II N -‘i\ \H till» it intosit u - “with “My mtmiim in gm] i ‘1 - E l U 't dW y 'th a] mï¬â€"Wï¬' i 1 III e a $1111 BS W1 g0 v I AROUND v I Bi PAN-I ULSMUND g; M, I 'r I t a a. I l w iriri’fl'r‘t’f‘l‘flAï¬ I ‘ Charles Street Men s Hostet a. : , I ~ i l . In f the 15! programs delivered by L†. K" We: a..." I I. ‘ “ ;._,'riefld$hi9 @ II]. I O lloiist ol lritiidship tath ytar, , ‘4' The annual ons Club l sen-n rely lietivily on funding . i provided by an. UnlledW'tty ailment-it ' Santa Claus parade l t'F‘Yillt‘l'ltlU. " A. 1 Annual United Way ttinding makes ‘ -~‘ I , uptown waterloo NOV.19 l I tip me per cent of the organi/atioii's .1": f , ,. . I E I total budget. helping it deliver pror f: The kitchener Lions (.Iub presents the annual l 1 grams such as the [Emergency Food _ “'2 KW Santa Claus parade N0“ '9 Starting in um?“ i l Hamper Program. the Charles Street ; t ;_."‘_‘_".._"‘ : Waterloo 3‘ It) am. and travelling down king 3 l Men's Hostel and live and Learn 7 a 2... t f Street. , l t program that helps Iou'riiiconie moth “"'" :11: I There f1"? 34 fl03‘5" ‘3 bands and a [0‘8] 0f â€5 l ers with support and opportunities for â€"â€"-' .... ’ i 9““195 ““5 year. I . _ personal “mm†‘ if , ' 4 New entries this year Include Impact Drtimline ( hristine “Iâ€, development diretv ' ,1. from Hamilton and Polyurethane Foam Systems tor for | riendsliip House. said the Unit ' L F P“ V I ’ lnc.s (“d lady '" the Shoe float, whichImade "5 ed Way is the backbone of support for ,A ~ {air - , debut 3‘ the Oktoberfest parade earlier â€â€œ5 3/9317 the toiiimunitys safety net. ‘4; fl 8 7 j The parade also features a toy drive and letters we“? part (I, (In: local safety net 9‘" ‘ " to Santa being collected by local Canada Post here in this region," Rier said “That E I ! workerst _ I _ . I safety net had historically beet] provid~ $3 The h'ghl'Elihé on?“ daYd'S [:9 annual ‘25" by l ed by government and really isn't there - - - 4 » ~ nta ‘0 “WC “ '1’ l 9 para ‘3‘ 0' more I“ orma- I “wanna - gustine Rier of House of Friendship at one of the programs United Way helps to tion go to www.lionsclubofldtchenertcom l “Without the United Way it's “‘5‘°"â€Â°"“°"°'° I reduced ftinding for that safety net." people are holding back" has been faced with a Challenge. Tree OfAngelS l United Way is W doles out funding She said some companies have indi~ \‘arner said as KitchenerAWaterloo l o f l l to more than too local programs. but cated potential future layoffs and other transitioned front a nianufacturing- OOhIlg 01’ V0 unteerS l the funding is in leopard): according to changes. prompting even more fears of based economy to a more knowledge- D I h I _ . . I kd 'h . I 1 Lin \tlnll‘r. United Way (.litl what's yet to come based economy. layoffs and closures of t 0 ‘0Ԡhaw 50m: ?part ‘2'? al‘ our; to)? ‘ l “ I he biggest thing we're seeing is . But the type of programming the former manufacturing facilities hit l "1331:“ e(annu:i Titia‘ï¬?‘ ngc 5 toy nu or l ; how the spirit of the community went United Way helps fund isn't seeing any United Way hard. I nuwy lds f" â€$265 0ng I i. k I I I I I I I from almost buoyant tti uncertain so less demand [he organization was short almost l h'ldol: you I, e to e p rtna :IMIIâ€"ehï¬â€˜ery‘ï¬f 1 tast." Yarner said “It‘s just the llnL’PP Rier said emergency hamper use 5] million in funding over two years. I :‘hl' t 3571Ipn§¢m ‘9 p; PI: “it; f( A“? _ I: I tainty has switched so inticli in â€(to had been about the same as last year, She urged the public to help United l '\ “SI ImIa‘I' w: IOU." ":19 a). I 9," ’ 3"“ . re: (3 her " "Vfliat we're seeing is that the need Way ofKâ€"W meet its goal. l I nge s â€1 unto†orien ation “55'0" an 0" WM“ Right iiouI the orgaiii/ation has has been sustained," Rier said “The "The number of individuals and “nï¬iiom‘ l' .- .. h 1d h KW S I I . raised 541 ‘t niillioiiI “ell short ot its grocery bill is where you feel the pinch families needing shelter and enter- A I“ popular â€5'2!“de “a? e I IaryaItion So million goal first and our emergency hamper pro gency services has increased signifi- l I’m-‘3 $631,); an ‘ I: n rens ‘ eruces to) “are- \ilrllt’l said ret t'lll layofls at RIM. grain is riiiiiiingthe same as last year in cantly and wait lists are getting longer." mlIJE'IL at_ 'dge‘ u. . I f I I l the announced l Insure of Schneider's ternisoftht- need she said "It's not a matter of simply h Ida greajt opportugity f)“ ‘23 untleersl [f0 earn and the iiiost in cut hit of proposed “ lhis is a really slow recovery." naming to raise $5 million. we need to . (M _ 3'13: Tm.“ (fur: In!" 1"" to Oh?! amt “ll I tlll\ at \t Man s (it-nt-ral Hospital in With less money to address the raise $6 million for thiscommiiiiity." "In“ ' d _ rec 0 ‘ "gt: 8 “WW8? panniers :1 I hiltllt‘llt‘l. tuniliinetl nith global same amount of need. Hier said other She said some workplaces have 3 so Fm“ L tipsjon atceptlng g! ts an (it er I I tuitertaiiity about l.iiropean debt, has programs would havetobe scaled had gone above and beyond goals for ("Ila ions 1.93:“? II I I _ . It ‘ _ V th . I the toiiimtinity brat mg itself tor hard or organizationrspct‘ific fundraising fiindraising, but there was still much (I. snags ("I ‘1‘: one: all: lime†SSnKFï¬dL ( ‘i i times etTorts increased work to be done I"? 0 _ a.“ “1:; 1.6488"? inquirt d out l "( oiiipaiiies said they were (“\t itt-d "We're not going to be able to he "Hopefully we'll be very surprised." U) :""°’.‘"gIҠVt 115 A?" sfampiugn. d I Im the spllllg‘ Now some are hating there for the people that need that sup- Visit www.iiwaylthorg to see how h I‘ “Hfâ€: arrays 00_ llng or a 8: mg}: goo†rough quarters and lim e to hold back." port Wllltlilll UnitedWay," Rier said. you can donate or call United Way K-W I9 per;.I:;‘. [ '5: ahgrtha '3â€, A†ma 0 a l erentt I \‘arner said " l he not ertainty is why lhis isn't the first year United Way at 519-888-H00. mac 1 m nee ‘ IS 0' ay season. l ' $33 ‘ ' . . . v t ' on in“ ' ‘ ., LITTLE ‘ OPE“ ‘ A 4‘ i l ‘ 1 I S - ‘ 0 mail}: l>-~.- ’ r 9T 9- a ~ I, I i I i . STARLIGHT MARKET 5 PM ‘ l t L ‘3 K, iHURs& FRI I l . ' LU [I t Thurs & Fri Nov 17-18 I .I '7 from 5-9 pm HORSFEETR’AWN ' Christmas decor toys & great gifts‘ T E S Nlarket Road 3 n C H p ‘H It 6 ‘rl C t- ROLL YTOUR A tro mg are 8.: anti b Atigie met WIT-20 I). . . . _ I j Thurs <3 FM I . I ‘_,r'I.iI_‘i'l.i..I., ~ iI ~ 5-8 pâ€: . 1 m MARKET ROAD ANTIQUES .m . -. I \ " i . IILI‘E'.‘ __i:" {Am . w A. I