l mmcnmm-m “yawn-3 . TH E cm! or . l t For more information, please contact: ’ City of Waterloo 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N2] 4A8 P 519-886â€"1550 F 519-747â€"8760 TTY 13667863941 0 www.waterloo.ca I â€" â€" â€" ‘ I Public Notice . ; I l i Notice Of Public Information Centre : ‘ Laurel Creek And Sanitary Trunk Sewer Upgrades . . . . i 1 And Reconstruction 0f Macgregur, Carter And Villa ; l The Project - l , , . a ', so: l . In late 20l0. the C ity of Waterloo completed . ‘. M . i†fkiï¬Ã©sf? Get Social! Follow the City of Waterloo a Schedule “B" Class Environmental %§ H K???“ l on our social media sites for your (liiaiim to AssessmentllEA) Study to examme Laurel .3“, ..----"' t n.»- “*§$ ~§’3‘;,f1 l , Creek rehabilitation and sanitary trunk ; 3 {I 9†a.“ 1 ~ , ï¬g†i Win $250 in UpTovm Dollars . ,; ’ g 'i?’_ E . 9‘ a... 1 sewer upgrade options between Marshall : . :5 , j a; , ,5 », i Ph 519-747-8737 . . _ ~ ._ t! i .v . .-‘ ,» 7 Street and UniverSIty Avenue downstream of . , i ‘1 â€" fl _. ~ t communicationsv; water loo Lil the Sewage Treatment Plant tSTPl was ‘5 1†f g 25-; www.water|oo.(a‘sorialniediii . . . Q _;' ‘ r “a,†we The extsting Laurel sanitary trunk sewer 4‘ fl ‘ .- ‘ ‘ 4, . ' , between Marshall Street and the STP is the H = " ,, . ‘, “'3 13> 1 Th ursday ng htS UpTown largest pipe in the system. conveying wasteâ€" 1 .‘ 0 cf; a “ire ' A i 3 July through September water flows from the entire area west of . L \‘t . VT “their. aâ€? 06' a», l Free! On Thursday nights lllllSlC comes Highway 85 into the STP. This pipe has been ‘ l: V \ f E 3 l to the streets of UpTown Waterloo identified as requiring imprmements to '. ' , E .‘b Xâ€, Various Locations improve the capacny ofthis portion ot‘the 0,. :- 5‘1?" . c X. IA: 0‘- _ I WWW uptownwaterloobia (om system. The Forwell trunk sewer in this area 9 ’ ' 7]; law-3 â€â€˜3" also requues improvement to protect the “g - I.) g i†, fl 0"“ . inte ritv ofthe i ‘ where it ~ross: under . ‘ \ ' '. T â€WMS'M M“ Davenport Road Street Party â€ï¬lm“ PF†‘ “ “ M ~.\-.§ a...“ ‘-----Em5unarytnutoauion Celebrate the opening of Waterloo’s first l ' x r ‘ 5. | t t t ti 1 t f f The study also examined opportunities to ‘ comp e e S ree WI 1 0 S 0 on, remediate Laurel ('reelt through Hillside Park. The present the approved plans and address construction familytriendly “1““th Creek channel through this reach is experiencmg accel- related impacts “I‘d IOETS‘lCS 59°“ 35 phasingrol'work. AUQU“ 7, 10 am '0 1 pm crated erosion which has necessitated emergency ero- driveway and "3†access. parking. garbage P'CkUP- etc Davenport Road between Foxliunt Road “on repairs “he“. infrastructure such as trails and sew with the neighbourhood and aï¬ected residents. StaIT and Conestoga Mall erg has been at risk, from the City of Waterloo, the engineering consult- Contact 5197478788 The preferred sanitan‘ sewer alignment. shown concep- anti contract adrninistrator. and the contractor “,1†be i . ' ‘ . ‘ ‘ . ., present to discuss the proiect and answer questions. The ‘ tually on the figure. entails an alignment along ( arter t , ll f ll r d . f ‘ d ll be h ld' l Sq ua requua re Event Avenue. across Unixersity Awnue. to MacGregor ('res- mee mg M 0 0“ a rop-in orma an WI e ' ; August 1:), 11 am to 3 p in event. then \ia the Laurel Creek open space system to the Wednesday “13"" 37¢ 20“ E King Street South, Waterloo STP on the north side of Laurel (reek. The preferred RIM Park. Room 207 i Want to be involved7 Contact Volunteer natural enhancement opportunities '"Clu‘le remming m‘ 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. l SerVIces at volunteer“: w aterloo ( I stream barriers. replactng the pedestrlan bridge mer f bl d b Id I'k l l l t t d ' ' 7 (lb t so; I WWI (reek. I’CPlaclng gabtuns at sacral locations / 'by°f‘ a're u:a .e'to atten uswou I e to. n eres e in animating e s rte “uh biocnginecring measures. lowering the FONCH - o tam urt er In ormation or iscuss the proled. Contact Festivals at lE‘StlvalS‘Q waterloo (a Trunk WM†“:10“ [mm] “a," and wgmdmg a pup please contact either of the Protect Team members wwwsquarebquare (a tion of the l tiurel (reek floodplain. Two oil and grit below. General Information about the mole“ (an separators and it†enhanced grassed swalc are proposed â€so be lounld on “I“! 0?? website M Moses Olympics for stormvtater management measures and it trail con- www.water 00'“, aure ( assea. Spgual event day at Moses Sin â€â€œ1“ nation to Moses Springer Park along (‘arter Awnue has Mr. Dan Ditaranto Outdoor Pool been recommended l urihermore. gixcn the promised Project Manager ‘ August 15‘ 1:30 pm 10 3,30 pm sever alignment. the opportunity IN. being taken to City of Waterloo . reconstruct Mad iregor ( resccnt. ( arter Avenue and 265 Lexmgton Court AdmisSIrm SSWhlldBSm SS SOiiidult . ) a . C H Kt 51988514530 \ i|l.i l lace .is part ol this proicct tinclutling all ahote Waterloo ON N2] 4A8 ‘ 0' ‘ and ht‘lll“ ground infrastructure) Phone: 519-747-8662 v S Li F. . l W l llict H) l\ [and hits been! proceeding to implement the PM“. “9:886:57†H. U" I e 'nam'a ater 00 icconimcndcd tlllt‘rlltllht‘ Detailed design was initiated Ema": d3"'el'dna'an‘oewa‘efloo'ta l BUSkEI’S cam wal in the full of It’ll! and completed in the spring ofthis My, Bernie Marshall. CET August 25 â€" 28 your l'ollomng completion ol'lhc design process. the Project Manager FREE! International Street Perfrn iiwrs’ construction contract “as tendered and recentl) awarded Stantec Consulting Ltd, i Festival by ( ouiicil ( onstriiction .IL‘IH "le are expected to 09 Frederick Street ; King Street in Up [0W n Walt'rll to begin .ihoiii mid August. and Will be phased between Kitchener ON NIH 6M7 www waterloo buskvrs (om this year and next. to he completed by the end ot‘Auguxt Phone: 519â€"585-7312 Bill 2 Fax: 519-579-8806 Puhllc Inform.“on fem“. (pk) Email: berniemarshallflstanteccom i Prior to the start of construction. a PI(' is being held to W,