Tâ€"â€"â€"â€"vâ€"-â€"'~â€"â€"ï¬â€"*â€"rmr , 77* . ... ,7 ... I l Ar.WAJ'ERUÂ¥lQWl*'IQ-l'r:Miller’iwi'lvltmt..-..‘.-.‘..........-..- ....... . .......'I.' ‘...p........‘.' Y ... ......... a:.;...........‘-..'.r.‘ '1-‘n‘tttl .‘.'.:..‘.".'.‘..... ....l i THE crrv OF - For more information, please contact: waterloo (if! of Waterloo - 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4A8 P 51943864550 F 519-747â€"8760 1TY 1366-7853941 www.waterloo.ca I l : FORMAL PUBLIC MEETING , Concerning an Official Plan Amendment and ‘ l . Zoning By-law Amendment l TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The C0 ration of the City of Waterloo will hold a Formal Public Meeting on rpo ; . z '5’ Monday. August 15, 2011, at a time to be determined. in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor. Waterloo City Centre, 100 l g . . Regina Street South. Waterloo. to consider the following application to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law l 5‘ g; ‘ ' pursuant to Section 22 and 34 of the Planning Act. 3 E“. .. 5' omeial Plan Amendment No. 82 l J ' . -‘; . g Zoning By-Iaw Amendment LII-o4 " 186 & 188 King Street South â€" Ward 7, Uptown I f ‘ a THE applicant. Momentum Developments. is requesting an amendment to the C ity‘s Official Plan to apply a Special Policy Area to the subject lands to permrt retail and restaurant uses and to redeSignate the lands on Schedule ‘AZ‘ from . ‘Medium Density. 6 Storeys' to ‘High Densrty. . ' 6 Storeys' to allow an increase in the residential , - . é ‘ 5?} . T-V » W ‘ ï¬g... 1 density from 150 unitsr‘ha to 3l2 units."ha. The / / $34“ ' ' ‘ ' C l l ' A!“ “V applicant is also requesting an amendment to - 9 a3" \ .‘ . . ‘ ~ ‘ y,’ y. t . v . . . é" a» . . , . , .- . l 1 "' 4 Zoning By-law No. 1108 to add Site specrfrc . ‘ 25‘ \ f“ ,‘ _ . - ’ I - ‘ a .1 provisrons to the Commercial Tim 6 Storms . 474/ 1 ‘9’ ‘ . > L/ ‘ l . . I“ “CZâ€"b" Zone to allow an increase in density (<19? 06‘). . . 42' K «it, * ._*\ ’2; 1 i ‘ from ISO units‘ha to 312 units/ha. an increase \ § “3913.» .g’a’ \\.\ 3% - ; l in height from l8 to 22 metres. reductions in ‘ l 9‘?†’ \§ 1 : front and side yard setbacks (both at grade and , . > . (4% \_ - if x l AdUIt below grade), 3 reduction in amenity area from )1 1'59 ‘ x \ \~._ / . \ ’ : - - . , 25 to 22 sq.m.“unit. and to add retail. restauâ€" ' e . g l A \ . . 4 V . l Cl OSS'ng Gual d5 NGEClEd. rants. coï¬ee shops. and medical clinics as per- % 973’} _ - g ‘ qu9 ~- ~ i“ l l mined uses. a. ‘5?†3, . \a a,“ \_ i 5 r \o. x _ “be e 4'4\ i l . rt ~ (’4 ..., - x Io in l The City of Waterloo is accepting applications These amendments are Intended to mama“: 3+6)“ {5'} 5" 474,6 ‘ § ‘5"? ~ ’ - l tor CrossrngGuard positions fortheupcomrng C‘msuua'on Ofa 6 Store)" "In“! use building . ‘ . _ ‘9 ‘9 $918 . ‘ . /, l l school year Ideal candidates are responsrbli' comammg 63 residential units. and 400 sq.m 0f (P _' ~ \x i / l . ‘ . ~~ , commercral space on the subject lands. As pan . ‘ ‘ \ .. / l and ioniniunm »mrnded. and able to work V x. .. /\. . mornin rs noon and titer school They also owns development, DOdd 8 Lane would be J" L ‘ "// \4 l mu t p: ii rde th rr own transportation to extended through to Allen Street East. A i 5 I ' t‘ ' C l work I“ “nous ‘mdmm throughout the Cm, THIS meeting shall constitute the formal public meeting required under Section 34 of The Planning Act. R30. 1990. l g , , . g ' as amended. It is expected that Councrl wrll decrde whether the application should be approved. denied or amended. A . : â€whmw l" Pa" "" "I," “[1520" 115312.26 copy of the staff report Will be available prior to the meeting. I Tami: r:)Y::mKrh::t Stilmdlfalu 0:31: IF Council approves the application. a try-law to amend the Ofï¬cial Plan and Zoning By-law will be passed at a : ; I n k» 1p? ‘ "' ‘P‘ g p0 separate Council meeting. "(a 10 “’UI' 9t l . FOR further information regarding the above matter. please contact the City of Waterloo Development Servrces. 2nd l l"“""“'"“ and ‘lusl‘fwd :ppl'c‘m“ ‘an Floor, Waterloo City Centre. Waterloo. Ontario. by calling (519) 747-6108 or by email at laura.dowell(a waterlooxa I HEW" 31:32: (7 a: ‘ tray?“ â€Ems: Laura Howell. Development Services ' (it. up“! | i i â€" » (519) 747-6108 i y o .1 or no . i ' Ianra.dowell(¢waterloo.ca l ‘ ‘â€" ' ' '-'â€"â€"_â€"__"â€" ANY person may attend the Public Meeting and/or make a written or verbal representation either in support of. or in I Human Resources opposrtion to the proposed OtTicral Plan andfor Zoning By-law Amendment If you Wish to make a presentation to l ' Qty or Waterloo Council or would like more infomation about the meeting. please contact: | [00 Regina St. S. Rose Clemens. Clerk‘s Ofï¬ce I Waterloo. ON N2] 4A8 Telephone: 519-747-8549 Fax: Sl9<747-85l I FIX: 519-747-8510 Email- hnnlo@crty.waterloo.on.ca clerkinfoar‘waterlooxa A wntlcn summary of the presentation should be filed With the City Clerk prior to the public meeting I 1F 3 person or public body does not make oral submrssrons at a public meeting or make wntten submissions to the Cor- lHE C†"l r“ poration ofthe City of Waterloo before the by-law is passed the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decr- waterloo sion of (‘ouncrl to the Ontario Munrcrpal Board. In addition. rfa person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting. or make written submissions to the Corporation ofthe ('rty ofWatcrlrm before the by-law is passed the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing ofan appeal before the Ontario Municipal WWW-waterIOO-Ca Hoard unless. in the opinion of the Board. there are reasonable grounds to do so Susan Greatrix City Clerk. C lty of Waterloo m