I ) WATERLOO cummcw . Wednesday. Member 2. 201 l - 7 ‘ Junior Kinder arten kids amon st those on the list g g i Continued from page 1 do understand." Mackie said. “It's 688. with suspensions equivalent mation and it's one piece of infor- underperforming on EQAO tests." ‘ l always a judgment call and there‘s to about seven per cent of the stu- mation that we use when we‘re Mackie said. “The work with boys Hamples of the type of lit-haw always Context." dent population. looking at the schools. is something we have to keep tour that might warrant a suspenr including the 1K suspensions, The majority of suspensions â€" “We are reflective of the com- working at and engaging them dif- ‘ sion for 3 JK included threats or 359 children aged I0 and under 87 percent â€" were three days or munity at large." ferently. l threats with a "weapon." received suspensions. according to less. Sixteen-yearâ€"olds made up the "We look for ways to engage Mackie said a weapon would theWHl)SB report. “I think what we always do is bulk of the board’s suspensions. a kids before it ends up with some likely not he in the traditional The board's schools have a total always try to contextualize." Mack» total of 797 students. kind of negative behaviour.†sense such as agun or knife. student population of about 65. ie said. “We want to take this infor‘ Mackie said the board recog- vzvh . g .x- 3.1 .5 vegan}; grreggvt. 13.3.5331 "a: titles the statisticasan issue. More on this story? Contact “:5" ,, -2 ’7: e“%§§$$§g‘%§%% “That lines up with our boys pdesmondOwaterloocluonlcle.m .. . ' a; 2.2. ‘7 ‘; .j‘ai-‘rfi‘; 7'". s 1: twat}: -, . .33." Some kids at that ‘. 7.2;; an} .23... 2- -. s , as gee»? :35 -- t ' l (1 BY (ï¬e ": a: i 3": W": Mm?» - ' (I C r [I ’ 0 7‘ l ‘ . t 2 t ‘2 >1 . 51’"- $953.. "€9.45?†g? t? a! 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Marine said. would be $551... - m7" 7,“ a"; ‘ 5‘6“,“ï¬Ã©Â§W§§igégw§flér§wn AMI/m MISUblShI, N553“ i'w-‘tw j .-‘ v . -' “-5 _ ‘ ems 4‘ A â€that“. ..~ .‘ .-_;Â¥-w;( . . 1 â€18.1“.“ sytton of whether the cl‘Hld an R “a, I? . x. a: Mk¢¥9flxï¬Â§s 5‘â€? v-z‘iév‘rt‘rrsti‘gl-ï¬- MQZCKIHIOUS liestoranon Grahame . 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