ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS l l I 4s ‘ . d, . . , . d , ’ . a I»? anemone-norms to "â€8" â€â€˜â€œâ€œâ€â€œâ€˜*°‘“Pm> @ net. 3 to 14 Ill Si. IMOBS MARKET DISTRIU 1‘" i‘ vâ€. i \x d - : 3* a do didi l \bilnt, on i , :4 I 4H2 - ACTING CLASSES Get your HUNT CARD irom i in f :5? «J W’intt'ri’ï¬iriiiu Jill: , St- Jam Famn' “ark“ i ' MITTs, MUFFS d . ...d~d. d d “In“ S “3: â€$3233; (3 BUFFALO RUG-S . garggï¬onï¬dence and. . .me WNW i , n V» ‘ ( ) . l) l 8 l I mg EXPOI‘IOHCO. .0.†FIND All. ‘ .id .7 .d 'l pt I? .u \- In I intoln Road ( lupcl J? 1 '0. SANTA'S STOCKINGS ’7 Q Tip-mo \Iilll \i:!ii..l\ l \Iim MSlinmln Rd.\X’;tcrltm m o &quaiityioradisnoeio Q) m d . dd d .. d .. ‘9' 866-864-4282 dd {dd} \“wd/ i‘ " in W“ I“, ’i‘ N“ l-i "1.. «m-m “WW Kim tom ' illklzl‘tjl’td’gl’l. mini ‘3'?!) "at “I“ A PRIIE Winter 2012 Day Courses for Adults 55+ , d . . 0 (writ-ml ink-nut lowimuhawtl nouns ot‘rvrtl at ‘ 9‘0?- silo»: r00 SATURDAYS “1mm I ll†tllllt III>IIIKI llIlUI'HlilllUH :‘L’lnt‘l\wllt’ll;litdmplls H h <\\ I; ~ EN" & .ngW-w mm l ‘ ‘, pm su-ww ('iiijru“ sma r sum ‘ y ’. -' . '3 o - - Ada. : ( [ll/rill I \ I‘ll! â€t ‘Turinindudrads.umrmrsandrurrmtmvnis : $‘500 I. maulâ€; ' d, , d. , _. . C start Fob . a rim ‘ . d l 11‘) ()3 i, ‘0 i (’\l :08 maimmghtng‘ggnrngtlrfw > 'Emumxsooruuotmbsriunm i i. ' ' ‘ A SHOWING mvmmiamavmmm l . . d . , mamin-u Innis 2C‘26cm l â€Hill/[(1thlllll’lIllg’t‘lllllt’ï¬xll . aw Wmddmmmwm-d 1 ’ 8t. Jacobs Market District I i LAURIER Continuing Studiesl m.wiu.ca/Iall ‘ M 5' “For“ 0m“ at King a View rust with 04 Warm W