"ii-“Kl Hll (MHMRONH'LE - Wednesday \oveniber «1,301 l WWW German Bake (1 Specialties Follow your nose and delight in German favourites at new uptown bakery BYBOBVRBANMI hearty laii h. “It's crazy." ' 1 ‘1: t ;' "‘11:? ~‘J§}“ ‘1 ‘ Chronicle Staff But it's 8also touching as some of her now l I WK}; devoted clients come in and shed a tear. 1 3‘41 “61%; 1"? t hat fresh bakery smell is something They tell her they never thought they’d taste 5 ï¬g? 112:3:3’! g3 , . 1 . . . v: ~25"~~‘-: I you wouldnt expect to find in the bread again like they found in the old coun- l W3â€? . 113$ heart of uptown Waterloo. but it's try. 33.52in 1&‘~§!§2 exactly what's been drawing people to newly ‘Some of the older guys come in and :‘jggï¬ju 1 3? opened German Baked Specialties for the start to cry.†said Elke. “They said. ‘1 must 1 3.141%" 1:?" past few weeks. wait 40 years to eat a bun again.’ _ 11.35.51“??? To ï¬nd it. just follow your nose as many “I find that I must not cry too. That's ' . _ :‘1-:‘,_,: people were doing last Friday when the when I say that it is right what ldo, and the . 1111:1311 ': ., smell of fresh bread wafted out of the store people are happy." . ' ' ' at 94 King St 8.. drawing the curious and So how do they do it? Instead of baking . ,1 the diehards who have already discovered the bread. the Narloch's steam it so you ' ' their mouthwatering products. don't have to lose a tooth to get to the 1 - l'he bakery was born out of lilke and inside. Once you're into the centre you also ’ \1arek Narloch's desire to recreate what find there is some substance to the bread. ’ they'd come to take for granted in their And they Lise traditional ingredients ’ homeland ofGermany. The two visited rela- instead of all of the preservatives and addi- ‘ 1 tires in the area on a yearly basis for the lives that go into most Slt)l’("l)()llghl bread. past seven years and the thing they found The quality is imported directly from Ger . - most missing from a tommunity with such many in a special process that preserves the 1 a rich German heritage “as a traditional dough before it is steamed in German . bakery Baked Spet‘ialtles' special steam overt “I yen time I tame l seart'lied for a bak The results have been a hit with not just en " said like "All they had was supermarr traditional bread lovers but others who are ket bakeries and bread “rapped In paper." just discovering the variety and the quality llie store bought bread and rolls the} the Narlochs are offering new eating were nothing compared to the “I always tell them to come try it before I baked prodtit ts lllt’\ new used to back you buy it." said lzlke. “'l hey taste it and l 1 home Both the taste and the nutritional tltey'ret‘oming hackt ’ if: aspects of the baked prodtit ts here left "’l'hey’re showing methat they likeit." " 1 1 ' them wanting for more Her enthusiasm for her products is - 2% _ ,' l Ike. a nurse by training. said In her passed on to a knowledgeable staff. bring 1 "' 4‘? i)- , t ommunm of it“) people there were fiw ing a lot of energy and warmth to the estab» (ï¬x 1‘ ‘ 11 .1 ‘ ‘ fresh bakeries looking for a tart-er change. ltshment - ~ l . ‘ 1:, 1-»; 1,‘ she saw the opportunity to bring the lhe initial success already has the ‘1' ’T' ' i 1 ' 1b-. autlit-ntit l uropean bakery experience to Narlochs thinking of opening more stores. . 2‘ _. U. . "i 1" ‘_“"~;-... 95!, Waterloo lhey also offer eatering and other services. f»: '/‘ 1 " u (. I ' - . 1‘\ 1 2-3? “I said I wanted to bring good bread to “It was a very crazy experience for me 1,1 ‘1 / ‘1 1 s >14? ~_ ‘4 g Q ' ( .inatla, and maybe that's a good iob for me and my husband." said Elke. "But we do it ,' . € †l “e ‘N ' 1‘ 1, 1 ' 9 . ’ gig too "she said “It was my mission," right. and people like it. ’1 1 ~ ‘ . “l, ., _ l ‘ ‘ lhal sense of bringing quality to the "And they tell me Often that the whole 1’ ;. ‘ QZM ' '5 ' ‘ U†'1 , t‘oiiimumty extends to decor and the layout street smells like bread. and I say "‘Rcally’?' l 3'7“,“ b1 . 1. ' :1†' ' ‘ of German linked \pet tallies itself. It has It's good advertising for me." . * S Ir" 1 the feel ofa lumpean tafe and the expecta- f“ ’ “5‘ 1 " 1 a non you'll bump into someone you know 1 ‘ lbyxf,‘ ‘ I, .. - and perhaps sit down for a tomersatton German Baked .111 “Q3251: 'i and some of the treats on display X , x.» «,6’ l lhe ft't'l hasn't been hm on mt- lot .il (wt Specialties 7, *" i 1 man («immunity that has already beaten a ( 1 . flak d8 It 11 Ill N _ 1 t path to her door They might tome for the ‘ r’rnatr .0 1mm“ “ 'L . . .1 â€â€™II ‘ ‘ r 1 . 94 king St. 8.. Waterloo , v e , (Illllftin but they come back for the bread. 225,911â€, l "I see so many German people here and ' ' March and Elke Narloch otter the tastes of their homeland at German Baked Specialties in 1 they come and speak German. and I say 'am uptown Waterloo. “Wmm I I really in (iiiiiitl.i.'†said lzlke with a l l ‘ ORDER NOW “ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ l ' ' . . . ‘e Lu .-:g‘\_â€"k_:_:‘:‘:‘\ l. ..:‘.'~i: .- . -. ._. i In time for the I m '1 at! â€a†"a St lacobs . " L " -: Juan-limb†' 1 w : ‘1 1. 1 ‘. new». ‘3†FURNITURE t j‘ ‘1 I ix " 1:" ‘ “.7 .. - -. a... W_ x. -. i’ â€-1â€"“ 1 _ Case, ~â€"W â€new... ~ , t t 51 099 (kg , omâ€, issue; . 11¢, ~ 1 /‘ In style. in Reach. a? 1 1 V “in“ ' ' X it _\'t"t"\ ‘ t . . '}:\i_‘.;y,.tt.1l.1,;< a. l