n-WATEleCIINNICll-Wedrmduy.May 11.20“ E www.kw-glc.com m o o . ' “WWW"? Wh b ï¬ fr high f dp 1‘ _ WMMMMM 0 one ts om er oo noes. co" E 4 yr. 5 Yr- here‘ ‘ ' ke rural ofOntario eral politics some ' is an onsgomg )0 across areas . g g ; I 59“": 3213932153933 Tum yoummateasmuronune Wartimeâ€"pm canagian reismgms : e . . .. 1 ' . vided you start with a much larger one. Did you hear may ave not ce an , T Retail Bank Rates â€mam about the farmers who won the lottery? They plan to increase is 11th“ sir:- \I \ I I I I‘ S : 'subpect change Comoan' W . m keep farming until the money isgone. cery store ‘ s. Acco â€" ‘ ‘ . m as by Kw ac an by m Apart from the recent national obsession with fed- ing to Statistics Canada. if" g ' J ' 279 Weber St. N., Waterloo 0 519-747-8123 the cost of food pur- - I ’ chased through retail- ‘ "r- l t 4 ers increased by 3.7 per . i W L HYUl-lDF“ In cent from March 2010 n; j A ' ' ‘ an“ as toMarchZOllâ€"higher ~ E x3?" . gsggiggiggig than the usual range of y *t ’ Q ‘ DOUBLE || i 7! ~: 1.5 to two per cent. ’ 53hâ€: Be dh td k 4% L 0 i P... is; at; y “1, fl relatively alarmmg fore- i ’ SAVINGS 0 [l/’ m: . 35! gag gig cast was delivered by SINCLAIR ; ll.- :1†3:35 TD Economics in mid (f 269": March predicting that I :9 3i . â€(i 5 gig! food prices could. In E a†my; -§ i; the near future. escalate by seven to eight per cent. 20“ ACCENT CLEAROUT iii‘ii'ira[;‘lr.€i‘-v it ’ ’5‘ i" f Mirth risingcoststo consumers, it maybeeasyto I \ , . ‘ «a .. u i g ï¬rspggi assume that at some point in the proverbial food . NO CHARGE 1200 ~ ‘ i} "l“ l“ W“ ’ "7 Q ' -â€"‘ 'i 5! a 3 chain, from the farmer to manufacturer to grocery , . . g i S. ‘ UPGRADE ' ‘ ' â€â€˜MQ‘N‘ ‘ ' 3313‘ “5 .§ store. someone is making money. According to recent ‘ ' . ' flag 3 media reports, nobody is planning any extended sum- .- - - . - égiéigggsgég mervacations. warm . DWI smut-um a 5 Within the retail side of the equation, dispatches 2011 ACCENTLSPOMSDR ' ‘83 w' H 0% â€n "anyâ€! mi. 5&3 last week indicated less than ideal conditions. At NIGHWAY i tit-Mew rmm Acctmtsvomsm 53mm arm/rm ï¬r 5 l ' Loblaws, risin fuel costs are. resulting in consumers (I . v . . . g 8 L SJUKIJKM ~§MPG . PAMNT mamas DESWNATIONLrtESiNLLUDED FLUSNST I gg En g g shopping less frequently and cutting their spending E; 33%! 1; E each trip. The company has determined that excessive ~ -, . , , a ‘5 § E price increases on store shelves can result in cus- 2011 TUCSON wcwtjrltgg‘sm Z)" SANTA FE wss'usvflrlï¬gmr 2011 SONATA gï¬lï¬hï¬nï¬?“ 335;? {Egg tomers seeking cheaper alternatives. President Allan “1 _ g§ ‘ Leighton noted that two to three per cent inflation an (t! 23%?» .oupe' CV :ï¬jugAlMâ€"nmm' (c’ {flï¬kxmv 5% igégéig be managed. however ï¬ve per cent or more is a seri- ‘ . {a - ous pro em. I agigiggggggs Late last month Maple Leaf Foods president ‘ giftâ€"gags Michael McCain warned consumers to expect more Q‘ " " -" i g i 2 E - â€â€˜ price increases as the result of skyrocketing raw mate- ‘ 'g a; g; ii; rial costs. McCain warned attendees at Maple Leaf's - i at??? g 9% annual meeting that food inflation is a significant Elsi E: g: jig? global challenge. using the example of corn and wheat tm-wm immmm mumm a . Qty} i" prices rising by 95 and 102 per cent respectively over i a s 31.3%? 'IT 0% guscpgsngwy 3123' m 0% SWSFEgD‘zZEl‘LNgï¬V s1mï¬' WITH 0% Sosa; [am/Em gÃ©ï¬ ugéggggg melmyggljed Column that appeared in numerous w H msrmntm. M otanAtoNsrets Barnum; f a? E Eielg rural media outlets recently. Ontario Federation of omits; Amman gasszosctwtu $535}: mammal» mum MSW if“? Winston mfgwm Egï¬zggirlgi Agriculture president Bette lean Crews wrote that Y "WW5 ‘ “mm“ "MONTHS E E a g _E g; I? higher input costs are partially to'blame for rising food No DOWN PAYMENT No DOWN PAYMENT No DOWN PAYMENT ridge. 5 costs. mailman“ :6 per cent «new m mm: “35553‘3‘353 t ggxnces'last Decembejr accompanied by a Similar :1 i gig? e anon in ertilizeran seed. . '8< ‘3 a ‘ Crews also argues that in order to be sustainable 20" VERACRUZ SPACIOUS,UPSCALEINTERIORWITHTHIRO now 3 333 i 535; ’ ‘ . â€" â€m FOLD-FIAT SEANNG-SSTANDW AIRBAGS j 3': e‘_ the entire food supply chain must be able to recover "ITS A SEVEN-SEATER, MID-SIZE «we: -3fl.V6ENGmE-8â€"SPEED AUTOMATIC TMNSMtsStON {3i gig? i- costs and earn a proï¬t by adjusting prices to reflect SUV W|TH SERIOUS CARGO AND 750mm oBLUEl’OOTH' HANOSFREEPHONESYSTEM 33, ,éi S_ rising inputs. This is of course the principle which PEOPLE-CARRYING CAPACITY.†.Avmm _ g. .3 .. , as)? _ E ; governs the supply management system for the Joimmwfl. _ y . z. .; _ i g: §V 5: national dairy poultry industries. Applying this prac- . ' ' . i ii; Egg“ rice to all components of the food chain would have . .. , ' . ., 5 z» “I ~ - 8 tag r limited beneï¬ts for consumers in terms of prices . “ \‘LQ “w“ 0% mm .. “35:3: 33 E Anyone following the recent federal election as; J .. . __. .3 ,3? PAYMENT . arigï¬g 3% debate would have noticed the issue of marketing Q ’Q' *' â€" . ““531" mm 1%: s .3 g boards did not appear on any agenda. Changing the - 2 ' “" h“‘ I ‘ "Mm ' C 5 ’j ~. giggg E: if system would probably result in political extinction ‘ . wwnasmgmvm ,xi. 3 V “Egg? ’ a: across rural Canada for any party considering such a l: \ , . ' .~ ‘ ’ Q 32 ii 'Elsg proposal. .. .. t. r \ ‘ :1 3 Perhaps surpnsmgly. the one source for posttrve (’ - Egiéigl is: . news appears to be the Grain Farmers of Ontario 1 5T i 3;; g (CFO). whose members produce corn. soybeans and ‘ 3!; as! ï¬g wheat â€" the commodities McCain claims are placing "I g ‘ S Ma le Leaf under heavy pressure. Don Kenn . chair of ‘ Rift :3 “a at theFCFO recently stated that prices are goodynews for ’ “Eiéigégé farmers who have been experiencing years of low ( i A 5‘ g . gs?“ returns across the last decade. They can build some m i, 1 HY U n D F†altlï¬'giiï¬ equity to assist against the inevitable future swing in - _ the opposite direction. a a a - '4 igl EEEFE For now. conditions are so good for some farmers 5 - t l “N Egg! they just might think they have won a lottery. But they Vim your load on. Hyundai Doubt 1 ggizéghi‘ never vacation in the summer. mm mm m a “Eliiiji An Sinclair'u via-presidentofthe u Atom. an m Davenport no um [.96. 3‘. N 3 P â€" l g: Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber ofCommerce Kitchener. 5|. 712 um wmonoo, 51. â€2625 CM. 5‘l‘0â€"m ixiiï¬ a A m Mumhvundu co m mow-mwmm cl M‘WWWM L