WATERLDO CHRONICLE - Wednesday, Onober 5. 2m 1 - a Iâ€"_â€"__7__A__aa,aa_--__mï¬v..wa. .- , .. a _. .. . . . . . 1T ., .. . t t , V ‘ s 1 . iii ll;RS It) THE CHRONICLE ; Beaver hats _.___.____ ____ __.,. - .-. ,7_ ,"J Time to retire sman meter in your home. than politicking since increased . This is what I call tax relief! It's costs have largely been caused by the taxman time to get this province out of the nuclear energy and the need to and ba 1 es don't know “hm" you. hm l'ni redand into the blue. Vote (Ionser- updateour electrical grid. . Itotallv fed up Wm] “tummy and vative on Oct bth and help make . Additionally: it is wonh mention- Canadian novelist Thomas King once wrote: "The "th the Liberals . this happen. mg that lludaks promisestoreduce about stories is that's all we are." non- Ilianv more taxes (tut-s he 0'" electrical costs. by ellmmat'm‘} As a columnist. lconsider what I'm doing in this space each have up his sleeve? Robert Folio â€â€˜5’ â€571W"! Simply "35“" '" 'EOStS week as telling a shon story â€" complete with.characters, emo- He's hit us with a health m. litit) ““9â€â€œ be!“ “PM“ '0 tum†ge"‘?‘a"“"5‘ lions and a narrative arc. tax. HST and God knows what next. . h '5 Pnllkel)‘: that â€Ud‘tk w‘" com- Always eager to learn more about the storyteller’s art. l He's forced these so called Sl'llilflr waterloo Reglon municate this reality mm the elec- tracked down Deborah Dunleavy. who will be spinning yams meters down our throats which can’t afford Hudak torate. . at the annual Storytelling Series presented by the Friends of although not a tax, has the 53"“: . . 0" the education front, our Puh‘ the Waterloo Region Museum in partnership with the Story effect increased consumer cost. VUtlhg ft" change ft" the sake 0t “c SChOOl system has taken the het- Barn in Baden. Where does it all end? change can Stlhl‘b‘ttmï¬'s ‘10 more ‘9' P3“ 9f a decade ‘9 recover fmm Dunleavy‘s Oct. 18 event. Beaver Hats 8-: Bagpipes: Amazing Canadians need tax relief. and harm than 800(1- . _ . the Hams “"5 ofthe 905- and SometimesTrue Stories of New Scotland. weaves haunting they‘re “I“ gum“, get it fun“ my . .. â€PU†examining the Pom"CS 0t . Hudak. who was pan “the Har- tales of the brave men and women who left the homeland in taxman. 1"“ â€â€œdak- tt '5 clear that the PYO‘ ".5 team. has flip-flopped on all-day search of love and adventure in Canada. "I love spinning linendsI "'5 mm: for a dung“ 3'95““? Chns'it‘o'atIlV'JS proVide kindergarten and threatened '0 delightful folk tales that came over on the heans and the lips of We've seen whm lucfluinnl and his change “I"? S'mPItY cant afford. increase the workload of teachers. Scottish ancestors." Dunleavy told me this past week from her crowd have done for our-province 7 lhe (ireen Energy A? brought (oven that many teachers “heady home in Brockville. 0N and it hasn't been good. into cffectIunder the Liberals has W9Tk m‘P'US‘hOlttS a “’ka 't 8095 Recognized internationally as a storyteller. author. musi- We new} a government mat my. been anything but perfect. httt 't has “mm"! sa-‘F'ng that a “Udak‘k‘d clan, and composer for the past 30 years. Dunleavy has toured 0%“ch the “Ix burden “To“. under he?" a "Illcat Start "I Cft‘atlng the government would ht"? bOth teach- Canada, Scotland. Ireland. and Singapore. As a children's per- and has policies in place to alleï¬ate 10!†0‘ tomorrow. lludaks threat to "r“ and students. "“5 '5 yet another former. she wrote and produced songs â€"â€" . 1 that tax burden. gut the act would result in nothing change we cannot aï¬ord. for The Muppets. while appearing on I The Conservative Pamo will lower I955 than taking “5 back decades. It It ‘5 clear that T"“ lludak's brand Mr. Dressup and Fred Penner’s Place \ i \ I i 5| i \ I i ‘ income tau-5 by rm- ‘pu a.“ would cost as [heusands of current of change “fill do far_m0re harm for CBC. Her latest CD. The gym/I is \Ii 1 S . y, . . ' r. . , and future obs and t ()nt in at than g00d. (.iven whatsat stake. we - - - - t ‘ fl most [ht provmctal portion otthc 1. , pu {it , . a collection of stories from the British . iisi front hydro hills and home 8" ““lntlm'c “lsadvamage "' "‘9 "mp†cam 3'70", ‘0 ""ethUdak |s|es and Egypt. along with trample of l heating billsreliminate the ECO tax 215‘ Century- . on OCL 61h Canadian tales. ‘ from everyday items and give you liudaks assertion that the act . “l havea 5‘0“. about Isabel Gunn. a the option to have or not have a has been a major cause OtIlnCreased WendyTay‘lor remarkable woman who dngUiSEd 9 E‘CCtT'C'tY C05“ to“ nothing more Waterloo herself as a man who came over with ‘ F1 the Hudson Bay Company (to work in ~ I o o o the male-dominated world of the fur , How about some critical anal Sis or o lbouror oolo bulbo- 1 “It's a gripping story.†a I . . . . , , i asked Dunleavy if storytelling has I Far be it from me to quote anything from a politi- way our govemmental system works. alwa 5 been in her blood "It always MARSHALL I cal party, but to borrow from the Mc(iuinty Libb Do I sound too much like my parents there? But has Keen as I am ofa certain vinta e WARD erals. "Together. we have made so much progress." I'm not criticizing this group's tastes in music or social and conic from a background thgt . . ! I.r\nd by that. I mean we have almost . activities. l in talking hard facts and was before television.†she said with a laugh. “It was always a I made it through an l‘il‘tlltlll ( ampaign information. . part of my family, because that's what we did. we sat around I whit h In more like a; psi-tie of tIramt-d par-I Pl I ( I i l I Its difï¬cult to hrinIg conItiijxt to ecob and told stories." I ; rots iian any ex ii i ion o persona , . nomic issues or p0 itica ecisions . . . . ., . i rluruolrro and "ob-lulu out "rollb- “011““: when you drum haw only kindrrrwuoo» lorï¬i°£tï¬rï¬gLfliT£§I$$$ “3333125523.? 3.3.1232: $315,; 5 I.r wi- (an get'thruugh this. head to lrriday, . . . tinnal hackground in economits or pol- during her upcoming event at the Waterloo Region Museum. , l "I“! WW“ I“? d “I.“ , , " "I“; . . . “It can be traced back to (Ihild Ballad #10. and it's a morbid 3 I . If‘it'ttlllllï¬ haw ~t hanged a lot met the . I m not saying you need to he an I story about two sisters _ one is jealous ofthe other. and tries I I years To“. the lotps is all on the leaders, . exptrht.l)iit you do needdto know the l to drown her.†said Dunleavy. â€(Francis lamest Child was acol- ; l i M... J laled iii in they were in thir trust 1 k ‘ doh't have that g "1005' and what I found so interesting k the way this lumber l , ‘I I - ' ' ‘ - . . . ’ . . . Jack song is almost a fun. dancing ditty. wen though the story . Ive uni-red plenty oi votes on the radio. I (Aimhined With the reduction in edi» - l . 1 St I it 't h’ id'tt a" ’ ' L dzitiii hacksoineiltlvears. and never had a l ‘ torial space in many news apt-rs and '0‘ mot m... ) ca ! a mor K l y . . l I F . . , I- . d . f . l . I I . l" I I- I . p l I l)unle.ny. who lust celebrated her 10th year as the artistic : was:::::.l.l..;'..:r:.,:.:..":.::..:I'.::.:::::r - misï¬t:asit...i:l::".:".::.‘:.l;l::.:,::. mm . i _ 'lh rk’ I f' " “I 'll ‘I I 1 d . l ti ‘ ' i ‘I F -. is currently experiencing a revival. with festivals and events | i U“ S . “V. H“ 3 (l Illtt‘ll'VllMS d t)“ )0“ it) BRIAN t,’ It (lpp()flllfllil£\ ()l’ pallll S H) taking place throughout communities like WalCI'IOO Region. I I dig a little bit. to formulate questions off of . BOURKE manipulate the system. . “It's a way of hearing history and a way of hearing how life I l answers, and to sometimes thip away at . _ [hey haw gone a masterful job. was," she said. "I call storytelling an oral archive And Thomas ‘ i the veneer. ‘ ' ' ' ‘ II,"- N.“ WW!" Vite are fed "“f““'.""‘ King was righl when he said. ‘All we are is stories.’ because if [hats assuming as the intervulwer you . . short soundbites and Quotes. With little we didn't have stories. we wouldn't be able to hold our lives “5"“ enough hm kground '0 h.“ "h“. to conï¬dently or no intemn-tation or critical “"4â€â€œ . together. It’s a way of preserving a way of life from another discuss the issues. That my friends. is a significant it's. we have more information at our fingertips . . . . . . . . .. problem those days. ' than ever before. but a large portion of our imputation "m" and n '5 that Wh'Ch.Shapcs. our identity. ‘ As much as we are told that our education system has no idea what it means or what to do with it. Beaver "3-“ 8‘ Bagpipes wnh Deborah Punleavy at the . . . . Waterloo Region Museum is October It! at 1:30pm. Advance is among the hes! in the world. in) own personal And that people. is where we lose our power. Only tickets are “5 and $18 at the door For t' k . . . I . I . . _. . ic ets tall experience from sorting through resumes and inter- by ll’llKally examining what we are told can we hold 519 748 [914 or for more information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . visn Vic-Wing people for jobs tells me a mm h different lhc people in power at countable. And we are losmg www.waterlooregionmuseum.com_ story the t hance to do that day by day . Sadly. many of the students I run iiiio With an '0' interest in broadcasting fall far short on a number of Bruin Hourlul. a member ofthe "15.3 K001. PM topics. (‘all it general knowledge. but most of them momingrreut can hermchedlryebmailul Marshall Ward Lia llisualarrtsr and wrestling reporter. Emilia have a very limited idea of the outside world, or the hlxmrh’ï¬kmlfmcom welcomed! marshal! unrdti‘hotmaifmm. - 1 l I _, .. , ,,__,, ._. ..__â€"_ . A