. - , - "WWII-ON!!! ~ .‘ " wan-1 People grateful for the help Contirmedfrompqe? the tornado left McWilliams efforts. McWilliams said W in awe. town residents were grateful . . 1 \ snapped right off through- “The tornado could have to volunteers. ', out the cemetery, gone in any direction." she “We went to the dump V} McWilliams said. said. “It could have gone and somebody yelled, ‘thank Touring through the intofarmland. you Waterloo,†Mthlliams town. Hammer and "It was really something said. “We were so glad we McWilliams said they were to see if you've never seen it. went. I wish we could do shocked to see the destmc- You'd see one house more." tion caused by the twister. untouched then the next Hammer agreed. More than three dozen peo- house would be completely “The people up there ple were injured and one destroyed." weresograteful," she said. “l /_ _ , - We,“ , . . v, . ,. . . ‘ man died in the storm. Goderich Mayor Deb was really proud to go up ’ WITH which saw 280 km/h winds Shewfelt declared a state of there and represent the City r â€NAN c | "a F0 R rip through the Lake Huron emergency as a result of the of Waterloo. community of about 8,000. twister. The Ontario govern» “They still need a lot ; 0 The storm struck in the ment announced $5 million more help and if people are 1 0 up To 84 MONTHS late afternoon, with the tor in disaster relief following willing they should go.‘ nado touching ground for thestorm. Donations to the i ON A Bâ€; SELECTION about 20 km. according to Waterloo staff joined Goderich Disaster Relief Environment Canada. other volunteers from Fund can be made bycalling { OF 2011 M0 DELS The selective nature of southern Ontario in relief 1-877-818-8867. \ . . , _ ,, , , , , , W Day changed ï¬reï¬ghting forever 7 ' “f " " ' , “’ ' :‘ Continued frompagel happened in the U.S., Bras- gencies with mass casual- sard said the impact hit ties "W" ' He said 9/1] not only home. Waterloo (Kitchener and “a“ l ““ E. [fl “P changed firefighting but “Since 9/ I] the service Cambridge) has been desig‘ ‘ brought the reality ofthejob has focused on being pre- nated a level 2 response into perspective. pared for terrorism and team. and Brassard said ï¬re- f!‘ -, , ,, . ‘ ' ~ “Fireï¬ghters work every other events,†Brassard said. ï¬ghters are better attuned to g » __.~ v7 » a†p ' _ _‘ day in a world where peo- “With the province's major the possibility ofa threat. a. " - ‘ i - ple's lives can change in a overhaul of the Emergency Training for weather- ‘ ‘ J ,’ second," Brassard said. Management Act following related disasters has also Ft‘ i'.â€"' human! ' People from 115 different 9/11, provincial response been amped up as the role â€"â€"_â€"_â€"_â€"â€"_ nations died in the attacks teams were established to ofï¬reï¬ghters changed , 127}; ‘, l , and it's estimated more than respond to chemical. biolog» "We don't just ï¬ght ï¬res." " 3000 children lost a parent. ical, radiological. nuclear Brassard said. "We still have / lho h th ' 9/11 tra ed ' threats (CBRN) and emcr- lotsofworkahead ofus." ,r‘ â€g ‘ g ’ ~ HEW. , v . ' “i: » ‘ ' and“ ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ ~ ~ wfu «M V .- . at? ' \ l ./ J ’-\ W 7m . _-â€"_â€"â€"â€"___â€"_.__._ R sagg “A“ - ' - g; , A . x- LOCALLY PRODUCED FALL TV 5\ . a??? . .. . , Q of? _‘ 8 $ EASE†a g} 285mm «1. | A“! . - t ‘ . ‘ , -. 1 -~ f / (23mm _ ‘ ,-’Q:“:_'9.\)... “ ~ _»' , , .. .. y , _i .. . . ... _ . ,. H u†,- 7 . ., _.,.. 0 7 _ . n ' ' ' g" x , a ' 3 154.2»: g.» it ' “we“ r A\( 1 V 1 ‘/‘j‘ l if" ‘ a“; _ » .> , ._ ,‘~ â€" . ; ; ’ Je page, flag-a" , we“ . g . ~ ( . - LEASE FOR . ~ a? a , 4 p- ' 4 i . s " if. v - / l i- . i ' 4" mo A ~ 3. ‘ . » ‘ ‘ . ,, ’ ‘5 4 f. A I K ' Taxes included » N, , r . ~ g \ a“ .» i _ ' é". N - 60 months p ' . $57.3"ng \ ' , 3 ‘ . I ‘ 1.9% lease rate ‘ g A at}: â€ifï¬kjf ‘. . . , . . v . H, 71,3551 . was». . 53“ ~ . ‘ ' CONTACT WAVE RLOO NlSSAN FOR MORE DETAlLS, ‘Mefdh'c Paint & Ucansing Extra ii< «; w H! and“ will it) rltq min um fl“'-r" Mu “rof‘ ‘ ;» m mount) â€was“: will†' w'» H J. 7‘ “‘ (HUH' TV L†":“’:‘-“‘v‘[;'l:i“‘-""t’>‘ . irogt-rstv (om‘ ‘ull ’ 1M . Nut: .‘- my“ . M ml. . % ,: N ._ 519-884-3660 A i A 5 , matters 0 ROGERS r: » h at. w» r» w < w r m, V. 1» n. m , ~ . w I. . ... ,, __,c_.,. new. mm m N â€up. w <