WW7 ' wnmwocummcu-Wednnd-y.myu.2on-I7 w Hometown r 5- . so maroon: on o "M 7 FREE CPI POLISH thSt on e scone r . . WVWPW'WWW , 57"}; , - , x ‘ 1 font ,0 I 5036mm“! ver the haster week- Desmte the long hours. I .. 1%,3‘ LL 1 _ â€a r T i 7,37“ ,1 “in; end I was pleased to ‘\ l l l I f I l i felt eneryud and was excit- ‘ “'08“. ‘.~: 5"» â€5 L " ‘k":"-«LL“‘ "'77 "4| â€â€™2 " "'3 i'" 3‘57 fpflï¬"; receive an unexpect- , ed to be learning so much l l ï¬g] :3 it 1 . \ 7‘ x,\ l 1 k" ‘ â€is: ed visit from chef Robert S “H‘ll \ every daynlankSLChefROb. H...*m l ,1 l l ‘ I, \ ./ ‘\ l h" ‘ Hudyma. lie happened to fortakingachaaciionme. l mg 9051,“ g 3%.: . .:, “M be in Waterloo and made a Here's oneo recipes. 7 . point “stopping in to say . "AW 519.883.1268 ~ www.rubynails.ca hello and see the shop. ‘ \ WWW 12:. M,_~m,ï¬_____,_mm____. ~___7 V" 7 ,,, ,1 Rob and his wife Colleen , " .. WEI-cherry . s,'~â€"_â€" *‘ctâ€"Lâ€"’W‘a * ,,._,_,_____:_ ' " r ‘71 " are the owners of Catered ‘7‘: , WW Eg‘itég‘vm; w??? ‘ ‘ if??? r I W Affare Fine Foods in Toron7 L, 7. ‘L _ A '- a??? 3 ' L 'H‘ 7 ' . " . to. '57: ' ‘ II: II I 1;; : , ‘ ‘ ‘ - x; They gave me my ï¬rst job 5:4,} “ a 6Cupsall purposeflour ‘ 3:5: 7 }._ . . .117. . .77.; (aside from waitressing) in L 7‘. ’ Stablespoonsbaking I ‘15:, ‘ ,1 .. 7 . ;.é;§ the food industry. powder 7;. “3’ .7 ~ 4:5,} . y . 7 . 3:121:22; a. ‘ , 7 31.35 I had recently graduated DANA 1’2 cupdrledblueberries ‘l 2“: “l g:‘f5§;~; 7%: '31:»;- . , ~v 7 Eigél .. ‘ .9"? from me University of SHOW [/2 cupdriedhcmnpébsrries. §.1 3 a. {£523 â€(ï¬r .7 f 7 .. . 3;); ' "if: Guelph and was seriously , (â€MC 0]) flaw 3Ҡ. ,,_ ' a contemplating Chef SChOOlA function â€" over and over “2 cup 00°de Wild rice aa.‘ / - :‘\Q 3: Accordingly. 1 W35 eager again throughout your Ztablespoons _ he. ‘51:: "' 1’ ‘2’}: " r. ‘0 ï¬nd out what life was like career.†He was right. I had chopped chives if? _;.;â€'\;“ I: , ‘ : gawk I. in an industrial kitchen and heard great things about 53“ and pepper ‘0 '1 \. ; " 7 1 L w 2: so I met with as many chefs Catered Affare and arrived taste ll «7 ‘L‘ y: -' a :7 it :3 ‘ ' 7:: and f00d professionals as unannounced one Novem- “PM†0‘35 percent ‘ s. ‘. ,1'5 ‘ L; f 7 possible in order ‘0 gain ber afternoon, resume in cream "3556 2;; \\ I/n/tii «- 1W , ‘3‘" :1 some insight hand. After a brief chat. I tablespoons) 5g: ; {I a???" 3‘“: {.535 :1"? . ’ ., -_; 1’ ~RWL I7 is; Everyone 1 Spoke to told was offered the job â€"â€" and mmfe-asnefï¬ed at; f .~.;», I 92‘ p329,» ' a me to work in a commercial anapronâ€"on the spot. superfine fruit sugar, as 31,173 37.21. .1, 7‘11, 351‘; 7‘ . isiï¬â€™iT-g 4:; 1; kitchen ï¬rst, before I com- My ï¬mingwas perfect. as needed . £35,; :5 N 7 ~ . . j; . 2:314 " _ , ‘ 5‘1 _ e k 31% mitted to ChefSChOOl. November and December You can ï¬nd mm at AW 37.; ‘ 54:4 3‘7}? ‘31? r Vâ€" -7 éï¬fï¬l " l ffï¬Ã©â€˜affi‘ Vv '1: 73k; 737% . 1.532% I remember one chef are by far the busiest NutsrBakmg'Store on Regl- EL, 74. :5 , . " ,5 , ; '1; {7t ‘ 19%; telling me that “baking a months for most caterers. na St.. or, blitz granulated '71"9_3}‘V-‘5£';;V 1:315:74 7 ‘1.- »33; ; : 7‘11}; â€(:7 . 7,; 7! ,. Pa“ °' "â€Â° °fb'°‘â€"‘°5 0“ and no matter how many “8.3â€â€œ “ f°°d 9mm" a: â€if ‘ , 5.9.. r . i .1 L. . T. 13L: 7 .‘Lï¬â€˜ ,1 L the weekénd is 3 WW differ- people you hire, there are unnl ï¬ne. l ?:§§§"hui suc;**W‘ï¬Â§Â§W a?» ‘ em experience than baking never enough hands on l 31.45 ~. :‘wtz‘vrr .. 7» 3H,... »~ m 1373;» . a“, as by,» wry 20 or 30 trays for a large deck. Condnuedonpogels f 373 BRIDGE ST. W. WATERLOO 5198859494 i , . “was... .-._...r. A _â€"__ . __ï¬i ,. ,1; «T: ..L. : :$$5$$$$$$ ,. - ‘ :5 '371‘34j'LtL. iLQiL 01.5%" '7 5 s». '7 7, L13. .3 L , , 7. a). 1 .7 .~.-‘ â€in: 75:9 L - ~, ,k'fj‘R 7 ‘ . . : 7,4» . A, On June 15th regional council will vote on its $818 MILLION light rail transit plan. 4 y l l . . . . . L 0 Building the LRT wrll raise your regional taxes by 10.5 percent over seven years. ; l 0 An average household valued at $254,000 wrll pay $700 In NEW LRT TAXES over I those seven years. If your home IS worth more, YOU WILL PAY MORE! 0 The LRT TAX does not Include potential cost-overruns, future operating subsrdy shortfalls or tax increases to cover other necessary regional servrces. If the LRT TAX concerns you, contact your mayor or regional councillor and tell them to: STOP THE RUNAI/VAY TRAIN. Watch this space next week for more important LRT FACTS or visit Taxpayers for Sensible Transit: www.t4st.com . . ~