l 6+“ «I l lll (XHIHRUNICIJI '“etlnesday November 2.10†r-â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"__â€"-_â€"â€"_â€"__â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"1 Ca olicbo d o o o i - th ar starts Vlswm : Currencyee Foreign Currency Exchange: â€mm“ B P D d d “Hg process ‘ v MOE swoon ' n st * ts t ' 1' . (Converters or T g . if :2,areal.assessesszzxzs"h" . z I 5’ ‘ ‘ an Ire fans e“ I News That could include smallgtuggestions‘ or “""Ll ““‘|"â€' "' a aterloo (latholic District School Board broader ideas. I h" mow 3"â€"l‘" i 5 I for an trustees want the public to help them “It could be something as small as a nutri ‘ I , I sh . 5 ‘ ' ' i ' : V l . ape the future. [tonal policy or it could be something more . : SNOWBIRDS HEADING SOUTH 0 : Awesome 'l'rustee for Waterloo. lanek lagiellowicz. elaborate such as an environmental policy." said trustees are hoping parent and student lagiellowicz said I WE HAVE THE BEST RATES ON US s I H feedback can help the board shape the sys- lagiellowicz said he would be making the : 355 Erb Street West. Waterloo (between University and Fischer Hallmanl : Mel"! Sgnjggltvr; e ttv$tflwgdyft:20:$g Shahale": {alfflglsithc‘hadglslIgogelchZ-Shgl‘lkdd: 55:11:22: ‘ O 4 l P 519-884-0043 700%? 877437-4340 WWW.(urfen‘ convertersmccom â€mm“ going to change,†he said. “We're always talk» year. L-‘_---____-_â€"---"Â¥'_â€""---_J ing about where we're going to he in the “I guessl'm hoping to listen to what peo- l future and how we're going to tackle changes ple have to say." he said. "Sometimes we for- ‘ to provide quality education." get to do that, like parents sometimes forget . ‘ In the same way technology has drastical- to listen to their children." ‘ ‘ \ ly changed the education experience for The feedback will be used as part of the today's students, the trustee said board mem- board’s ongoing discussions and work ‘ (W M; th .A ' ‘ hers hope to keep tip with and shape the edu» towards better education. Trustees can be (W _ 17 I W 1;" ‘ cation experience ofthe future. contacted through links provided at i m M m M M W . 5/ / _ 1'0 that end. the board is calling on parents wwwwcdshca/aboutIboard/trusteeshtml. you 7 I W 1 ..""""' . . . . ‘ ____.,, Declared confllcts w11] leave few around to vote ‘ Custom Orthotics / Ankle / Knee Braces . Continued from I Comments collected from the hlic t' . page P" a d t l Arch / Heel /‘ Ankle Pain workshop in September about proposed . E Flat Feet / High Arched Feet At regional‘cou‘ncil. chairl Ken Seilitt‘ig and routes were recently posted on the region's . l Plantar Fascittis, Bunions Dana's hillâ€:2:11:11:thmini/ref?!figfdllsdnlltntdtlhnf mplfhllï¬hrhstlitl 331523 route has been decided l Laser Therapy for Foot/Ankle pm†referral “OI interest on LR'l‘ issues. along with Cambridge Anderson said any deï¬nitive plans for land t ! Natl Problems (fungal, Ingrown] Mayor l)ou . (Irai .(Zoun. ’l'om Galloway ac ttisition and ex ro riation were not yet ‘ necessary ls E . q P P . ! Warts, Corns. Calluses declared a conflict at the lune 15 vote to to settled. 1-. l 1 - ahead with the Sim-million [RT project, but "lt'sa wait and see," Anderson said. ‘ D'abm'c F°°t care h ' 'd h d t l r d W t l n ‘ll a s1 t E - 115 SIHCC Sill 0 “(‘8' no I) an 0 0 $0 'a CI ()0 Cl " COUnCl 0|". Sill In . ’p em, | , . Senior 5 Feet Care 8‘ more again. her they were concerned about footing the ' i ' lawn-(w I'UW'I't‘t/H/H/t'l‘ I?! “WI/r‘!//H'l////l/’/NNI\ l)urrell said it was be a disappointment bill for any infrastructure and servicing that . ' - ., 1 3 1" g . _, I“ - _v 1‘;:.:,.. not to voice her concerns on the proposed would need to be moved or updated to ‘ . » y f; ‘ .3 _ $31.; route for uptown. which is expected to come accommodate [R f. . , ‘ Y" .. 1 ‘ - 3;} to council within the month. Discussions about cost-sharing are in the *w ‘ “ 51mm " 5%. “I may not be able to actually voice all of works, > ; , :-~' , . § . f . . If“ my opinions in open council," Durrell said “I “They're still in the discussion stages right ~ ‘W m 1 .4 d a, s. .3.) ‘ â€hi-4'; . -.t;._.;x~«.* : would really like to see at least two stops in at the time," Anderson said. “Cambridge. «4‘ . . . c, » .« . . > v .7 A; .-. *1 m L .. . :: 7:155â€? " ‘ y f 5M,.5 3 uptovm Waterloo." Kitchener. the region and Waterloo are work- . ., .. . . t “away.- gn do w. 1», .0 .. : ' . â€ma; 7 I; L51 '“ f- 1. ‘ 35.574“ (Iity chief administrative officer Tim ingon that right now." ‘ ' ‘ - 1 - . ‘ , “ 55"†“5555 5 55% it ‘5 Anderson said council would likely debate Construction is expected to begin in l 1 my emu“, 13..“ ~ ‘ the proposed LRT Slime forluptown prior to August Owl/22%? 1% km â€a ) l its passtng at region' counct . ( it 5 am _ n ‘ nagan l l , l o . l WOIShI With US “Wk†" " . Catholic Church ‘ (uptown Waterloo) . . , . . . . . 53 Allen St. E., 743-4101 W .. ’ ' t To advertise in our \l‘orshn Directorv. lease call Matt at 519623-3050 ext 208 0r mmtller I cambnd' mecca m,u|nuoulsparlsh.ca ~ 1 [ser‘one \\ clennte! » SATURDAY 3 JV, ‘ Sundays gt 9130““ _ Sabbath 5mm“ 0mm afloat M! Mode/dill? M04 ‘ l tt'st I. Baptist ‘ ll .1.m. - Worship Sen'tce Celebrate Eucharist with us l SEVENTH-M Meettn at; Emmanuel Unitchturd't . ~ . 1 I 10:50 am 8- 52“) Pm ADVENTIST 3; Bl'dkfli'†Rtutl,V\JlerL-i . mean or Mass times are. Saturday 5.00 p.m. ‘ I wedneSdays 7:00 pm Gilli-CH www.mtcrlumh’cnttst ta Sunday 9:30 & I I230 8.11]. WWW 4:00 p.m. ‘ E 306 Erb St w Waterloo - 8866530 Famiiï¬a's'fmm ““‘mit'lllfl‘lihillhllllf 3733â€â€œ Weekdays Tum†‘ Friday 9‘00 “'m' ‘ . so; . 5;“ ‘ * ‘ , - v LAS/KMD t: . -. is is ‘4? oi g! H. 3‘ a; _ f . 3 ’3‘ 3 1 , 5; mm:â€" ‘32; “ '7' h ' . 3,. . +1 ' . 1 - I *4 As , . ; . J. » -. is“ g ,3 .. .3... 1,... LASER VlSION CORRECTION l‘lt ‘ . ‘4)» a i. ., . “use. 4.5:. ‘ rs; -..é a » ' ‘ .. ‘ = . . . . 1. may pll ‘ . / its 1 , 5 l , . 2- ;. l I. ‘ i / r . kl! r :I I ’ ' , .e l‘ l K‘ _- J. , W : . g ‘ . t . ‘ F- __1 “H t r . 1 .. . , _ E l . . l / .. flitï¬sriéimflyeeefl gal l y. .‘ l 1 - . FREE Consultation 1377-9659888 5;“ l ; ~\ * ' own Payments Interest x lTC H E NER-WATEPLOO 3:ng . ‘ ". . , ‘ f ) , n ' w ‘ ‘ S W _ www lowland com gin! .