an - WATERLOO CHRONICLE - Wednesday. October 26, 201 l l e. w ‘ 255555 f ‘ ": its; (1.25 75 1 it its» fit? . â€it T A i as % Qâ€? 3? 53 ‘ f f g Cultural ;;~- 5 t 75555; 3‘- s}, -' 135? “ if . if . ' 5 1 . v" 1 a: ï¬g? , *' Nite ' “ 1 ‘ l h h 0 Bavithra Nag- / S’ l ‘ ‘ uleswaran per- ‘ 3 ' K. 3 _’ ,. ~ 4, 55 it“ a, ., r? 5:5; is?" 5 -"â€";pl forms a South (“ï¬t Q , ' $ 5 ï¬re} ' ~~ " ' A51,“ in“? n:% 151, & g ‘ 5 J Indian classical ‘ ~ " fg‘ ‘ , ’ j 3 £ 5; lilt- _;,, a 15 ï¬t; 3}; a - ‘ ' - - 3" dance, as Lord w: . f ‘ 55 f:, 5 5“ 5-0" ., "I f? g, 5: 5T; %,4 1132.7 323; =, " g - g. g “f Krishna during -' ‘ . is" ~ ‘ "if" g “3‘- f V “a ,, wm 5? “5 5551451? iii % E? the Tamil Cultural §' ’ 1 5 » 5 ii. in: g 35; t, é g ‘-5 A; a): 5-53 Nite recently held ' ' y {a - l , , i' his? 55:2 "i“ a: as" is? at Humanities f ’ 1 l ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ’ "' ' " ' ' ' Theater. Universl- i ‘ . f - 5 1 tyof Waterloo. 7 - a: _Q Iâ€??? 1 The annual g e 5 ' l event is hosted , l " , . 1 by Tamil Cultural ‘ ; h f 5, I j Association of ; 5" , . ' 5 Waterloo region ' ' l and features . l music and per- ’ ' . 1 ’ formances. 5 H i & WE VE MADE 5555.55 _ , 5: l . e i . SOM E CHANG E 5 Bob Milne performs at Luther Vill'age Known by some as the this exciting musical event. Tickets are available by world's greatest ragtime Milne is considered to be calling the Luther Village To YOU R LOCAL pianist. Bob Milne returns the best ragtime pianist in reception desk at 519-783- for his second annual con- the world. His body of musiâ€" 3710. or by calling Carol cert series this weekend at cal work has been docu~ Ann Bott at 519 8866041. SWISS CHALET LutherVillage inWaterloo, merited extensively by the Proceeds from the con- . Milne will be performing American Library of Con- certs will be directed to chil- two concerts at Luther Vil- gress and he has been dren's charities lage in the Great Hall, Oct. declared a “National Treas- For more information . 28-29. ure.†about Bob Milne visit his 1 Luther Village is inviting The shows will start at website at 1 NOT THE FOOD, OF COURSE, everyone to join them for 7:30 pm.Admission is $25. 3 JUST THE DECOR. A I : 5,53} _ "Q or - 5 . if a A . Swiss Chalet is now open at †fift- 55 267 Weber Street North ’" 5:5 ~ 14 , 1 Waterloo . - , i r ‘ l w ., a“ A “ ‘ ‘ ! ___________________-______________________________ i, , ~ 3‘ l ‘ ' . , I _' ~_ _ . 5 ‘ l. 1 l i | _ , A l I I : SWISS = SWISS thF'd fE M h l ; 5 , as n ay 0 very ant ; l | I 5 ' I I l g H A LE I : H A LE I : mmmnummummu I I 1 ~ : . : ‘ 1 , : A luarzsstklt NCRlllEROIISSERIFlflCRILL: I I 5 WATERLOO E WATERLOO 5 57.5†s ' I l I I I 5 FREE KIDS MEAL 5 FREE SOUP OR SALAD g : with the purthose of an Adult entrée : with the purdiuse of an Adult enlrée : M0 V/eWOf/d I I t 3 out Rm My Exam lov- 30. 20" 5 We loan My. hair-s Nov- 30, 20" 5 Frederick Street Mall, Kitchener, ON : W¢IG7MMM,M,OU : “$267MSlrnlM,Mbo,0l : 519.743.2001 I zxxmwczmmmwwmimxmnmmmmwwm i WWW-8t0v00tV-com