,â€"___7, 7%â€"â€"_â€"____ 8 ' WM l'RllK)(TIIR()NlCLl’, ' “etlntwday Now-tithe! ‘t it?“ WATERLOO I“) “the! Rt \ Suilt‘ ill “Alftltm tuition NIJ llla ‘ \l‘tM\M\'\,1M\llt)Mn ilt,M\M\rt\J:M\l M,, N , _ , _7, ._ â€m,“ twig, \\ |\.M t R M Ml Nit k _ > - I CAN NEVER ~* mutton \t â€"- FORGET AND 'M ~ ' tlttittktu 1M 0“ .,. .- ‘tmtm li‘tAtlltt‘mxl‘ltlltlt it .. ‘l“t't~‘ nalx'tlmk a†liult At I THANK You. : llL‘t l)|\\1\l\l‘ .‘ M s, F, Nll’ttRIlRttt a I / Mg .. ._ ta .'tittlltl"‘-\.tll m t t _t . ‘t / . ._\ ' lt:mlktll " ‘ '.'* “I" :- lx‘tt'uktthw \ , Nt _ - ‘ “ lllT‘AJICYlthtel'wt, t .t » _ " ’ < ~ ' I ." p. A a‘ , t \l)\lRll\I\tt -M‘-, c . - _ , . ". ‘ M\ .- "ff (mt) \lt\l'll(l m fit; MM {Mt‘ f\.‘ . K“. ‘f‘fi r M Rll\ll \»\Il\\l\\\trlh‘ v /« ‘ tn :/ ‘ _ “M t \tt\-~l udlol’ltlikllmt‘lxt t 74“ _:_:__,_. - a y ‘ - l \‘tll\kll’kl\l\l\l‘\i\ egg: g“ t A ‘ p ' l Eb?“ ~ - '.' » t . ~ £5 ‘ t llttlllttll")\vllt\l g». ‘ ’ ' ' ._ . ‘ mat u mi.» w at t My: \’.. M ~ ‘ ’ l ll l\ll\l\\u\ \ ‘~ . ~,.i""‘~‘ _ . M t†ll lwt \ ‘ttattt at w t t. “A A N , . .. M . l - 0. l g ‘ Ml], villa . -'r-*-â€"--<~ A l l “N, H p f“ ~ ‘ “N'ï¬â€˜fï¬â€™Ã©k ‘- ., - ;, 'L we-QML .~ w a, _ W. “MM A†, M MM .. c: m ‘ â€"â€"" “Mitzï¬rzzzrizz;trfts “'.:.T""‘ fl » ‘ lRt'l I \llt)\ .,,--»_,,. A 0-7 : "l Kilt It‘ll“ tM Q \ W ____ t allaslhm rum-t am \ “a ‘ \:lt‘- l M â€": M T ' . l"lllll\tllltlll ‘\‘."(". Hunt \iit'tlk"i Ll IIKONICIAIAL [:l)l l()[{lf\l4 asslng e tore n n W Li ‘ a l_ ._._ ____ m __-‘ ___“ lt‘u‘tfldlti-tt 1‘ V t t ‘ " l N†W "H . h y kids are at that a 'e ~ My )arents had thetr own “’ \*\\ "t‘ 3 “1“ NO conflICt ere l Mivlien they're startillg ll( â€11“ ‘\ awkward questions to mm“ H l â€W ll it Altght rail tranxit route for uptown Waterloo received l“ 4“? all “W“ “l awkward l l M, ‘ answer back then 31301†“1 $5 (it) endorxenient Monday. but it seems†council t questions \\l ll\l l l 1 what happenedto that man "“ ' v Hk'd the deal with lllll't‘\l â€" brought on h\‘ the luck 0! 3 Wllh R;"_"(‘|'f"h;i““"M Day '" the n’heelchalr or the one . “A.“ input. ‘ fuming t us “Ht ay, t lose l usmgtMecane, 519013 0~ ()nl\ three nietiiht-ts of (â€until new able to vote in qut‘tlt‘fl have started l" “k“ . I I’ll" “ was always respectâ€" “ "3,34“ tannin or xtafl‘x rt-tonunendation that Wlll see the LR'l 0“ 3? "1"_"~‘ martial “"“‘ 3M“ - â€" ‘ fl" and ‘he Veterans them~ » ‘t\ u w t tn m w ml lift“ ow the xptir llllt' through the uptown Nth the train tra\= "lg ‘l were “l" 1“ “‘“"r what ' ‘ MM selves? had some under MM tMM‘ItMM tMm M tMtMr w w w w‘ “Hum â€mm (m Null \trm‘l and mum (m (lawnm- to are people lighting about . J; ' standing for thoMseMcuriom M M H l“ l torin a tranxit hm around the (ore and the grave concern about 4 - “ml“ and would share “ml“ '- t or“ i PM \\ t «it \t [5 (he other For ( Il\ Ulllll( illnn had to declare pent? M “h"ll‘†“f not “PW on “W a ‘ ofthetrsloriex “Wm us: ‘ M“ M“â€" ‘1 m i i t t when“ rnait. Illlt'rt‘\l\lll1(lt‘l the \lttnit'tpal ( onflttt of Interest l â€Kl“ “a" 3 of (nurse. a lot of them ‘ 't»tMMMtMrMmuMMtMt ! \MMt ttMMtMM tttrtMtMl‘ \tl ax lll('\ either owned or lived iit property that could \1\‘\\llt‘aitttl I haw-had to 1 BOB l lWPl â€W "11" “U“ “l “i†‘ M lM“ MM ‘ ‘ M “‘MMM‘ tut yM,tM,,,,,M,h|\ My“ ted m the rotitingnltht-lltl rt'asxnre them that war is l VRBANAC l hidden from their ldllllllt'\ M MMM M M. M M M v. , M M mm. “ M,“ t‘fwlll‘t‘lll that (‘\\t'llllt|ll\ anyone hung in not knot lung on our front Lâ€"~*â€"l and the rest of [is It Nt‘t‘llh ‘ ‘ um ‘ it ‘w l u i w \\‘it|‘tln4i “ill hau- Illt'll property \rtlllt'\ ï¬rm-(pd 1“ [hp door that we Iiw to one ol lirave t anaMdians tint there only as “e xtartvd lttNlllMfl Ml‘ ll M M MM'M M ‘ M M M ll‘l ‘M “my l’lUlt'†H“. “a,“ |\ that the Mun“ â€M“ mm,“ 0; 3 the \.llt'\l plat t'sM on the who are doing their part to tlient_en masw that mine i M M ‘ l," A, l \M M‘ t M M lttlt‘rt‘\l \tt petltapx llt‘t‘(l\ more reï¬ning “lien protet'ts l l'l‘““" “I" that “N“ ll“ k) "Mk? â€1!“ thtld a ht'ttet wt'rt' “Hall! milling l" “NT" 1 t li‘l’t l. “l l t â€it lltt‘xt' Murantl a .tl(‘\ art- ltt’lngl'()l|\ltlt'rt'tl ; l" “t" ii'ld‘l'd'“ plum â€W†“IS“ M M tum“ my ï¬nal “mt max went t|uextionahle to t m. j (H tottrw, the writ e at And they haw to return: Ihut \ lit-en true tti the in†with t , M ï¬rm Mm t'll't ted thew littlttit tam to represent tlteiiL l l"““ " '* mg“ “â€â€˜l “M‘s†told ll†thoxe “ll“ (“a â€l“ more PlM ll'“ ‘M“*â€â€˜ t" one "I the lli t t H ll. M t "an “Mr W) t]llt‘\l1ttll\ almttt tittoruin \l.t\‘ti|' llrt'nda l llN‘IH “l the mt llllt e that Nt'fVltl'lk‘fln’t‘lltt‘HL (hfmmlf‘ “W!“lflHmllml“ it i t m Mailman Minn kaivtt M tan and ( nun Mutt Wilmer l l""’l‘l" “M“ â€Nd“ Ԡll “““ " I‘m" “N†“he†(on m "l†R"â€â€œ'"'lâ€â€˜â€â€œ" tM ‘ t u ‘l m t, lt‘lt m it†“if MW“, (in. mm, â€Ulmnd,†“UM“ l tlt‘lt‘llt e nt our lrt-t-doins lwax a kid lll‘lnt‘llll‘lflllttt‘ Day t'm'erage “wen latlwn ‘ tMt M MMM MM t M M t: thMtM .ntta\tint “mt WW“ I m “Mum“ "Film“ “1mm go lllt‘ll' are lltlllltblh [bl ( ana â€at ( amt- With ( t'Ml'l‘lIlt)lllt‘\ I‘M-11:1 r.M.lttMlitiiilIit:;(trM\ It 1th M ‘ M M M MM _ MM “mutual it \lllllltl\ llh' (hm new "Mgnfll to n“- L,†M than men and women “ho and tlthll\\ltlll\ “IllMl veter nit! t it hiya it, i am M _ M u M M MM WM M M“ ll“ legion had a preleirml route in mind, that perhapxat ‘ “M“ â€Nd" “l†“mm†“ "m about me†“My"? and “Nu?“ m ( anada mm“ 5 t l at w m t tlm tiltltll it tlmwn’t n-allt inattt-t “hat \\ater|oo ttllllltll M â€ng" â€1 â€19W glohal “l("l'(1‘\ surprise ““ Wllh "mâ€lԠ' ‘ ‘ l†l‘ "‘ “ ‘ ‘ l“ “ 1‘ lttl\ ll.l\t' to no llll‘ l R! ttorlmhnp “as t lllltl/(‘ll lit the durum “11h lhlԠWW!“ â€1 â€ION" are far lt‘uer of xtnry Of â€W l“'fl"""†‘ l l llMl ‘M‘ M _ M‘MM“ lM M M 1M \ l " gtttlilu and ltllllll llll)l\ a\ it do); and pom Jinn ltt'ltl to â€ï¬‚u“ l'l‘" l-uropt', Africa â€Wm WM “mug“ and gallant†"l , " " ' ' tllltt‘,t\4‘ the t)i,t\\t'\ \sia and most recently We had the day off from another member of \\‘ttlt'I l l ‘t l†t t" lt ‘ l‘tt Winn“ tiltnnatt-h will xhatw llnx ltltlll‘t t a\ ll [rat M “\fl-!l‘*“â€â€œ"“" helping l“ “hm“ and ("4'l"'Y‘""~‘ “Wk 3 IO“ “33m" Brand] 51th ‘ ‘1‘ t ‘ n â€it «ix flitting!) \\.xtwtltm I t‘l x hope lllt'\ are open to W“â€â€™"“"' Pom“ ““â€â€œ""_l 1" the â€ll" hm" l" unrflr‘uMna'EIY- lt('\ run MM_M M‘M MM ‘Ml‘ M M aunt-trunk lt‘gitttnatt‘ t (tllll‘lllN that «tune With tonstrttt l A" a l‘" â€l “lâ€? h“)’5~ pay â€I?†“'5P1'“5‘" watch 0m Of “ones hem“ ‘“ Y" M ‘ MM MM M M ‘ MM MM‘M w,“ my three sons play at war the national Remembrance run out of Remembrath- ‘ M t . . l M t i. . _, never imagining the horror Day ceremony from Parlia- Days and this year he s M t t l t l t l , i a t, that tomes with it. ment Hill, looked at the plight of the ' ‘ "“ ‘i ‘ ““ ““ "" 830118 â€1118, ‘M‘-, 5:9 1 And while we've tried to As a child you could legion hall as its member ‘ ’M M“M . “‘ ‘M' v "MIN.“ : "ll. $59?» a shelter them from realities point out the many veterans Mship declines due the pass- l. t ~ 2 l l- I a t t at mumm AL, -~’ f??? ol a world where major con who still suffered from their mg ofnnMTe. t t t l r M , M493 :. "5; flirts continue to exist in war wounds and were miss- Luckily. that torch has a t l t M ‘ ‘ "I . M 1, . ' ’ mg almost every corner of the mg “me and had other passe-don to a new genera- ‘ ' la “M M l will: "I _ .'f~sv'§*7‘-j1¢v~ r if“?! globe. they also have to warsthey couldn'thidefmm tion of veterans we hope «WW ‘xrl UH ' fw £56†in i "‘ l ' know that there are still our pryingeyes maintain the flame. i“ , 7 '