wart RI l )0 CHRONICLE - nit-dummy. November 2, 20†- is , ,, ~ ~ 7 \iiisiotus 7 Viwiiwï¬i w - . 0. -' I , a afg Sadie Flynn >6 9,, Buddhist ï¬lm fest starts Nov. 5 a Comes to the ‘19,,†l V 9 . -\n extraordinary docur W 1'“ 1m. " H " .- “ " '- theâ€; '2‘ LL: " . lllenlary that challenges the twin: ’ ' ‘1“ i ' 8' 0a k b ‘ understanding ol animals £33» a ._ ‘ I; ‘. .. '»<_ \ g " a ‘ and the natural world is ' £3“ .' ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ N I T l ‘_ .. ‘ ‘ among the inspiring films 35% a I ‘11 By Norm Foster . . ‘ } st ieellint: at the Waterloo .31! K a ! :3 f i‘ " _._,. _ , " 7 W I Buddhist lilm lestlval being r, 9 3" râ€"‘ 3. â€av 1 8 - Dec 3 201 3 held Ni“, 5 ' _ 3 ° ° 9 “Wm h“ â€H“ “""thm i l ’48 Dinner & Show: Fri. 8: Sat. 7pm & Sun. 5 pm ; Rnen'ien l)h.ilmii ( elltre, ‘ :‘ ‘18 swan ’Th 8 i the eighth annual lilm lesli- \ : â€"~J' urs. P". f val \\‘ill be held troln 179:1“) ( ‘ _ U; "m'dmwmdpmmn Memu‘lg' â€y 1 W“ -†' â€â€"WU‘" â€â€"t'l‘ i All Performances held at 76 Howard Ave. Elmira. ON 1 (.hiirch Hall in “alerloo and , . . -â€"5 5 ,... , . .. , . l . . l uill 1mm“. â€an ï¬lms and a Ashes and Snow, directed by Canadianâ€"born filmmaker Gre- < . ' ' ‘ "7 v w " '- “ "‘ ‘ 4‘ ‘ 1‘ l Human I“ [ml] m mm†(“H gory C’olbertai‘sjhone of the filmsl being shown at the annual 2â€"“ .. . Tickets call The Centre I†the Square Box Office I ' ‘ Water 00 Bu ist Film Festive Nov. 5 soaumtemm . . . , . . no. . . - . a , . . , » 519-578-1570 1 Wm and Snore is .l poet place of freedom. Directed by\"ijay's India (Suisine. l ic ï¬eld study that depli is the by Bari l‘earlnian, the film Tickets are available at uorld not as it h. bill as it offers a ne\‘er~beforerseen Words Worth Books. l00 "1|ng be ~ .1 world in which glimpse into their vibrant King St. 8.. and the Dharma the natural and artificial spiritual community and Centre. 92 King St. S. in boundaries separating insight into their extraordi- Waterloo. Tickets are also humans than other species nary lives. available online al do not exist. ( berry Blossoms is a ten» www.mdharmacentrecom. [)irected b_\ ( anadialr der. emotionally intense and "The Buddhist ï¬lm lesti< born filmmaker brew-i} Col» profoundly moving story of val offers a way for general berl. the Mill captures marital love. written and audiences to developawider ""5 " ."‘ extraordinary contact directed by acclaimed (ier- appreciation and better ml†r in. , 39' .0 _' :1 bemeen people and animals man ï¬lmmaker Doris Dorrie understanding of Bud- m 1.. ‘ y . .,, on more than ï¬ll expeditions Iickets for the eighth dhism," said WRIX: spirilual ,1 *~‘- ~' ""‘ ' to some of the earth‘s most annual Waterloo Buddhist coordinator Susan Child. TOP LOAD WASHER “"i’i‘if ' f: _» V remole places. l-‘ilm Festival are $45 ($50 at For more information ' 3-4 CU-"-Cq3°C'lY > ‘ 2“.nn«‘ f f Daughters oflt‘is’zlom is the door) for adults and $30 about the lestival, Call the ' 4 lemD/8CYCle _';jâ€"'"" ' j . d†t"*Pt’rll‘mlfll PH‘Nt‘ltlillion ($35 at the door) for stuv Waterloo Riven'icw [)harma ° decldivetrommission ' " ii o1 nuns in a remote 'libetan dents. Centre at 5319-8804299 or DRYER ' ,3 ‘ monastery: told in their own .»\dmission includes a veg- visit the centre's website at > 79 9 , . '3‘ words from their particular etarian buffet dinner. catered wwwwrdharmacentrerom. ' 70 CU-ll- CW 2 .‘ 'â€" - Gum light a; ; SAVE ' - 4 temp/l3 cycle so I I I $2 > NEW llllS WBBll Bl SlBVBS MflVlEWfll‘lll " Wan-3‘5 *‘- ‘e’ woum WW - â€' L. "° .0- I w . ‘4- . mm ___. _,_~\ * - 5‘33 1 FRONT LOAD WASHER d Cl; ’ . l . 4.0 cult. capacity ~ . ' . l2cyc|el4 temp ; “ 0 Over 11 ,000 lltleS 1 meme, 1299 W i: .’. R1 2 ‘flâ€" ‘0'. Rent 1 DRYER ;; p , . - 6.7 cult. capacity .\ , ‘ , ""‘/ w / fl P], l" 63 , 2 - Retrocloole hongng rod SAVE , ( ,, .- ,. . 0 Over 8,000 titles I mama... $400 _ .rp. { r†. . . ,, for sales I ,_-. . i . -_ F- i . i . - 3...“, - â€"â€":é “1â€":â€" t I WASHER ‘ . * ran a s -45cut1.copocny l LOV E - Slow closhg id I i ' 5’ :‘ a ‘ I f ' ' : 22:20:: sanitation cycle 1 5 99 l -. . - . - Renting mowes , l. l he 4 » . D0 . _ DRYER til-Xv SAVE p. 5 . in K-W region tor .73.. 0...... $350 ' swim [ND DUB mm. over 31 years. - Ilcycle/oulo refresh cycle " ' 25 I 8 iyiry ‘ fl / \ Frederick Street Mal ‘20 ‘ i l ’ i I ' 1' 5"in 5 Km m 842 VICTORIA ST. N. KITCHENER x ; ,; a“; .';-'3.’;';J .‘.-.: ' "7‘." Mowewor/d wwwstovutvxul ‘ _ . l l