a: - WATERLUO cultollucuz - Wednesday. Number 16. 2011 NOTICE or PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE “â€" i DETAIL DESIGN AND GLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT W 1 . l PROJECT A: HIGHWAY 85 RESURFACING lG.W.P. 168-89-00) ate r O 0 In 1 n 0 r I FROM LANCASTER STREET TO REGIONAL ROAD 15 (KING STREET) h 0 Cke reVi 9W 1 PROJECT B: HIGHWAY 7/85 RESURFACING (G.W.P. 3110-09-00) y 1 i FROM KRUG STREET TO LANCASTER STREET was“ “Wmmmfla ' The Waterloo Wolves are the No. 1 team in the l ; THE STUDY nation. according to the latest : The Ministry or Transportation (M10) is undertaking a Detail Design and C185 Environmental Assessment Study for pavement MYHOFkgfialskingsmm "5' of the ‘OP midi!“ MA ‘v resurfacing and bridge rehabilitations on Highway 85 and Highway 7/85 in the Region at Waterloo (see key plan). The purpou of â€mm“ a a. L Silldl - â€we†egies work - ~ st! div . - stl W been 11' rided - projects The Wolves have a perfect regularâ€"season record of i the Is ‘0 and develop stint for the mm the limits. The has d mm m 13-0-0. Waterloo is I7-I-0 when tournament play is Project A Resurfacing or Highway 35 from 0.1 km south 7. included. i of LancasterStreetnortherlyto 0.4 kmnorthot Waterloo 5 O’ ‘ ‘-' ‘ ThisistheWolves' 10th season andaspartofcele- { Regional Road 15 (King Street), which includes: a ~"Jé ® brations this year, the team will be traveling to Europe I .. . . . . on a friendship tour. where they will play live exhibi- : : Emmi? 0f 9'9]m bl“1995 and two culverts. “a ‘ bx tion games in the Czech Republic, Austria and Ger- ' ma“ 989°. p mm '6 "5’ - many. ' 0 Illumination Improvements; and ,4. L, l, The Wolves are also partnerin - . . . . M7 . 3 With Hero to Hero I ' W 5'9â€5 and "3“": “WWW loops/stations. “ha a, r) and Big Brothers. Big Sisters of KW this season to show E Project a: Resurfacing of Highway 7/85 from Krug Street I: / ‘ i - their sunport for the troops ‘ .' northerly to 0.1 km south of Iancaster Street. which T â€" i WWWI’MIWWW ! includes: U , The Waterloo Atom Ice Wolves surged from a 4-I ‘ I . . j . ‘\ ) deï¬cit to tie Kitchener Red 5-5 over the weekend. Goal . ’ - Rehabilitation of seven bridges and one culvert; and \ D / â€um scorers for the Ice Wolves were Owen Fenton. with two. I - Traffic counting loops/stations. ,r' - â€a; my. Cameron Young David Parker and Alexander Cronin. : I THE PROCESS - r‘ “a Lukas Marschuetz and Nathan Mrakava each had . . _ ‘ , â€f k â€â€œ8†two assists as the [ce Wolves held second spot in the These projects are being undertaken as a Group ‘B A ‘7 3 ‘1 a M Alliance East/Central Division. ‘ protect under the Class Envrronmental Assessment {Class I: " ’ \ \r ; The Waterloo Minor Atom MD Ice Wolves recorded EA) for Provincial Tmnspomtr'orl Facilities (2000). with the I " }‘-' K " their eighth win of the season. a 6-0 victory over Kitch- I opportunity for public input throughout the study. Upon a (' i ‘\ f0 ener Blue team on Sunday. . _ mm 01 the study. a 1mm†Envimnmta] I!!! > t y ‘ Solid team play and smart passing contributed to I ; Study Report (TESR) will be prepared and ï¬led for a -311...- I} ’- , !i’ the Wolves' win as goals were scored by Simon Deck. . 30-day public review period. Newspaper notices will be ’,/' .~ ' en, Owen Kent. Cooper Schultz. Hayden Steer, with I published at that time to explain the review process and o 2:.†/' //’/ \ . â€â€™0' and ConnorThomas I identify the locations where the TESR is available for / I \ " Wwaslfl was 50M In "9‘ and earned “'19 ShmOUL » viewing, If my ’ , a Minor Bantam IceWolva go undefeated I _ y . (/‘V m , ‘ The Waterloo Ice Wolves Minor Bantam MD team 3 NOTE " "IQSCWWQ 9100055 mm†that one 0' both 0 went undefeated over the weekend. ‘- of these projects will not remit to any Significant adVerse The Ice Wolves picked up a l-0 exhibition win over . environmental enacts. then one or both of these projects may he ‘stepped down“ to a Group ‘C' project and formal documentation Oakridge Friday as Ryan Fedy found the net thanks to will not be required. A notice will be issued and a review period provided it this decision is considered. an assist from ParkerSheIp. ' In regular-season play. the Ice Wolves tied Kitchener » PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE lunior Rangers Blue I»l Saturday as Shelp scored their ; APublicIntormationCentrotPlCIhasbeetanangedtoprwdeflnpudicandkduestgwpsmopponunnymmmmdmm onlygoalofthegamewithDevanStemmlerpickingup ‘ i on the proposed resurfacing and rehabilitation strategies. as we! as the anticipated environmental impacts and proposed mitigation the assist. Sunday. Brayden MacDonald scored twice : measuresThePleilbeheldasadmpâ€"instyb,opmhwsetumatmdMlerdeMobrbt.iï¬anmlpresaMmsRepresentatives andStemmlerJakobGerberandKevinTomkaaddeda ; ottneprojectteamw‘ltlbeloanedanoetoanswaWomdmcdvemnmttheHCwibehddastolom; goalapieceinaS-lwinoverï¬urlington. i Date: Monday. New 21. 2011 . . . M†"'“'°°""°‘â€""'°‘"°“ S km ‘ we... 18 3 W111 two . 475 King Street North i I Waterloo. ON N2! 225 Ch . I: i i Tittle: Open Horne: 4:00 pm. to coo pm. â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"mnw W 3; mm W son p.rn. N 7:“) p.m. lacob Keogh turned aside 30 shots as the Waterloo ‘ } COMMENTS Siskins extended their Greater Ontario lunior Hockey 12 ' ' t k t ‘ f ' h 2-] I i It you wish to obtaln additional Information or provrde comments, or it you would like to be added to the study's mailing list, ovzft‘iflirailringviï¬ille Eitaciiglrie?’ 3:12:33: a: the : } please contact. Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex 4 I Mr. Den Green, Rang. Mr. Scott Howard Mr, Greg Moore. 8.53. Mike Van Oomghem Consultant Project Manager Senior Project Manner want Environmental Harmer and “It “SCI“ 930“ had I McCormick Rankin Corporation Ministry 01‘ Truuportation Eooplane Limited a 803’ and 3" 35‘5“ While . .l ; Zip-z l 12 Victoria Street South 659 Enter Road 2355 North Sheridan w» “I“ “05“ add“ a Pair "' " " v ‘ f" ‘ Kitchener. on N26 41m London. on NGE1L3 Mississauga. on UK 293 '1‘:'!:"'5:";"‘e 5'5““:(‘15' _‘ ,4 -. ' - ‘ n I tel: 519-741-1464 ext. m4 tel: 519-373-4531: tel: was ext. 1323 0‘": “in 2113:: 3:; hi / g :- gr. ‘ toll free: taunt-ease toll tree: 1-000-235-6072 toll tree: 1-877-562-7047 20"“ mm g ' I tax: Ste-Tum tax: 519-073-400 tax: 90-6-8234†The gin]; also heal e-mail. dgmnOrnrcca e-mail. wonhmrdOontarloca e-rnall. Wool-rum the numb-“,5 54 last we“ as Ky“, “an“ “mod â€I" ll you have any accessrbllrty requtrements In order to partlapate in thls proIect please contact one 01 the prolect team members 10"? goal (tithe ShDOIUUI- listed above Sean Fennell, Derick Robertson. Adam Campaigne- I.dl.kM. . cd' It' h‘IK h Comments and Information are being collean to assrst the MTO in meeting the requirements of the Ontario Environmental snagged 1319:h0pss:'rlgcalolrlm;l sfï¬tgdfgn‘gnlplis. cog ; Assessment Act Information Will be collected in accordance With the Freedom of information and Protection of Privacy Act and the The M0 teams completed a trade as well before 1 Access to Information Act. With the exception 01 personal Intorrnatlon. all comments will become part of the public record. Sunday's iWm with sixfolome defmceman Iordan McBeath of Samia headed Waterloo's way. 7w _ __ The Siskins are on the road Thursday for a game Hâ€"â€"“"â€"_"“â€"â€"â€""â€"‘â€"-‘_ . - against the Thorold Blackhawks (I l-9- I) of the (rolden Horseshoe Conference before hosting another cross» P . conference game Sunday in Waterloo against the West- ontaflo ern Conference's l.eamington Flyers (12-76) at I30 pm. ‘ , w