Z'WATERLOOCIIlONIClB'Wedstdly.Octobe126.20H Happiness in store. Waterloo Crossmg Erb St. West & Ira Needles Blvd. Store hours: Monâ€"Sat. 9am-9pm. Sun. iOam-bpm wï¬ , \, “Tia“ “b x , f“ . «in» L e y ‘ . a. ,, J ,_ f ~ J ‘ fa} * , ‘Q LOOK g. (Si ' 1}; r PET , Eilï¬ï¬l f 33g, 4 TRAINING You‘re happyorit'sfree!’ in" “y , " We offer a variety of specialty dog and cat foods, including brands you won’t find anywhere else, plus: z a , , o thusands of pet procucts “2.23" . ° Guaranteec empeatabie prices .. Q Q'Qo 0 Pet {fairing 5rd grooming sen. (re; â€WE†GO 0 PetSmart C"3' ï¬les 0‘ Canada Arum on Cf":-z- (Q0 “0 a“ . i 4 Sign up for your FREE PetSmart PetPerks Card. 3 Perperks ' Qt " Enjoy savings on hur‘dreds 0? items out 331" 1 f. and receive special offers to you are you- not