l warmunmmascwmm umber 5,-2an on 1 THE CITY or a; For more information, please contact: - City or wheat» \ 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N2] M8 P 519-8864 550 ‘ F 519-747-8760 I TI'Y 1-866-786â€"3941 0 www.waterloo.ca I 4 I, I, I I # â€" _ . J I i I - , , :6. 5 - t I Hydrant Testing Maintenance Program A: , . . 1 I The C ity of Waterloo is conducting scheduled maintenance of f Ire hydrants. This ongomg program is designed to g ,. O 1 ensure that the hydrants Wt" operate properly when needed. This years program W1" Involve all hydrants In the City ' xce . _ o‘se 1| I and should be completed by the end of November. †’ ‘ “P: ‘ 3* ‘ 7 i This maintenance program is quite routine. however, it may cause some temporary inconveniences such as poor M W a m M . ‘ water pressure and in some cases discoloured water Please check your water before use and if discoloured water is ' ‘ detected. please open a cold “3:" tap and allpw the “a: to run for: lirioinultljs. This is a tempoirary Situmfii): The City of Wat ed 00’s noise byâ€"law I The ('in of Waterloo is aware t at some resI ents may ‘ conceme a ut e water being use as part 0 is - - . I maintenance program, especially in light of the water use restrictions In place this year, The testing of fire hydrants mmds people from making 110198 that I Is legislated StafT will keep water use In a minimum while performing the testing necessary to meet our legislated disturbs the PUbllC- ' responsibility. . . . . i I The City of Waterloo Water Services Staff thank you for your co-operation and understanding. Examples 0‘ prohihited nmse include i Any questions or concerns should be directed to the Water Services Customer Service Representatives at EXCESSIVE‘ dog barking, loud stereos or : 519-747-8511 V musical instruments, and construction : , equipment operated before 7 am. and 3 after 7 pm. or on Sundays and statutory 3 l ' m â€" â€" _ â€" "°“"ays- i In certain circumstances, by-law ofï¬cers can . use handheld meters to measure noise and 1 TEM PO RARY ROAD CLOSU RES AN D assess if it’s exceeding the set decibel level. I Char es ma be laid if the b -law is violated. . i DELAYS FOR SUNDAY OCTOBER l6, 20I l 8 Y Y I - For all inquires or complaints on weekdays so. ‘ l'hi- lath «\Iinual Oktohvrtest 10km and Skin Run in â€I“ from 8:30 am. and 4:30 pm, contact the support Mt St. Mary ’s ( .eiieral Hospital Foundation ‘ . City of Waterloo 3,4" Enforcement and (mind Rn or Hospital Foundation will be held 5 Division at 5'9-747-3785. In Waterloo on Sunday October lb, 20]] from 3’ ‘ u “so a m to noon For alterâ€"hour calls or on weekends, call the m i , Waterloo Regional Police (dispatch) at Please be advised that the run will begin at " \ 5 l9-653-7700. { Conestoga Mall at 9:30 a.m. ï¬nishing at the -.-.__ m i . . ‘ 1 Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex I lea? d'red complaints about “0‘5? on I on Father David Bauer Drive. ’ I 1 ’ a univerSIty campus to the appropriate a ’ {I "‘ . security department: ‘ During the race, one“ to the roads Indicated on the ’1‘; \ â€of/“LY i , a II b- mm ill -I h‘ th» \v‘Vit'rluo Re-ionil ‘ \'/ W I “,1th “I t t l \ t \1 t V c k 5 ‘ l ‘ ‘ Unive'sity 0' I I olii t‘ Sen It i' there \\ Ill be t old) s tor motorists using 3 n ’ Waterloo Police '2‘ these streets to m tt‘\\ uptown W'titi'rloo. [other deid 3 , ‘ _ ‘ mm" .. new,“ " “ ‘ Bauer Drive WI†be closed tor the duration of the race i w [:37â€" " “W“ “9-8334“ I I It you .in- planning to tlllllt' to uptown \Nati'rloo that ‘23:? 3 l morning Ptl'ilSt‘ allow mini tImi' for delays. ‘ _ ,5 Wilfrid Lauder .’ I "I‘lIAIS' \ unmnity A" ‘ . . . , Campus Security If you have any questions regarding this event. please contact the event organizer, “94385-3333 I Lloyd Schmidt at 226-750-00I 7. For information about road closures in Waterloo, ' I visit www.waterloo.calroadclosures. I â€I! CITY or me CITY OF I W i defloo By-taw Enforcementâ€"Protective Services ‘ Buildin ' a Better Commuml . t 2s V www.water oo.ca/roadc|osures ;