I l wmmmamnm-momamn-u 1' .’ ‘7 ‘ ' I _ ‘ . ’ , (ll/H m 1/ {A i ‘7 T. h I i 7 v \ )Ir , 7 i . _ - - ,. . “7 sheâ€"t mo of we hang Sun 7 7/ K t f -"'/ \\ ’ ' a , ‘ , l 7/ , K. a Amiga-A ,. i \ t 1 i a: , . . bu?†, iv ", l‘ 9-91 ‘ ,' A l 3:15,â€: Wis _, ii’ i" ' ' . .V- ‘ I, ‘ "' ‘4 ’*'."[.:A\e ’ . , â€a at" _ . l ' -‘ 3“ 1W5: rt, ‘“ . i 7 ' 1 i i i I -\ “of - i . I r “ : { Its-i “z. ‘ , i i I ’v 9 : a '\ w. s â€" ~ : .. t . .- .y y» t . i ‘ .. {a ' l V _‘__ Eiserience we NEW " i a" it; ‘ .3 ‘ i___ i$ ‘ _\ I, r . ’ V" ‘r«*;-'1:::‘wiv:je Eire: :: 3 99;» "M / . t ‘ rv ,. â€" I ' . . » v , ,~“" \ t3: / ,3 , w Featuring a Reloxmg Bamboo a g V 3;)“ v» \ / Baton Massage 1'} ' r. 7 ' ‘,‘ has," 7 j.‘ ‘/ 519.888.5PAS (7727) \ Drop by Tire Team, which is conveniently located at the corner of University WWW.TheWClier$SpCl.COm IKE/[w Avenue and Marsland Drive, to see its vast selection of high-quality tires and rims. Voted Best Spa in Waterloo ' Open 7 days a week AZ JiTi’ATsTATrm , . i You'll always get a warm welcome from the owner’s dogs, Fido and Bud. . _ Cornering will blow you away, because Moore. adding Tire Team stocks hundreds E . . Toyo‘s advanced spider sipe technology of rims, no pre-order necessary. ‘ xdmly It offers mum-directional technology to Because drivers can usually go a size ‘ ensure maxrmum grip when cornering down for their winter rims, there‘s an i i while arrow lift technology helps propel added cost-savings. The team's quoted j j t the vehicle through slushy or snowy rutted prices include all charges for installation. 5 .6 3.: [ roads, computerized balancing and lifetime rota- } H y y ‘5 Key to Toyo's new design are crushed tionst Tire manufacturers are offering , 3 \ , l I ‘X . ; 3 3 black walnut shells embedded into the rebates up to Sl00 on the purchase of4 _ Z: T . : __: i tread compound (it‘s like hating thou- winter tires. Ti??? ~ -3935â€, â€VJ-"1 if... 32‘ : sands of tiny spikes digging into the ice or Since 1994, Tire Team has provided 3 g: £4: f compacted snowy these kinds of quality services and premiâ€" g; at»: ' ' {is}: ’ All tires are tn stock, Moore said. who um and quality tires and wheels to cus- is ’ , . also recommends rims for winter tires to tomers. s. - ' protect summer wheels from the abuse of Stop by today to ensure a safe drive . - : winter‘s salt and sand tomorrow , you never know when winter F i 2 Dedicated rims. wrll sun: money too as will strike? summer to winter changeovers wtll he Tire Team IS located at 130 Universrty Q much eastcrand quicker Ate. East at Marsland Drin Phone 5|9- -. a. I j ; “Black steel nms or alloy rims are rcc- 886-4444 or get a quote onltne at w NURSERYWORKS ‘ ommcndcd lor winter drmng, said www.ttreteam.ca 5', 954 15|o , 130 University Avenue Eula Mani-rid Dr. WATERLOO Bauer Mark |a e |81 Kin st. 5. Suite “)5 w; .100 f TIRE TEAM CENTRES sienna“ I mttmamu/umoummmsu tp c ’rk beta ' te é . _ sto -baby. gspotca \ ' t i « . . . a ._ _ ‘ can i i _ 4 , BRING lN THIS AD | r , . . 1“ " s" ' , . .' ; I _ 1.. aâ€; AND RECEIVE t t0 [a a; _ it ti I 4â€" ~ _ ‘ Rh}? '3‘, > v r . :' I git†- { \ '1 r1 \ r, - a , a a ‘ ' ‘ , ‘ . ‘ ,~ â€â€˜3 - - W ‘ 7;. s, 2“,: if†‘f t ' "up w; , , i H s a» A w » . s r v -. oAreyou getting enough; he ’ ' ,â€" _ s, ., “we x i ~ "~’ , _ ' . , v, ,- : V T‘“ , . ‘~ ,. .«/ . , f u" . ‘ ‘_ h f.» p ,3“. » > > “ <" ‘ . A .. ,7 * A - W " ...‘.;, . : w a d p" “ _ 7 . i it" is " , g ‘ ‘7 - ._ , - i 3' 1‘ ‘ " d ' , t Kâ€. :9 , c I a V ‘ . a“! i f ‘1 . , ‘ > “a , , a? c t r . ' . I («S- ’ )3†' ' ‘ _...‘ - â€r .‘ I" , v ' ii i 7 . ’2’ s â€"' SPONSORED ar’> ' fl , , , (I\\t\il|AN ' (X Ii H t .‘ FITZGERALD 564 Weber St. N. @ Northfueld, Waterloo $3,143 I)???“ ml ; 2 egg? 519.885.0601 7 33-7»; 3 Irma-snout www.fitzgeraldcarpetonewoterloo.c0m _, %' ï¬w l