ll-WAWCHIONICLE-Wedrmday. amazon x y _ . ‘ Thais Am to W r ‘ 1, “F f y y * P o C K ed 1 9 i . I I e 223 Y 5 How to ï¬nance your small busmess " H1 , , . TUESDAY MAY I0 20†“AM 9PM ONLY Thenumber one question i ended up ï¬nancingapart ofhis MED' M P get asked is about ï¬nanc- I I ‘\ \I( H J R start up costs withthisloan. u PEP EHONI PlZZA , ‘ ing.’ Bl 1 Si \ 188 He still needed more capital, ‘ The majority of small busi- . . . so 1 suggested he apply for the WalklnDnly l|m|t2pct customer ness owners haveachallenge to Canadian Youth Business Foun- \ '_ '_ ~ raise the initial capital to start dation (CYBF) loan. This can . " ‘ their business. The banks con- help ï¬nance entrepreneurs 18 to . y! . sider start ups as high risk. and 34 years of age. The loan can be e 1 . - won't usually ï¬nance them. up to $45,000. and can be used "_ , The options available to the for any type of expense. not just . » entrepreneur are limited, but I for equipment and leaseholds. have seen many of my clients He qualiï¬ed but still needed ' ' successfully raise the money ï¬g gig additional funds. m _ 7", i}. they need through a variety of I suggested he look at incor- ,'3 . Q? Q“ ‘37‘3'5:.'-‘.1§-7_._ . ï¬nancingtechniques W. ROY porating and selling shares He . in V 1 '. One client I helped recently WEBER could incorporate and issue 7 ' ï¬' ‘ '-‘ £1» . was looking for ï¬nancing. andl shares to up to 40 individual , ' ~ a; if > W‘s/w suggested he considertwo govern- shareholders without restriction ' “ -‘ . y = &; ment-funded programs and then look at from the security commission. This is what . †‘ -* raising the balance needed through equity is known as equity ï¬nancing, Equity ï¬nanc- , ï¬nancing. ing is a good way to raise money for your ,» y The ï¬rst program he looked at was the business because it isnot a loan that charges Canadian Small Business Financing pro- you interest, but an investment from those gramflisisbackedbyapvemmentgtm- whopurchasesharesinthecompany. , I.“ antee for 85 per cent of the loan amount, He knew enough people that he could a. a: ‘g and the entrepreneur can apply for up to approach to invest in hisbusiness. and , ‘. it $500,000. The loan is for buying property ended up selling 30 shares at $1,000 a share m. , .. - > _ (not working capital), and can be applied for to raise $30,000. at any major chartered bank or ï¬nancial if you have questions about ï¬nancing. . . in“ WVER‘WTYAVE institutionacrossCanada drop'lnto anyoftlreWaterlooRegionSmall Still] from each plzza sold wrlI help " A] ’J' " The CSBF PM“!!! is we" designed for BusmessCem-O'e-mflme- _. v ' ‘ small businesses and entrepreneurs. Over 60 The Km hum and w,lll‘llUfl Cuuzurumly luunrlnlmn per cent of the total annual loans issued . |4UflUTTAV-'» I A eachymrarefor businesses that haveheen ... i . . . r ' “u. it ~ operating for less than a year. The average Roy Weber is an adviser with the Waterloo “m1mI]WHNLHMMHWHMU loansizeisfor $112,000. . SmallBusinessCentmE-nmilhimat . . . . . My client applied for the program and IquwberOrmtefloaca P'oneer *' “ ' ’ s A Family Pools E SON ALE' l I a . ' flu ’~‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘C “ V , ' L350“ MIL 29 - MAY15 S PERSTORE ‘ ’ ’ f“ . 5; t 7. 3? in"; - , £5 a _ 7 ' .‘ 4» 1:1: HUGE SAVINGS .. i Q “* THROUGHOUT " i a}? f ., . 1 , . . ' 4?i3Â¥,- ï¬â€˜ a . - “xiv“.tfuwws ~ 2-1-3; ï¬g _ i - . THE STORE' a a Jess ‘ g A an, 3 w ; PM; 120 KITCHENER * : ' .. v w , 7 ‘_ W... 1 . "s’-'i~L“â€"~_“~w “: Phil. iOhIA ST N. n . r , cum-cm AND murmur" “of runs m PATIO ‘ POOLS ‘ ' . ' I " a... i h - , . i l .'J,.“i,.‘rfï¬ â€™ y J -\,.... %' t . t . 17 ‘, ‘ t: fï¬g:\ ~ 7 . , x g > ‘ ‘“'~‘~*‘" â€we . f- r I A l f 1 www.proneerfamrlypoolsca POOLS ° PATIOS 0 HOT TUBS 0 CHEMICALS ' ACCESSORIES ' 8! MORE!